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Laila or Sophia? Who would you pick

LAILA or SOPHIA?? who would you rather be with?

  • Laila

    Votes: 32 42.1%
  • Sophia

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • Neither...too expensive..would rather have a 2 hour foursome on the South Shore!!

    Votes: 25 32.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
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Both of these babes are available if you have the coin to drop!!!!

Laila ( offers a 2 hour session at $600 which includes . She does outcalls at expensive hotels. hence, you must also take into account the $ for the hotel. Also, Laila offers daytime & nightime as well as dinner dates. Laila is not a porn star. Laila loves dressing up upon request.

Sophia ( offers a 2 hour session at $550 with cbj. She does incalls... Only daytime. Sophia is also a porn star. Sophia loves dressing up upon request.

I`m still not quite sure....


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Mar 11, 2005

Imagine doing a duo with these two. :D

I probably would never recover. ;)

After reading the reviews I would go with Sophia...

But thats not taking anything away from Laila..She is HOT... :cool:



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Jan 4, 2004
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Maxima said:
Laila: It may happen that she cancels the date at the last minute...hence you book into an expensive hotel for nothing. The chance of last minute cancellation may be real small...but still it is a risk to consider especially when your booking into an expensive hotel is specifically to meet her.
Sophia: Last minute cancellation from her part does not costs you any $.

Never thought of that. That would pisssss me off if that ever happened. Granted, you can avoid such a situation by ensuring that Laila KNOWS that you are renting a room just for her.

hence, i am almost 100% certain that she would make sure that she arrives! Damn she's hot!. I only wish that she was cooler with average hotels like Ideal. But then again, if her schedule is booked solid with high paying (millionaire) customers, then why would she bother with us little guys!!! LOL :D I wouldn't....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Why should Laila go visit clients staying at hotels that are dumps? I don't stay at hotels that are dumps and why should I expect an SP to feel any differently?

BTW I think Laila is smoking hot, she is more my type than Sophia is.


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Jan 4, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:
Why should Laila go visit clients staying at hotels that are dumps? I don't stay at hotels that are dumps and why should I expect an SP to feel any differently?

Actually, IMHO, I really don't think that Ideal is a dump. The motel next to it certainly is: Motel Metro is horrific!!!!
Actually Ideal is far from it. They have some really nice rooms over there. Back in the days (when I lived with my parents), my girlfriends (who also lived with their parents!!!!) used to love it there!!!!! (Specifically, the one on Lajeunesse street near Fleury)
..........alot of stylish, ETHNIC youth would be there, as they were obviously evading their unknowing parents (Italians, Greeks, etc..). It was kinky, cuz you knew that EVERYONE in the building was getting it!!!

An average room cost $40 for 3 or 4 hours. It was usually very clean & tidy with the basic amenities: bed, sofa, tv, carpetting, air conditioning, no smell, very clean, spic-n-span washrooms...........and trust me...I am very hygienic...(and I must say that Ideal handles their business in this aspect). From about the 100 times I have visited, I NEVER ever had a problem.

But I would usually opt for a more expensive, gigantic room (around $80 or 90 for 4 hours) that had a fully functional and clean jacuzzi, mirrors EVERYWHERE!!!!!, and a Victorian-style Queen size bed with a roof over it (whatever you call that style of bed!!!!).

I also find that certain Ideal motels (on the outskirts of Montreal especially) are EXTREMELY discrete and THOUROUGHLY CLEAN

EagerBeaver said:
BTW I think Laila is smoking hot, she is more my type than Sophia is.

I agree. Although Sophia is a babe too, i usually prefer brunettes/dairk-haired girls. I also love LAILA's emphasis on NYLONS!!!!!!!
She is also a Nylon-Lover!!!! :D I wish she would be my wife!!!!! i would die a happy man!!!


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May 20, 2004
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It`s a bit like comparing apples and oranges :D I`ve met both and they are really 2 gems to discover.

For me, on the sexual aspect, Sophia wins the vote, she offers an experience that is quite unique and tops all the rest. My tastes are not all ``vanilla`` and she found great ways to satisfy my perverted mind, as a good PSE shold do. Squirting is one of her abilities, and cbj is not really an imposed option, as long as you are really clean and a Gentleman with her. Even did dttc with her, was my first time trying this... Took time booking her the first time, she has a good backlog of emails to respond most of the time.

Laila offers things that Sophia doesn`t, like dinner dates and such. Had a great time with her, she is a good GFE, met her at a time where I needed to feel good companionship (after a breakup with a woman I was crazy about), she helped me in ways she can`t even imagine.

Both sophisticated, cultured, beautiful, etc...

Both really are the embodiement of pure fantasy.

The best thing would be a duo with both these goddesses... Now that I would pay for without hesitation! The Yin and Yang of sexual bliss!


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
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Imagine having these two knockouts for an entire 48 hour weekend together.

How much would that go for??????????????????????????????????? :D


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May 20, 2004
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heh with Sophia around my Mr Happy I don't know if I would last that long :D
And with Laila's attentions I would definitely need a rest as well! Maybe for 2-3 hours, but 48? I hope they know CPR! :D


Mar 11, 2005
chateaulafite said:
600$ ?

3 hours with Miss Samantha instead of 2 hours with Laila or Sophia

Yes sounds great..I already saw Samy for 3 hrs..unforgettable.. :D

But the thread is about Sophia and Laila..

Who would you pick..



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Jul 20, 2003
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too much money

With all the beautiful ladies in Montreal to choose from at much lower prices, why would you consider spending this much money for either of these ladies.

Do we merbites want to encourage this type of highend market by promoting their excessive charges. A cbj is included for $550/2 hr. Not even GFE is offered. Get real.

There are plenty of independants that charge less not to mention the agencies that charge under $200/hr. My suggestion is to enjoy their pictures but not their services.

My 2 cents.


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Jul 20, 2003
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I got the information on Sophia from nylonlover's statement at the beginning of this thread.

Sophia ( offers a 2 hour session at $550 with cbj. She does incalls...

I do not have first hand knowledge of either of these two ladies and I am sure that a two hour experience with either would be heaven. I am just making a comment on the rising cost of our hobby and whether we should encourage paying these amounts.

If one feels the cost is reasonable, then by all means go for it. To each his own, I guess.
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New Member
Nov 15, 2004
I have never been with Sophia so I can' t comment, but Laila is definitely not providing CBJ only. When with someone who show respect for her, is a nice gentleman and knows how to treat a lady, Laila is THE total package. Laila was definitely GFE, at least with me, with all the acronyms you can think of (except Greek which I can't confirm as I personaly find that gross).

I can not choose between Sophia or Laila, but I would go see Laila again in a heartbeat... Maybe I should email her now after all :p



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Jul 15, 2003
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Well, I have never experienced being stoop up by an indy sp before, but on my most recent trip, Sophia did.

I was curious to see her based on all the hype, even though I knew that I could find similar, if not better, services and looks at much lower prices. But my curiosity got the best of me.

I had emailed her and asked about availability for the afternoon on two possible dates. She responded and said that she was available both of those times, and asked for a number to call me when I would be iin town.

Additionally, she asked for a description of my age, my preferences, as well as my profession.

I replied with with a number where I could be reached when I was in town.

Further, I responded to all the questions that were posed, but I mentioned that I was more comfortable telling her my profession in person.

Two days later, I decided to select one of the two suggested dates that she mentioned was OK, and tried to confirm. However, I did not receive any response whatsoever. I just assumed that perhaps she would just call me at the designated number that I had given her.

I can understand that after my description of myself that she might have been turned off by something about me, and that's fine. However, at least she should have had the courtesy to reply and say that something came up, and she could not make it on the two dates.

Rather, the whole time I was in town, I did not plan anything at the suggested time because I was not sure if a scheduled appointment existed or not.

In the end, not a phone call, email, etc.

It was OK though, since I ended up discovering a new gem that I seem to like more than any other at the present.

Again, I have NEVER experienced such poor communication with an HDH before.

I look at it as her lost, since she could have gotten a very respectful hobbyist.

I can't complain too much though since the money that I would have paid for her was used to see a higher quality woman, IMO.

I guess some can say that I lost out on an opportunity to see a quality porn star. But hey, she may have lost out on seeing a potentially cool and friendly hobbyist who affords the ladies the utmost respect. Further, I have been told that I am not vulgar looking.

Oh well, as they say, "Sometimes things happen for a reason."

Because I did not see her, the money I saved went to my new favorite lady, Melissa of ClassXXX. (Heck, IMO, she is just as good as any HDH out there.)

I was debating on whether to even post something like this, since there seems to be no point to it.

But since the question was who would one see between Laila and Sophia, I hope this would help some who are still shaky in their decision.
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When sexy gets nasty ;-)
donnyb said:
Well, I have never experienced being stoop up by an indy sp before, but on my most recent trip, Sophia did.

I was curious to see her based on all the hype, even though I knew that I could find similar, if not better, services and looks at much lower prices. But my curiosity got the best of me.

I had emailed her and asked about availability for the afternoon on two possible dates. She responded and said that she was available both of those times, and asked for a number to call me when I would be iin town.

Additionally, she asked for a description of my age, my preferences, as well as my profession.

I replied with with a number where I could be reached when I was in town.

Further, I responded to all the questions that were posed, but I mentioned that I was more comfortable telling her my profession in person.

Two days later, I decided to select one of the two suggested dates that she mentioned was OK, and tried to confirm. However, I did not receive any response whatsoever. I just assumed that perhaps she would just call me at the designated number that I had given her.

I can understand that after my description of myself that she might have been turned off by something about me, and that's fine. However, at least she should have had the courtesy to reply and say that something came up, and she could not make it on the two dates.

Rather, the whole time I was in town, I did not plan anything at the suggested time because I was not sure if a scheduled appointment existed or not.

In the end, not a phone call, email, etc.

It was OK though, since I ended up discovering a new gem that I seem to like more than any other at the present.

Again, I have NEVER experienced such poor communication with an HDH before.

I look at it as her lost, since she could have gotten a very respectful hobbyist.

I can't complain too much though since the money that I would have paid for her was used to see a higher quality woman, IMO.

I guess some can say that I lost out on an opportunity to see a quality porn star. But hey, she may have lost out on seeing a potentially cool and friendly hobbyist who affords the ladies the utmost respect. Further, I have been told that I am not vulgar looking.

Oh well, as they say, "Sometimes things happen for a reason."

Because I did not see her, the money I saved went to my new favorite lady, Melissa of ClassXXX. (Heck, IMO, she is just as good as any HDH out there.)

I was debating on whether to even post something like this, since there seems to be no point to it.

But since the question was who would one see between Laila and Sophia, I hope this would help some who are still shaky in their decision.

Hi Donny,

Yes I recognize you, I remember your email, in fact I still have all the correspondance between you and I. Nothing in it suggest that we had a meeting on those dates. In my first reply to you, and I quote: "I could be available to meet with you on xxx xth or xth in the afternoon. Do you have a telephone number where I could discreetly reach you, at the time you specify?" this means that I could meet you on the dates that you asked, but that I needed a number to reach you at. The other questions I asked you are already listed on the contact page that you wrote me from. I simply reminded you in that email, because your first letter to me was incomplete.

Anyone that has met me knows that I never set a meeting with someone by email only, unless I have met this person before. I tried calling the number your provided (a cell that was supposed to be connected by your arrival here), and there was no answer, therefore, no meeting. This happens frequently, it's part of life. But I am sorry you misuderstood things like this. So you were not stood up, since there is no way in the world that we had an appointment yet. And after not reaching you, and you not writing back to me, I thought you simply had chosen to see someome else, wich you did.

I hope this clarifies things for you, and know that there is nothing personal, and that there was nothing wrong with you at all, I had no intention to hurt you in any way.



When sexy gets nasty ;-)
Train said:
That information is not totally accurate . What her website says is that she is not comfortable doing with someone she does not `` feel close to `` . I believe ( from reviews etc ) she ``feels close`` to most guys that are clean and generally not an asshat :D .

Train is right, for me depends on those things. About DFK I love it, and other things as well. Being a Gentleman and of course being very clean is the key to a totally full GFE with me. My reviews show this and answer those questions, there is a link to them in my signature. If you have questions, just PM anyone on the Board that has met me.



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Jul 15, 2003
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Thanks for taking the time to clarify things. I am sure miscommunications happen all the time.

I just want to add a couple things:

When you said, "In my first reply to you..." It would suggest that there was a second response. In fact, I only got one response, the initial response you wrote me.

Further, I have a prepaid phone in Montreal because that is the cheapest way to stay connected, so that I don't pay a monthly fee. I always activate it a couple of days before my trip. It's interesting that you mentioned you could not reach me as several of my friends, and even agencies, were able to reach me fine. Oh well, darn Bell service. Heck, if you wanted my number in the states, I would have had no problem giving it to you. I could have even provided the hotel where I was staying, and I could be reached there.

The only request I had was that you responded to my second email, but I am sure that a lady as busy as you sometimes does not always have time for that. I had only hoped that you responded to my latter correspondence and say either yea or nay for an appoinment, but no effort was made to respond, so I was left to wonder whether it was even set up or not. Oh well, things happen I suppose.

I am sure you're a stand up lady, but unfortunately for me, I guess I will never know.

Best of luck to you.


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