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  1. Q

    Joe Biden a good President

    Hi, do we have this kind of charts for Canada. Trudeau vs Harper?;););) It would be very interesting to see that!!!:( I voted for the Turd twice , worst mistake I ever made. I hope my children will forgive me for that.....
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    HIV infections and COVID

    Remember: diversity is our strength
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    HIV infections and COVID

    Maybe, but another hypothesis for the surge of HIV is the massive immigration levels from countries with a high rate of infections. Of course it is not politically correct, but we have literally millions of new people coming in a few years, at a rate not observed anywhere else at the present...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Turd-eau wants to complete the social experiment (multiculturalism) his father started some 45 years ago. It is supposed to be the model for other countries, globalism with no limit, destruction of the Nation and control of the media and thought. Until very recently it has worked...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Mark Miller responded that higher immigration rates are good to solve the housing crisis because immigrants will help to make new houses. Same thing for the health system problems. He really thinks Canadians are stupid...or so docile they would believe just about anything. Still two years of...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    don't forget, the Massive regularization of illegal immigration will be announced soon. hundreds of thousands. he did not have enough with doubling the volumes of accepted immigrants. One has to hate his country to destroy the concept of nation and now this
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    I am not able to find the article, but when Marc Miller was challenged about limiting the immigration numbers, he said it was a bad decision because you are losing points of the GDP!
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Trudeau is not a madman, he is a globalist, just following the decisions taken at the World Economic Forum: the piece of land north of the United States has to be populated, and quickly. It is cristal clear the Century Initiative and his boss are the ones defining the immigration policy and...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    This year official immigration is close to 600k, almost double of the average of the last 20 years, that was already one of the highest of the planet. If you include so called "temporary" workers (who will be permanent quickly), refugees and international students the total is close to 1,4...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    interesting....where did you find it?
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Why Nobody (even Poilievre) talks about this? This is the main cause of the housing crisis, food banks crisis....
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    Decline in escorts (generation Z)

    it,s funny, I grew up there in the 1980,s and it was so prudish....;)
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    Decline in escorts (generation Z)

    why not Colombian ladies?
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    the famous ' gestion de l offre" , I heard on the news we should be very proud of it...:rolleyes:
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    What industry? He can start by opening the competition for airlines and telecoms, unless you are thrilled with the customer service from Air Canada or Bell...
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    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    This election will be about kicking Trudeau out, so we have to talk about him. I agree, Skippy is not Prime Minister material, even without glasses! But there is no choice, unless you consider Yagmeet Singh...
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    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    Think about what Trudeau has done to Canada since 2015. How are we doing in terms of international politics, housing, health, jobs, education, immigration...after 8 years. Will you give him another chance?
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    Not at all. In an interview I saw on tv recently, he suggested higher immigration rates will help the health system with new doctors. We know doctors represent a tiny fraction of immigrants, and when they come there are a lot of barriers to prevent them from working (like the ones from the...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    oui, on est d accord, mais comment accueillir 1 million 200 mille personnes en une année . il faut revenir a des rythmes plus réalistes, et investir en logement, sante, education etc...qui sont plutôt des competences provinciales.
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    c est certain qu'ils sont tres bons et travaillants, le point c est que le Canada ne peut pas avoir une immigration au rythme actuel parce que les ressources sont insuffisantes (logement, travail, ecoles, hopitaux etc...) et qu il faut aller a un rythme plus raisonnable, comme il se faisait...
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