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MERB is a serious place...


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
I joined this board about 1 year ago, after looking for a place to complain about a scam. Then I saw that I could also share my average and good experiences and I happily joined the party.

About 30 reviews later and...

- I got banned of at least 4 places because of those reviews
- I receive love text messages like this one:

- Somehow my profile has more views than the average SP

Anyone else is getting those honors?
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
How do they know your merb name? And connect it to the number?
Or. Is it because of your bad review about alyssa rose where she can easily connect the dots?
And are you making this out to be more than just that one sp writing to you?
But yes it happens.
if i clearly don’t want to see an indy that i disliked then I would go into detail like this. Who cares if she connects the dots
With agency. I would wait a few weeks to write a negative review. Without personal details that could be linked back to me.
that is my advice
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
im not clear on what is happening to you. i have not read your history of reviews, but posting a negative review, if done in a respectful manner, should not lead you to be banned, unless it is from an unrespectful agency.

but yeah, you should not mix your merb handle with real encounters.

that is why some people don't like the trend of sps asking for merb handles as a reference, very difficult to give a negative review after.

Some providers on this board know who I am, and thankfully they are respectful people, but ultimately, i too should of guarded my 'identity' better
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017

I know exactly what you are talking about. That's why I stopped giving any bad reviews on any girls now. If I give a review, I write here only the positive things that happened in that encounter :D .

If you give a bad/honest review here, there is Twitter where you might get lot of backslash from SPs. You might also get lot of backslash from other merb members who might disagree with you.

In a way I understand, the agency/independent/parlor wants those clients who are always happy with the service they are receiving. If a client is complaining or giving bad reviews they would not like that client much and if business is not that bad,they might want to avoid them .


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Normally I negative review should be seen has a way for the girl/agency/parlor... to improve/fix their service... not a way to backslash on the customer
This is a naive thread making naive assumptions. As was recently posted in the BBFS thread, negative reviews are often done as a means to extort agencies or girls, whether it's retaliation for not providing BBFS service, or to get a monetary discount on proper service. I am not saying that either is the case with the OP, but everyone acts like these things never, ever happen, when there is overwhelming evidence in MERB history of the exact opposite. Many negative reviews are legit, but quite a few are not. This also may have nothing to do with his negative review posting history, and everything to do with poor handle security and/or interactions not being discussed here. I do not know why the Mods banned him, but the reasons for that are usually posted in the Banned poster thread. So there is no need to speculate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
This is a naive thread making naive assumptions.
Well those "assumptions" are not:

Agency: We will give you a discount if you remove your review.
Me: No
Agency: Well stop texting us.

I step in the massage parlor: Ah its you... sorry, girls don't want to be reviewed so they don't want to take you as client.

Indy: Sorry, I don't want to risk what happened in the past. (It was a bad review)

Ban4: The agency stopped replying. Ok in this case it is an assumption, but it was weird considering that prior to that they told me that I was in their good client list.

Anyway, I am not complaining about it, I am clear with at least 2 of the bans above and I could bring a much bigger list of cases where I was treated like a king... because of my MERB account :p

negative reviews are often done as a means to extort agencies or girls
So my answer to this is: No, it is providers that extort us... for the good as much as for the bad reviews.

But again, I am not complaining and even enjoy it, lol, I am just sharing my experience, maybe others have a similar one.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Banning for bad reviews is quite the extreme punishment.
like eagerbeaver. I think their may be other reasons you are not sharing.
if it smells like poop and looks like poop. Then it’s manure.
sorry op. I don’t buy the reasons you were banned were only bad reviews


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well those "assumptions" are not:

Agency: We will give you a discount if you remove your review.
Me: No
Agency: Well stop texting us.

I step in the massage parlor: Ah its you... sorry, girls don't want to be reviewed so they don't want to take you as client.

Indy: Sorry, I don't want to risk what happened in the past. (It was a bad review)

Ban4: The agency stopped replying. Ok in this case it is an assumption, but it was weird considering that prior to that they told me that I was in their good client list.
Your initial post and thread title suggested you were talking about MERB bans and not agency bans, although I may have misread your initial post. That's why I used the word "assumption." The title of your thread is "MERB is so serious". What does MERB have to do with any of these bans? Are you just referring to your MERB handle? I have no idea why you are using it to identify yourself if you are posting negative reviews. You have the choice of staying anonymous.

I also think that even if they know your handle is associated with negative reviews, that a ban is an extreme and unusual punishment. If there is a pattern of bans it leads me to wonder what else is going on that you aren't telling us. Nobody has ever banned me from any agency and a lot of people know who I am, although I do not go around broadcasting my handle with agencies b/c. They could ban me whether they know my handle or not and since 2002 never happened so I can only wonder why you are racking up agency bans. And for most of that time I was on a first name basis with many agency owners.

Lastly you are assuming that the reasons you are being given for your bans are correct. Maybe they just don't like you or the girls don't like you. It's convenient to put it on bad reviews but maybe that doesn't tell you the whole story. I hate to tell you this but you are racking up bans at a rate like Robertpal once did, and you do not want that kind of a rep in Montreal, whether it's deserved or not. Word travels in the industry and it's up to you to change the word.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
what does MERB have to do with any of these bans?
What I meant is that MERB reviews are taken much more seriously (by many agency / indy / MP)... then I personally would have expected initially.

Personally I don't mind not being anonymous... I am fine with the
What does MERB have to do with any of these bans?

Lastly you are assuming that the reasons you are being given for your bans are correct. Maybe they just don't like you or the girls don't like you.
What I want to say is that MERB reviews are taken very seriously. Maybe too seriously, but it is just a plus for us reviewer at the end (who doesn't like to be taken seriously). That they can lead to a ban is one example, as unbelievable as it may seem... hopefully someone else than me will share a similar story :p


Active Member
Oct 13, 2019
OP I seriously dont get what you are expecting or trying to get with this thread

Look like we are only reading your side of the stories.
Pretty sure there is more than bad reviews behind you being banned by agencies and/or girls.

I know most of the agencies owners....and in this time when there is more offers (SP) then demands (clients)..... for them to ban you it must be serious.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2003
This is a naive thread making naive assumptions. As was recently posted in the BBFS thread, negative reviews are often done as a means to extort agencies or girls, whether it's retaliation for not providing BBFS service, or to get a monetary discount on proper service. I am not saying that either is the case with the OP, but everyone acts like these things never, ever happen, when there is overwhelming evidence in MERB history of the exact opposite. Many negative reviews are legit, but quite a few are not. This also may have nothing to do with his negative review posting history, and everything to do with poor handle security and/or interactions not being discussed here. I do not know why the Mods banned him, but the reasons for that are usually posted in the Banned poster thread. So there is no need to speculate.
I totally agree that a negative review written to extort agencies or girls should not be allowed or accepted. Neither a review that directly attacks the girls based on services expectations vs offered services.
I was talking more about a review that comments massage technique or quality... cleanliness of the place for incall... oil quality, etc. I see them has legit since the owner/agency/girl can improve or not the situation.
But I agree some gents here should be more respectful not only written reviews... but also towards agencies girls....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I was talking more about a review that comments massage technique or quality... cleanliness of the place for incall... oil quality, etc. I see them has legit since the owner/agency/girl can improve or not the situation.
But I agree some gents here should be more respectful not only written reviews... but also towards agencies girls....
These are certainly legitimate inclusions in any review whether it's good or bad. I was more referring to some of the negative reviews posted by BBFS practitioners, which were referenced in the BBFS thread as the reason for several agencies/indies complaining about that practice, and the somewhat fertile history on MERB for negative reviews being posted in order to extract or extort discounts and freebies out of agencies. There was also a somewhat well known and prolific MERB reviewer in the 2005-2008 time frame who admitted to posting effusive positive reviews on certain agency's girls because those agencies allowed him to see the girls at a discounted price in exchange for the reviews. His argument was that they never asked him to write positive reviews, just to write reviews, in exchange for the discount. Although I totally reject that argument, because I think there is an unspoken quid pro quo that this arrangement would not continue if the positive reviews didn't keep flowing, I didn't bash him on the board, nor did I even argue the point with the guy privately. I happened to really like the guy on a personal level, and thought him to be very funny (without trying to be), but I personally don't think it's totally above board because he never disclosed that arrangement in his many reviews.

You guys need to open your eyes to these kinds of realities of the boards in terms of both negative and positive reviews. There isn't arrangements on all of them, but there are backstories on many of them, so just read them with an open and critical mind.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I know most of the agencies owners....and in this time when there is more offers (SP) then demands (clients)..... for them to ban you it must be serious.

I think, it's actually pretty easy to get banned by independents/agencies/parlors despite what some of you might think. You just have to think from their point of view. Let's say, a particular reviewer complains/gives bad/poor review in many of his reviews. Now, next think how many merb members are seeing that and making their booking decision based on that. I can speak for myself at least. I have not seen many TDL girls after seeing bad reviews here. So, that reviewer who gave bad review have to bring enough revenue for the independents/agencies/parlors to compensate for those loses. I am sure, whoever banned OP must have calculated revenue vs loss before making the decision.

What I want to say is that MERB reviews are taken very seriously. Maybe too seriously, but it is just a plus for us reviewer at the end (who doesn't like to be taken seriously). That they can lead to a ban is one example, as unbelievable as it may seem... hopefully someone else than me will share a similar story :p

Yes, reviews are always taken very seriously by independents/agencies/parlors. So, what I learned, we have to be very careful. For example - If we are criticizing about how a girl look facially, we have to think before, there is probably nothing much that girl can do to improve since she is born with that type of look which some of us might not like. I have read some of your reviews @Christian32 in the past and still remember them. For exp - in one review you mentioned one girl has average/not so great body. Well, to that girl, it might seem like you are body shaming her.

I would suggest, as a general rule, when providing reviews focus on positive things that you actually liked in your encounter. Do not complain about certain YMMV services like DFK/CIM was not available. If those services are very important to some merb members here then they can always reach out to you through PM and ask for those details.

Now, if you did not enjoy your encounter with the girl for whatever reason feel free to inform that to the agency/parlor/independent through PM/Text. Rest assured, if this is something that can be improved agency/parlor/independent will sure try. I myself provided feedback many times and I know for that, I have never got banned and sometimes, I noticed they took actions based on my feedback.

So, what I see from now on, you have 2 paths- you can continue to provide reviews the way you did in the past. If you do so, there is possibility you might get banned by more agencies/parlors/independents and since they work as a network, I predict this might be very fast. And another path is obviously changing your review style.

Before making any decision on your path, please remember that you can not possibly win against these dependents/agencies/parlors. At the end of day, their loss is only one client vs your loss is probably many girls in Montreal. I know, many before you, tried to solve this issue as well and even opened their own review boards which they shared with similar minded individuals. But, those review boards, did not last long.

I totally agree that a negative review written to extort agencies or girls should not be allowed or accepted. Neither a review that directly attacks the girls based on services expectations vs offered services.

I believe this does not happen here in merb at least now. If there is reason to believe a negative review is written because of that, moderators here quickly remove them after receiving reports from independents/agencies/parlors.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I beleive something that has changed in the last few years is that providers in general are much more present on this board than in years past. I beleive that a lot of negative reviews never found their way back to the actual provider like it does today. The girls were somewhat shielded from it. Now you even have providers giving likes to their own reviews. But negative reviews can be hurtful and the agencies are trying to protect their girls form critical clients, even if sometimes the critisism is credible.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2008
Merb is more like advertising site,then a forum!Its a forum when youre on the good side of the MP or SP,but if you write a so so review ,cause you got a so so service,about a ''well known SP or MP'',well good luck!
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General TAO

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Not talking about OP specifically but there's plenty of guys who write bad reviews and say they'll never repeat but then complain about getting blacklisted by that same SP.

Serious question: why would they even try to repeat if their bad review was genuine?

I remember one who posted a horrible review of a very popular SP a couple of months ago. It was full of fabrications intended to hurt her business and he concluded by saying he would never repeat. Same guy subsequently deleted his account and signed up for a new handle he used to troll the SP's thread until he got banned from merb. Ironically he got very upset when he tried to book her and found out she blacklisted him. Apparently he keeps harassing her and sending her nasty messages to this day. WTF?!

By the way, that story all started with the guy telling the SP "make sure you check your reviews in the coming days" with a smirk on his face...

Its important to be mindful that SPs have to deal with clowns like that all the time.

So yeah if the girl barely knows you and you start telling her "yo my merb name is XXX im the most prolific reviewer on there you should totally go check my profile im so gonna write a review about you in the coming days hahaha" she will likely be creeped out...

Batista Mason

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2011
I beleive something that has changed in the last few years is that providers in general are much more present on this board than in years past. I beleive that a lot of negative reviews never found their way back to the actual provider like it does today. The girls were somewhat shielded from it. Now you even have providers giving likes to their own reviews. But negative reviews can be hurtful and the agencies are trying to protect their girls form critical clients, even if sometimes the critisism is credible.
I noticed the same thing. I would say I also noticed the SPs I have seen since the pandemic started, they been talking negatively about MERB members and some of them saying they changed agency to avoid some members here. Mostly saying they are disrespectful and they get upset when the expectation is not the same as the reviews.

I also seen some SPs tweet negatively from reading their reviews here. I remember one example was Peyton of Euphoria when some people said she had a big nose and that made her ugly or that she a butterface and her body was just worth it for banging.
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