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Fake pic how to respectfully cancel face to face


Active Member
Feb 10, 2005
Hey guys and gals,
Seems to happen more and more me getting into really awkward situations when I am face to face with a provider and I realise she used a very old picture of herself or a totally unrelated picture in her online ad.

What is a respectful way of cancelling the session?



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Ask her where the girl in the picture is hiding.
I don’t think a girl who uses let’s say a 10 year old photograph where she looks way different or unrelated photograph deserves too much of an explanation for cancelling.
It is almost the equivalent of bait and switch and she knows it.
That is why it is important to do your research well and chose ladies with good reviews and web sights that have updated photographs.

For me personally I have seen escorts in their 40s and I thought they were amazingly gorgeous but they never misrepresented themselves and their photos were up to date.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Before the pandemic, this happened to me twice.

Since the girl lied to you, and wanted to use you as an ATM, each time I gave $40 and left.
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Jan 28, 2004
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The attitude we have will only serve to encourage these girls to continue the same thing. I have booked based on an ad and it was not the girl in the picture and since I am the customer........I simply say no thank you and walk away. If I was in a restaurant and ordered a steak and was served fish I would simply leave. The bait and switch is unacceptable and dishonest, don't accept it and eventually they will be more honest.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
Before the pandemic, this happened to me twice.

Since the girl lied to you, and wanted to use you as an ATM, each time I gave $40 and left.

no no no... u are saying you had a bait and switch done on to you, you spend your time/resources to arrive at her place, and you paid them $40 for you to leave? I have a problem with that because who was first disrespectful to who.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
If you know you are being deceived by fake or very old pics and you don’t want to move forward just politely decline.

This happened to me when I saw Kelly of WildTime. Her pics were her but they were like 10 years photoshopped prior. But she was attractive and carried on the session though.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2019
I will always have the ad ready on my phone regardless of whether I am entering a private residence or salon. When entering a private residence I will not close the door until I verify if the person is the one on the ad. If not, I will show her the ad and say sorry but not interested and leave. If I am going to a salon I will enter but verify the girl before going into the room. If it is not the girl in the ad, I will ask her what her service rates are. If she is likeable, I will ask if she is willing to reduce her rate since she is not the one on the ad. If she agree, excellent. If no, I simply leave. Most will say no. Sorry but I would not accept any other object I am purchasing if it is not as advertised, why should I accept some girl who is not as advertised.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
Why should i be sorry to leave ? The pictures show you a woman you would like to meet if she s not her or old picts probably the services will reflect that also. In no way i will leave any money for trying fooling me. Should she would accept monopoly money ?no,so me either.


Mar 25, 2011
Have you ever heard the fable of the street sweeper in old Paris that use to hold his bread over a roasting pig at a rotisserie to make it a tasty meal. One day the owner of the rotisserie told him that he could no longer do that and demanded payment for past use of the delicious smells. The street sweeper refused and was taken to court. After hearing the story, the judge asked the street sweeper togive him a silver coin. The judge them picked ip the silver coin and dropped it on the table ten time and declared that the owner of the rotisserie was paid for his rotisserie fragrances with the sound of the street sweepers money.

If a SP used old or fake pics, pay her with monopoly money.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
It never happened to me but I would simply say: sorry YOU ARE NOT THE GIRL I WAS SUPPOSED TO MEET... And I would turn back without waiting for an answer and surely not leave any money.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Have you ever heard the fable of the street sweeper in old Paris that use to hold his bread over a roasting pig at a rotisserie to make it a tasty meal. One day the owner of the rotisserie told him that he could no longer do that and demanded payment for past use of the delicious smells. The street sweeper refused and was taken to court. After hearing the story, the judge asked the street sweeper togive him a silver coin. The judge them picked ip the silver coin and dropped it on the table ten time and declared that the owner of the rotisserie was paid for his rotisserie fragrances with the sound of the street sweepers money.

If a SP used old or fake pics, pay her with monopoly money.
That is a good tale.

If you don't have monopoly money, might as well photocopies of Canadian Tire Dollars.
But do not forget it is illegal to photocopy real CAN$.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Never happened to me yet, maybe cause im just too safe and meticulous. But i think i would just smile and jokingly says "Oh my first bait and switch, gotta be a first to everything, have a good day" and then leave.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Here's my 2 cents... I can say I was ... "deceived" twice. The 1st girl didn't use some other pictures... but didn't show her face. Claimed she was in her early 40's. I can say that wasn't true... she was more close to 60. Old worn out face and body. After looking at the ad again... pictures were hers but didn't show any of the "oldiness" of her body has in real life. So I tried to get out of it but I had already paid... should've left... but I didn't just because I was horny. Did my thing and left. Did a review about it and that's it. She did dissappear from the scene from what I can see on Leo.

Second time... I knew better... pictures were either not hers or from 20-30 years ago. Claimed she was mid 30' s but she's a grand mother... she said it so can't be me thinking the girly toys are her daughters... (I know you could be a grand mother of 40 and be smoking hot but 30's... runs in the family I guess) so I should've left again right when she opened the door and she didn't look like the girl in the ad... but ... this one did actually looked good enough for me... even if she was a bit chunkier and older. The age didn't bother me. She was a good quick fuck... just won't see her again and I did a review here about it not being her in the ad.

So... next time it does happen and I hope it won't ever happen again. Will I leave? It depends, if the girls are ok looking and just used other pictures... I won't leave but I will let her know after that you know what... you could use real pictures and I'd still would've come.

If the girl is high... drunk... leave, if she's not the same nationality... leave... claims to be 20 but looks like 50... leave, in these specific cases... no tip and I'd just say... this isn't the girl I'm supposed to see and leave. Don't wait for answers... don't give time for a pimp to show up... get the hell out of dodge...

Only my opinion... stay safe guys!


Jul 5, 2021
Fake pic but pretty or ugly? Did you enjoy the experience(if you stayed)?
If you do leave, do still give a tip(ex.10$)? <--- a new way to scam customers?
Tipping lately has gotten out of hand.
I would have probably stayed (cuz horny & I'm there already) might as well as yum yum.
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