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What is consider downtown? (Agency's special rates)


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
I've been wondering for a while now what is considered "downtown" geographically speaking? :confused: I know many agency have special rates for downtown and since I intend to move soon, I would really appreciate some tips so I could relocate wisely and take advantage of all those special rates. :D

Which metro station do you consider inside that "special" area on the green line? the orange line?

Any nice agency owner would be kind enough to help define that? Please? :)


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
I've been wondering for a while now what is considered "downtown" geographically speaking? :confused: I know many agency have special rates for downtown and since I intend to move soon, I would really appreciate some tips so I could relocate wisely and take advantage of all those special rates. :D

Which metro station do you consider inside that "special" area on the green line? the orange line?

Any nice agency owner would be kind enough to help define that? Please? :)

atwater to st. denis, notre dame to mont royal.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
atwater to st. denis, notre dame to mont royal.
and well beyond. As posted, the Chablis Cadillac is beyond Parc Maissoneuve. The Chablis St. Jacques is far beyond Atwater. The Ideal on La Jeunesse is way, way beyond Mont-Royal, and there's a lot of territory between Notre Dame and the river, all of which is in the service area.

Yes, a lot of this territory is beyond what one would consider "downtown," but all of it is served by agencies who consider it within the "downtown" working area.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
atwater to st. denis, notre dame to mont royal.

That is indeed a seemingly very restrictive interpretation of what constitutes the downtown core, as defined by the outcall escort agencies. As I recall, I at one time stayed at a private apartment in the Plateau which was far east of St. Denis and while I was there I was serviced by 3 or 4 of the major outcall agencies at their normal downtown rates.

From the tourist perspective, it might be an appropriate definition of what constitutes the downtown core. But not for purposes of outcall service. Any driver worth his salt should be able to handle a run into any part of the Plateau at no extra charge. And Westmount!
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Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
I've been wondering for a while now what is considered "downtown" geographically speaking? :confused: I know many agency have special rates for downtown and since I intend to move soon, I would really appreciate some tips so I could relocate wisely and take advantage of all those special rates.

Is it worth spending 200$ extra per month on a lease or renting a 3 1/2 downtown when for the same price you could have a big 4 1/2 somewhere else just to save 20$ when you call an agency? How many girls do you see per month! :)


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
That is indeed a seemingly very restrictive interpretation of what constitutes the downtown core, as defined by the outcall escort agencies. As I recall, I at one time stayed at a private apartment in the Plateau which was far east of St. Denis and while I was there I was serviced by 3 or 4 of the major outcall agencies at their normal downtown rates.

From the tourist perspective, it might be an appropriate definition of what constitutes the downtown core. But not for purposes of outcall service. Any driver worth his salt should be able to handle a run into any part of the Plateau at no extra charge. And Westmount!

Yeah, well.

Here is a map:

Ville Marie is what is generally considered to be downtown. If agencies consider 5800 Sherbrooke east to be downtown then they should also cover 5800 Sherbrooke west, which they appear to do. So let's agree that the two Chablis motels account for east and west. So, how far south & north?


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
Is it worth spending 200$ extra per month on a lease or renting a 3 1/2 downtown when for the same price you could have a big 4 1/2 somewhere else just to save 20$ when you call an agency? How many girls do you see per month! :)

Probably just once a week, but if you consider the added benefits of being much closer to work and the fact that you don't need a car anymore, it might be worth it for me. :)

Thanks everyone, merci! :eek:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Yeah, well.
Yeah, well, yourself. While his exact question was a bit vague, it's clear his intent was to learn what is considered "downtown" by the agencies. The two Chablis do probably mark East and West. The river certainly is south. I've heard that agencies deliver to the Ideal, which is about as far north as you can go and still be on the island.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
Probably just once a week, but if you consider the added benefits of being much closer to work and the fact that you don't need a car anymore, it might be worth it for me. :)

Thanks everyone, merci! :eek:

Salut, je trouvais ca bizarre aussi un gars qui voulait déménager seulement pour économiser sur le prix des filles lol. Mais tu sembles avoir d'autres raisons valables.
Un petit conseil que je voulais te donner aussi, quand tu appelles une agence, la 1re question qu'ils demandent ces ou tu restes(domicile ou hotel) . Eux vont ensuite faire la promo pour la fille qui est la plus proche de ton secteur.
Par exemple, si tu leur dis etre au centre-ville et moi je serais au Nord de la ville, genre St-Léonard. Si tu appelles le premier et y a une fille ordinaire de dispo pres du centre-ville et une pitoune au Lido (Métropolitain et Viau), ils vont t'offrir la fille plus ordinaire (sans te le dire bien sur) parce que ca fait moins de voyagement et moi quand je vais appeler j'aurai la pitoune parce qu'elle est dans mon secteur a ce monent-la!
Ces pourquoi quand j'appelle, je dis jamais dans quel secteur je suis, je lui demande ces quelles sa top notch de la soirée et apres je lui demande ou ca ferait plus son affaire que j,aille louer une chambre (Métropolitaine,St-Jacques,etc).
J,avais déja vu une tres belle fille au Chablis sur Sherbrooke dans l'est et elle m,avait expliqué qu'elle demandait a son boss de la booker le moins possible au centre-ville, a cause du traffic, le chauffeur la débarque parfois rapidement parce qu'il ne trouve pas de parking,etc.
Elle trouvait ca aussi moins genant de débarquer devant un motel genre le Lido qu'arriver dans un hotel au centre-ville ou il y a du monde dans le lobby et le staff te regarde en sachant bien ce qu'elle s'en vient faire...
En conclusion, si tu déménages au centre-ville fais-le plus pour les autres raisons (travail, transport en commun) que pour profiter d'un rabais sur les filles.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
J,avais déja vu une tres belle fille au Chablis sur Sherbrooke dans l'est et elle m,avait expliqué qu'elle demandait a son boss de la booker le moins possible au centre-ville, a cause du traffic, le chauffeur la débarque parfois rapidement parce qu'il ne trouve pas de parking,etc.
Elle trouvait ca aussi moins genant de débarquer devant un motel genre le Lido qu'arriver dans un hotel au centre-ville ou il y a du monde dans le lobby et le staff te regarde en sachant bien ce qu'elle s'en vient faire...

C'est pour cela que je dis aux filles de s'habiller de façon classy. L'été, dans notre métropole, nous sommes chanceux du % de belles filles sexy, être habillée sexy passe mieux dans les hôtels du centre-ville. L'hiver, le best c'est le manteau long, look luxueux, avoir des gants de belles allures et, surtout, pas de bottes a 20$. C'est le look passe-partout, les portiers ouvrent les portent aux demoiselles. Sont pas fou, mais ils agissent en conséquences.


Pour le Lido, on n'y vas pas ...


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
hi Jessy,

care to enlighten us as what downtown means to your agency? Us johns debating this to eternity does not offer much real info.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
care to enlighten us as what downtown means to your agency? Us johns debating this to eternity does not offer much real info.

Actually, no.

I don't want that to became a subject of manipulation, pressure,
argumentation or anything alike.

I can say Chamblis West or East, aren't downtown area, Old Port Area is.

We have to keep some flexibility in our operations as we are confident the clients
feels well served.

Thanks for your understanding :)
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