Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

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  1. O

    Poll for the Married Hobbyists (or those with long-term relationships)

    I'm curious: how do you justify reading an escort review board if it's not to... meet escorts? Or at least fantasize about meeting escorts, which many women would consider just as bad?
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    homme poignardé

    Le lien que tu donnes parle de Villa-Maria, ce n'est pas le même quartier.
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    Canadian teen held by 'bizarre' Cuban law

    If you can't find a better deal on the accomodation in Cuba, you should probably not think of driving there!
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    How late does everything run during F1?

    How late? 2 hours, that's how late, and I was just the second appointment. It didn't get better for the next guy as she overstayed 15 minutes... we were in the middle of "something". (my indirect questionning suggests I didn't get bumped, but it was really traffic hell back and forth)
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    Does the amount of daytime SP's increase during summer?

    ??? He adds, or we should add?
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    Montreal downtown live and/or music venues/bars?

    Depending on your tastes, walk up St-Laurent to Divan Orange or Casa Del Popollo, playing live music pretty much every night with a preference for anything indie (so check in advance what's playing, or simply keep an open mind). Barfly, also on St-Laurent, will play dirty rock all night. Some...
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    Yet another right wing Christian homophobe caught with a gay hooker...

    Too bad they apply the same process to their political positions, only based on what they think is the right thing, disconnected from reality: - let's invade this country because we think they're bad, regardless of evidence of WMD - let's cut funding to non-profits who might practice abortion...
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    That "Quebecois look"

    Yuck! Even with all her millions and photoshopping, she looks ugly! Cold, no sensuality... nothing could be further from the GFE I'm looking for!
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    Anyone had 1st kiss or lose virginity to a SP??

    Gosh, what world are you living in? Where do you find those "normal" girls? In Montreal in 2010?
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    Your best or most memorable bj or bbbj, who, where, how, when & why?

    Bianca who was with DreamMakers in TO at the time. More like an hour of intense face-fuck than bj actually. She came in offering to be my sex slave for the night, and she delivered! It took me a while to recover from the experience...
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    Barack Obama: A Historic President

    And for those who don't, the article compares Obama to Hitler. That should give you an idea of its quality...
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    Booking at Chablis

    They don't ask to SEE the registration... so you could theoretically give any plate number... Just sayin'...
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    Career span of agency girls

    After seeing one more girl from my todo list disappear from the scene before I had a chance to meet her, while some I don't care about have been working night and day for years, I was wondering: has anybody made some stats on how long girls stay in the biz? The distribution between one hit...
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    What is consider downtown? (Agency's special rates)

    I'm pretty sure I've had downtown rates at the Chablis Cadillac, but not from every agency.
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    I can't believe it.

    Based on my recent encounter, not a bad choice.
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    Gt ..........

    Crap, looks like I was too late... too many people, I didn't feel like starting to ask "hey, are you from the escort board?" I'll have to get my buddies drunk faster next time.
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    Quiznos and Taco Bell not so popular in Montreal.

    Processing the food to better hide the real taste and texture, so you can serve the bland meat of factory grown antibiotics pumped poultry... If all you can taste is the seasoning, you could at least replace it with tofu and cut the environmental impact! Anybody tried the portugese roasted...
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    People who don't post reviews

    I don't think a short but factual review will be seen as clutter. A simple "saw her recently, service still stellar as described in previous posts" with possibly a small observation specific to your encounter, for instance "I was surprised she arrived right on time even though it was late in her...
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    Italian mafia owns 80% of mtl construction contracts!

    Welcome broad generalization! The number of people actually profiting from the situation is fairly small. I don't know the reaction among Italo-Montrealers, but all quebecois montrealers I've been talking to are outraged. Having a mafia running the underground is one thing, having a mafia...
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    Do you post reviews?

    As this board is useful to me, helping keeping up to date with the biz and avoiding bad experiences, I'm trying to review as much as I can. My reviews are not necessarily long and storylike, but I try to keep them both informative and representative of how I felt. There's a certain pleasure...
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