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  1. D

    Fake pic how to respectfully cancel face to face

    The attitude we have will only serve to encourage these girls to continue the same thing. I have booked based on an ad and it was not the girl in the picture and since I am the customer........I simply say no thank you and walk away. If I was in a restaurant and ordered a steak and was served...
  2. D

    How often do you book a SP that has no pictures or reviews?

    Never, although given the bait and switch with the other platforms over the years the only difference is that I walk if it's not the girl in the ad, I don't care if she's drop dead gorgeous, it's dishonest and I don't like dishonesty.
  3. D

    Your favorite bar in Montreal?

    There have been a couple over the years, Thursdays, Hurleys and although not on Crescent Ziggy's
  4. D

    Have you ever walked out

    Over the years this has happened to me several times. Once I even had a girl tell me she never uses her real pictures in her ads but she was quite pretty, I told her I don't accept dishonesty and walked. I even had an agency substitute another girl because the one I wanted ( from reviews here )...
  5. D

    Who's the shortest & tallest SP you ever seen?

    Shortest probably 4'5" and tallest 6' and she was wearing heels so probably 6'4" with the heels, I'm 6'2" so tall girls are my preference
  6. D

    Best poutine in Montreal?

    I've had some good ones but I really like the sauce at Costco
  7. D

    Would you try a tag team on a SP?

    Not for me
  8. D

    If you could take your favorite SP on a honeymoon, where would it be?

    I suggested this to my ex-wife and she objected to having an SP join us on our honeymoon, now I'm divorced :(
  9. D

    Who is your favorite porn star?

    I also should say that Gabbie Carter is absolutely gorgeous, huge all natural breasts and is worth watching on any porn platform
  10. D

    Amazon Echo Dot- Need Advice

    I have an Echo Dot that I received as part of a promo from Amazon, I think it cost me $5.99 Cdn. I use it all the time, it's in my office and since I've been working from home for 2 years I have the news on, music when I want it or ask it questions when I have something I don't want to look up...
  11. D

    Best Bloody Caesar in Montreal?`

    La Queue de Cheval and their Caesar salad is the best I've ever had
  12. D

    Have you met other merb members? Lol

    There used to be get togethers over lunch as well, I attended a couple and once went to a party at De La Montagne with two girls from a Massage parlour , Audrey Montreal and one of her girls. Interesting and fun times
  13. D

    Hot stocks to buy? suggestions, recommendations

    Build a basket of good value stocks like Ben Graham and Warren Buffett and hold them no matter buy on the dips when everyone else is selling
  14. D

    Hire sugar baby on company payroll

    This is a stupid idea, too many people can potentially be involved and if this is just as a tax deduction she would have to accept to pay taxes on this income, why would she expose herself to the scrutiny ?
  15. D

    favorite current tv series...

    Yellowstone #1, recent, The Imposters, Succession,
  16. D

    Apartment hunting in St. Eustache

    I don't know about sites for rentals but if I were him I'd simply take a drive around the area and note some of the rentals available and give them a call. This would give him a chance to see whether or not the area is sketchy or not and make a decision based on the area and not photos of the...
  17. D

    Wide Hips Small Waist The Standard?

    I still prefer a spinner and will look for that when booking. Harder to find since the hobby seems to be crazy for the huge hips and ass but I for one am not attracted to that at all.
  18. D

    What is your favorite comfort food?

    I just love a smoked meat sandwich. I prefer Moishe's but will settle for Dunn's since I live north of Laval. I know I shouldn't but when I really need a comfort food, that's it.
  19. D

    GF used to be an SP

    I have come across it in my own circle and this has also been confirmed to me by others so I stand by my post. I think far too many men wouldn't believe this just as they wouldn't think that their friends, co-workers or family members also hobby. I really don't care what you think of the...
  20. D

    GF used to be an SP

    As I read your response my first thought was , wow this is a narrow minded moron who puts everyone into boxes. I thought about it for a few minutes and then thought, you must be young and unable to have a real relationship to make you hate women so much. I have met more women in this "business"...
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