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  1. funnyricky

    C’est bientôt l’heure des adieux cher Merbites

    Bonne chance dans tes nouveaux projets Yzabel! Ce fût un réel plaisir de te rencontrer
  2. funnyricky

    Threesome with another guy

    world wrestling association? lollll
  3. funnyricky

    Montreal casinos?

    playground poker is open...
  4. funnyricky

    If you could marry any SP, who would it be?

    I am gonna tell Elie about this lolllll
  5. funnyricky

    SPs in yoga pants / workout outfits

    I agree,and they are not all looking good in this kind of pants...thats for sure
  6. funnyricky

    Wide Hips Small Waist The Standard?

    too much spinner is not better! lolllll
  7. funnyricky

    What is your favorite comfort food?

    Soupe tonkinoise
  8. funnyricky

    DFK refused?

    You should talk to her about your last visit with her! it would be good for both of you!If its something she didn't like,she should tell you!
  9. funnyricky

    Best music to fuck to

  10. funnyricky

    Would you try a tag team on a SP?

    Me and a dildo should be perfect! :p ;)
  11. funnyricky

    MERB is a serious place...

    Like i said,with time,Merb became more an advertising site than a forum site! We dont have the liberty of saying all the truth!
  12. funnyricky

    MERB is a serious place...

    Merb is more like advertising site,then a forum!Its a forum when youre on the good side of the MP or SP,but if you write a so so review ,cause you got a so so service,about a ''well known SP or MP'',well good luck!
  13. funnyricky

    What threesomes you always wanted to try? W/ which girls specifically?

    Wowww too bad,i dont think so any girl here in quebec would offer this kind of service! One on one yessss there are couple of them...but three girls together....hummmm
  14. funnyricky

    Who makes a better escort?

    Depend which stripper club you go!
  15. funnyricky

    Who makes a better escort?

    No Fradi,sorry,was talking about stripper and Sp service from Mocha! I dont think so she ever work in MP....well maybe she did but i dont know
  16. funnyricky

    Who makes a better escort?

    Fradi,Mocha is apart! She does both jobs since long time! But in my experience in stripclub and MP,i would say that MP would offer a better service in term of GFE! A lot of girl work in stripclub for the trill,excitement,the party,the music and fast money! SO for a lot of them,not sure the...
  17. funnyricky


    Moi je suis pas gêné du tout! Si la fille est capable de mentir sur son âge et apparence...bin tant pis pour elle,mais je ne payerai pas pour rien ça c'est sûr!
  18. funnyricky


    Ce que je veux dire c'est que si tu arrives à l'endroit et que la dame t'a mentit sur son âge ou sa description,c'est toi qui décide la suite des choses! Je ne resterai pas sur place juste parce que j'ai envie d'une ptite vite!Et je garocherai pas mon argent non plus juste parce que je suis à sa...
  19. funnyricky

    Perfect Breast

    +1 for those!
  20. funnyricky


    On a toujours le choix! Et il n'y a pas juste les asiatiques qui sont bonnes à ce jeu!
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