Montreal Escorts

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  1. N

    How to get Viagra in MTL?

    How to order Viagra by mail ? Which site ? Hello, I received dozens of emails about ordering Viagra, Cialis by email. Sites from simple RX, aaameds, aaaRx, etc... Which site is the most reliable, the best in delivery and pricing ? Anybody who has experience in this mail ordering...
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    How do you handle this ? Guilt or cruelty ?

    I recently had this experience, but I don't know how to handle this. May be some of the more experienced persons can help me out. I was driving long distance and was tired. I made an appointment with this well-known lady and she showed up on time. We went through the motions, and after...
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    Liberal leader winner

    Extremely heavy accent ? No bias ? Hello, I thought Dion would not and could not win the election since his English is probably the most heavily accented any Prime Minister has ever had. Trudeau and Chretien accents were very light, but, boy, this guy does not even speak English...
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    Liberal leader winner

    Everybody hears this !!!! Now everybody listens to me, since I think I am right on this time: My heart wants Rae or Dion to win, since they are the best, but my haed thinks Ignatieff is going to win due to his qualifications and charisma that delegates like. Let's see if it is going to be...
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    Vote here for MERB of the year.

    Hello, As 2006 draws to a close, I think it is appropriate now to vote for MERB of the year. This means everthing on MERB: 1. Agency of the year 2. SP of the year 3. Thread of the year 4. Review of the year 5. Massage of the year 6. Operator of the year 7. Last but...
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    When will Montreal be ready for the Liberal convention in December ?

    Who is going to be at the convention ? Hello, Who is going to be at the convention this week-end ? Must be one of the busiest weekend in Montreal in a long time, with delegates all over the country!!!!
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    Gift ideas for Christmas ?

    Hello everybody, I was in the malls the other days and Christmas shopping is already in full swing. What are your gift ideas for this season ? I need to buy gifts for everybody and don't have much ideas. Here are my criteria: 1. Price less than 50 to $70 max. 2. Can easily...
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    Best theater in Montreal to watch Casino Royale ?

    Hello evrybody, With Casino Royale coming out soon, which theater is best to watch Casino Royale ? Criteria are: 1. 3-D pictures 2. Piping in sound levels 3. New theater 4. Good location in downtown 5. Good prices Any PL bidding for this ?
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    Best kept restaurants secret in downtown Montreal ?

    Complex Desjardins food ? Hello everybody, I did not see any mentioning of the food at Complex Desjardins. This is a mistake. I had very very food at the food court. Food is good at reasonable price. Is this a mistake ? Good location too.
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    Best kept restaurants secret in downtown Montreal ?

    Le Maison Kam Fung ? Hello everybody, Since I had recommendations from many people, I tried Le Maison Kam Fung on St. Urbain. What a disappointment!!! Paid $10 and still hungry. Food is not so good. Service is so so. Whoever recommended this restaurant owes me an special...
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    Which website is best for tracking your ancestries ?

    Hello everybody, There are at least a dozen websites to track your roots. I don't have time to do the comparisons, so if there are experts out there who know which website is best to track your ancestries, please post here. Criteria are the followings: 1. Genealogy is complete, for...
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    A dog or not a dog, that is the question ? Truth or myth ?

    My friend is in deep trouble in the House of Commons. Is it truth or myth ? Is there any scientific evidence ? Post here all your intimate experiences.
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    What type of house is best ? Brick walls or wood ?

    Hello everybody, I am thinking about buying a house in Quebec. I saw 2 types of houses, brick walls houses and wood houses. What types are best ? What is the smart deal ? I am thinking about a wood house since I want to convert it into a log cabin type of house, which is much...
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    When will Montreal be ready for the Liberal convention in December ?

    Hello, The liberal with thousands and thousands of delegates all over the country is going to be in Montreal in December. When will Montreal be ready for this big event ? I remembered when the Conservatives had their convention in Toronto, all the agencies phone lines are busy...
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    Best kept restaurants secret in downtown Montreal ?

    My fellow Canadians, I was in downtown Montreal the other day and I saw restaurants all over the place. I cannot possible try all of them, so I need to ask fellow Canadians to post here all the best kept restaurants in downtown Montreal. Please limit to downtown Montreal since I don't...
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    REcommendation for restaurants in China town and price range.

    Name of restaurant inside Holiday Inn in China Town ? I was told that the restaurant inside Holiday Inn in China town has very good food. I came in and there were like 5 or 6 chinese restaurants inside Holiday Inn. What is the name of the restaurant that Merbites recommend ?
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    Escorts who look like celebrities ?

    Barbara Streisand ? Hello, There is an escort that was reviewed extensively here that looks a lot like Barbara Streisand, yet nobody mentioned it. Everbody just said, She is beautiful. Who that escort could be ? All you have to say during the review is that she looks a lot like...
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    Trade thread here: red paper clip for a house ? What is next ? Guess here!

    Canadians all over the world, Are you all proud of our countryman who traded a red paperclip up for a house. Now, I start this thread for us to trade our stuffs up. Since I started this thread, here are my stuffs: 1. My car 2. My house 3. My wife 4. My kids 5. My job...
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    HDH Agencies in decline ?

    Hello everybody, Did everybody notice during the last 6 to 12 months, all the HDH agencies are in steep decline ? Lower quality SPs, poor service, no reviews etc... Is this the demise of these agencies in Montreal ? A lot fewer HDH in those agencies now.
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    Huge influx of new agencies ? Recession in Montreal ?

    Montrealconfidentialescortsdotcom ? Hello everybody, Anybody tried the above agency yet ? The picture are simply too good to be true. I bet it is a B&S operation.
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