Whatever rocks your world. If this is what you want to believe then so be it. Have a good night sir.Ok blame it on your device. Blaming others is a poor defense but easy excuse for people looking for easy solution existing only in Unicorns world.
Whatever rocks your world. If this is what you want to believe then so be it. Have a good night sir.Ok blame it on your device. Blaming others is a poor defense but easy excuse for people looking for easy solution existing only in Unicorns world.
Canada is currently subjecting itself to a bizarre experiment in extreme population growth due to pedal-to-the-metal legal immigration.
Canada’s population rose about 1 percent per year for the first decade and a half of this century. But the Justin Trudeau era began in 2015, and growth was goosed to 1.5 percent by 2019. After a brief pandemic pause, the Trudeau government is now opening the borders extraordinarily wide.
In response, Canada’s annual population growth rate hit 3.0 percent in the third quarter of 2023, the kind of rise normally associated with Bangladesh in the 1980s. Over the summer, Canada’s population reached 40 million, up from 30 million in 1997.
The number of nonpermanent residents was allowed to soar by almost 700,000 in the past twelve months. There are now 46 percent more foreigners in Canada temporarily, mostly on work and study permits, than one year ago, the largest annual increase in the half century for which the Canadian government has data.
Granted, some of these recent arrivals are Ukrainian women refugees, but the government’s target is 465,000 permanent immigrants this year rising to 500,000 in 2025, about 1.2 percent of the population annually, four times the rate at which the United States lets in immigrants.
It’s a big world out there, and billions of people live in countries that their kin have helped make lousier than Canada. So there’s no end to how many immigrants Canada can recruit. (At least until Canada’s standard of living converges with its source countries like Pakistan.)
The official Statistics Canada government agency projected in 2022:
…the Canadian population would reach 47.7 million in 2041, and 25.0 million of them would be immigrants or children of immigrants born in Canada, accounting for 52.4% of the total population…. Canada’s population may reach…between 44.9 million and 74.0 million in 2068, according to the various projection scenarios.
Back in 1996, less than 6 percent of Canada’s population were minorities. But according to the government:
In 2041, about 2 in 5 Canadians will be part of a racialized group.
To digress briefly, if you are wondering what’s the point of the euphemism “racialized” for nonwhites, this is another Canadian innovation in woke jargon, like “BIPOC.” The idea is, apparently, that, because all good people know that Race Does Not Exist Genetically, but on the other hand, the government is obsessed with counting by race, the Canadians have squared that verbal circle. They’ve decided that while nonwhites aren’t nonwhite racially, because race doesn’t exist, they are thought to be “nonwhite” because they’ve been racialized by whites, whose lying eyes tell them that the racialized look like they might have different ancestors than they do.
Or something...
Few things you must understand. First as vast as Canada is, people are not spreading out because it is too cold. Australia has the same issue where people are concentrated at the coastal cities and the center remains sparsely populated because it is too hot and dry. It is not like the USA where population is more equally distributed. Immigrants like to go to the big cities and that is where the problem is. The Golden Horseshoe area is the most densely populated area of Canada most immigrants want to go to Toronto. Futhermore Trudeau and even Mulroney are part the Century Initiative ->I read that the Trudeau administration has been allowing a very high level of legal immigration to Canada, but until I read this article, I didn't realize how much immigration has increased.
Given Canada's relatively small population compared to the vastness of its territory, some level of immigration makes sense. It especially makes sense to allow in people who are well educated and have job skills that are in demand. Preferably, they should also fit well with Canada's culture.
But it seems like Trudeau's immigration program is doing as much harm as good and that a lot of Canadians are not happy with it.
America, Jr.
The report also theorizes some of the increase in the number of applications made at airports could be linked to Canada’s waiving of certain eligibility requirements for visitor visa applicants.
In an effort to clear a backlog of immigration applications, Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in February waived the requirements that visitor visa applicants show the availability of sufficient funds and demonstrate that they will leave the country when their visas expire.
Why Nobody (even Poilievre) talks about this? This is the main cause of the housing crisis, food banks crisis....I read that the Trudeau administration has been allowing a very high level of legal immigration to Canada, but until I read this article, I didn't realize how much immigration has increased.
Given Canada's relatively small population compared to the vastness of its territory, some level of immigration makes sense. It especially makes sense to allow in people who are well educated and have job skills that are in demand. Preferably, they should also fit well with Canada's culture.
But it seems like Trudeau's immigration program is doing as much harm as good and that a lot of Canadians are not happy with it.
America, Jr.
The only one that talks about this is Maxime Bernier. But no one is interested in freedom and smaller government.Why Nobody (even Poilievre) talks about this? This is the main cause of the housing crisis, food banks crisis....
interesting....where did you find it?Here is a the mass immigration viscous cycle illustrated View attachment 59080
Maxime Bernier posted it on his Facebook page. I dunno where he got it from though. But it is 100% accurate.interesting....where did you find it?
With this week’s flip-flop lifting carbon pricing for heating oil until 2027 (pushing increases beyond the next election) and a doubling of the rural tax rebate, the severely rattled Liberals are chipping away at the load-bearing wall beneath their environmental platform.
The change raises questions about the two cornerstones of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon pricing policy. It suggests the cost is indeed becoming a financial burden to average Canadians and, by boosting the rebate, the government seems to admit its plan was not revenue-neutral.
There is logic to the announced changes, which will largely benefit Atlantic Canadians. Homeowners there are uniquely dependent on oil for home heating and have few mass transit options for getting around.
But there’s no easy way to ignore the gall in Trudeau aiming this tax break and rebate squarely at the East Coast Liberal stronghold where polling numbers are palliative for his incumbent MPs.
The most jaw-dropping explanation for this policy softening is Trudeau insisting it represents a “doubling down” of his government’s commitment to fight climate change.
Huh? Either Trudeau doesn’t understand that "doubling down" and "watering down" are not synonymous or he’s deliberately misleading Canadians. Either way is not a good look.
And it goes straight to the heart of a prime minister’s character when, after eight years of selling carbon pricing for all while demonizing those who dare question it as knuckle-dragging climate change deniers, he’s suddenly open to poll-driven exemptions in voter regions of Liberal importance.
As commentator Chantal Hebert notes, this surprise retreat would be akin to former prime minister Brian Mulroney, having picked up the smell of death hovering over his government, suddenly trying to save his skin by ending the GST in a bid to win the 1993 election.
Mulroney, to his credit, opted to keep the GST and quit as leader the year before his Conservative party was reduced to electoral rubble under Kim Campbell.
Trudeau has taken a polar opposite approach by sacrificing parts of a very unpopular policy while stubbornly sticking around as leader.
That doesn’t mean a Liberal decimation election result won’t still happen.
Atlantic Canadians might not re-embrace the Liberals just because crass geographical politics delivered them a $250 tax break. Judging by the large Maritime crowds at meet-and-greet events for Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, many voters have already shifted their Liberal loyalties.
The Bank of Canada’s efforts to tame inflation by raising interest rates are at odds with the projected pace of government spending, says governor Tiff Macklem.
Macklem was asked what impact government spending plans are having on the path for inflation. He reiterated that fiscal policy is the purview of elected officials, and that the central bank’s role there is only to bake government spending plans into its forecast.
Remember that driving up demand with spending is one thing, but also rapidly increasing the population with excessive immigration is also driving up demand. Anything that drives up demand without supply being increased will make inflation higher. This is not rocket science folks, just basic economics 101.Macklem went on to urge fiscal policymakers to consider the “inflationary impact” of their spending decisions when making up their budgets.
“It’s going to be easier to get inflation down if monetary and fiscal policy are rowing in the same direction,” he said.
This year official immigration is close to 600k, almost double of the average of the last 20 years, that was already one of the highest of the planet. If you include so called "temporary" workers (who will be permanent quickly), refugees and international students the total is close to 1,4 million in one year. This is the total population of the province of Manitoba to give a benchmark. All these people need housing, doctors, schools, Jobs, groceries .... so a huge imbalance of offer and demand planned and executed every year by our gvt. Diversity is our strength![]()
Pace of government spending ‘not helpful’ in efforts to tame inflation: Macklem - National | Globalnews.ca
The governor of the Bank of Canada is urging governments' fiscal policymakers to keep the inflationary impact of their spending plans in mind when setting their budgets.globalnews.ca
The BOC governor is now saying that Trudeau's excessive spending is part of the cause of inflation. I like to add also that Trudeau's mass immigration policy is also contributing to inflation. It is time for Trudeau to resign. Polievre has his faults but he is a far better choice then Trudeau because the alternative is madness.
Direct Quote from the Article:
Remember that driving up demand with spending is one thing, but also rapidly inthe totcreasing the population with excessive immigration is also driving up demand. Anything that drives up demand without supply being increased will make inflation higher. This is not rocket science folks, just basic economics 101.
It's scary to think there is still another 2 years before he is dethroned.. and that's hoping that those who have always voted liberal realize where the blame of our situation today lies, and doesn't continue to remain liberal diehards.This year official immigration is close to 600k, almost double of the average of the last 20 years, that was already one of the highest of the planet. If you include so called "temporary" workers (who will be permanent quickly), refugees and international students the total is close to 1,4 million in one year. This is the total population of the province of Manitoba to give a benchmark. All these people need housing, doctors, schools, Jobs, groceries .... so a huge imbalance of offer and demand planned and executed every year by our gvt. Diversity is our strength