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Search results

  1. N

    SP-friendly MOTELS (not hotels) that can accomodate for 3-4 hours

    Actually Ron, how 'bout YOU do a search....and see that there actually is no thread that exists that specifically discusses 3-4 hour motels and their rates. FYI, I did a search for "motel" and "motels", and had a smorgasbord of results, which I sifted through to no avail... Hence, I think my...
  2. N

    SP-friendly MOTELS (not hotels) that can accomodate for 3-4 hours

    Ok, let's make an exztensive list of motels that ppl can book for 3 or 4 hours (or even less) at a time for SP services. I don't know many, but I'll start with: any MOTEL IDEAL: can book 3 or 4 hours minimum depending on the night, starting at $35 for a basic room..
  3. N

    Need recommendations for XXXwebsite that specializes in Adult European xxx movies

    Thx guys, but it seems like the ones you recommended are all american studios...:( There must be one that exists for the European market:confused:
  4. N

    Need recommendations for XXXwebsite that specializes in Adult European xxx movies

    For those lazy nights when i'm too tired to meet an SP, but still wanna get some action!!! LOL.......... I was wondering if there exists a website where members pay a monthly fee and get unlimited access (and downloading) to TONS of European flix both new and old, specifically from the...
  5. N

    Happy birthday to Nicole from Nicole's Boudoir!

    happy birthday, girl!!! Nylonlover;)
  6. N

    long overdue question regarding Amour & Compagnie (incall section)

    I can't believe that the "shut the F ups" made it onto the scoreboard:(
  7. N

    long overdue question regarding Amour & Compagnie (incall section)

    OK, if you check the incall section of merb, the A&C thread is running on 26 pages I think.... and we just started not long ago!! If I wanna find some info on a specific SP at A&C, I have to run through all these pages. Big waste of time. Suggestion to the MODS: Create a whole...
  8. N

    Congratulations White Sox and Fans

    wrong section.
  9. N

    easiest place to get laid

    SP or regular chix? Paid? or unpaid for excitement rendered?
  10. N

    easiest place to get laid

    Personally, Lava Life has gotten me laid with about 5 different REGULAR attractive women (I have actually met about 10 for coffee but not attracted). I haven`t used LL in about 3 years. Too much work, but feels awfully good when u do score. This is of course excluding 2 sp`s, one of which I...
  11. N

    easiest place to get laid

    where is the easiest and most efficient place to get laid?
  12. N

    A waifer chick or a voluptuous chick? What do u prefer?

    Just out of curiosity. I personally like thin waifer type girls that I can "crack in half" so-to-speak :) anywhere from 95 to 105 lbs!!! What are you dudes into?
  13. N

    Motel Ideal

    how many hours do u get for a $40 room?
  14. N

    Laila or Sophia? Who would you pick

    For real.... C'mon Merbites. Why are you trying to dissect this, ? Stop being rocket scientists :D And I didn't call Sophia "a Barbie". She isn't a Barbie. She just reminds me of Barbie. Don't tell me that you guys didn't fantasize about Barbie when you were little boys. :p If...
  15. N

    Laila or Sophia? Who would you pick

    I'm not crazy about blonds either, but Sophia is that rare exception. Is she plain blonde or platinum blonde? She looks like barbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. N

    Laila or Sophia? Who would you pick

    here she comes....... the South Shore and Laila are no longer running away.. late inning come back!!!!!!!
  17. N

    Laila or Sophia? Who would you pick

    Sophia, you are such a babe ;) Face= 10/10 body=10/10 your hair=15/10 :D
  18. N

    Laila or Sophia? Who would you pick

    let me clarify something: Laila does not do porn. Sophia does. Laila is daytime and nightime. Sophia is daytime. FOR COMPANIONSHIP WITH SOPHIA: FOR COMPANIONSHIP WITH LAILA:
  19. N

    Laila or Sophia? Who would you pick

    Laila's presently in the lead by a hair over the South Shore!!!! :p
  20. N

    I get some strange but (maybe) wonderful requests. - I guess??

    :eek: man-o-man...I think I need to visit this girl.....
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