It's really too bad she got caught up in the fame that tennis brought her. It led to the modeling and as a consequence her tennis went downhill fast . She is getting older and the modeling will wane as well. She is a pretty girl who will end up just that but nothing else. Her twin coat tailed on...
I had a relationship with an SP ( she was still working when I met her ) that lasted 6 1/2 years. She lived with me and we enjoyed a wonderful life together. Unfortunately she cheated on me and our time together ended. I remain friends with her and although she is no longer in a relationship...
How many of us started in this hobby and then found the spreadsheet ? This was gold back in the days before all the false advertising on the sites we use today. I met a lot of amazing women and received great service which matched the review on the spreadsheet which was nowhere near as extensive...
Years ago I went to the Solid Gold tournament, to say that it was wild would be a gross understatement ! Shots all over the course from dancers from the club, I had a birdie putt on one hole and one of the dancers sat on the green legs open around the hold as a target for my putt. On another...
If you want to try doing this for yourself buy "The Intelligent Investor " by Benjamin Graham (Warren Buffet's mentor ) I am a stockbroker and have read that book probably 6 times and always glean something out of each read. It's a heavy read but worth it in the long run.
It would seem that this site isn't working. Anyone else know what happened here ?
BTW, humpchies, Leoslist and Annonces Intime are all working so this just seems to be them, not the first time and it's been a few days
I'm embarrassed at the actions of Montrealer's attacking private business. Everyone is fed up but not everyone is out smashing and looting small businesses. All of these individuals should be ticketed and or locked up, this is beyond stupid
I have seen more and more girls advertising BBFS and Creampie services. In years gone by this would never have happened and I applaud the agencies for calling out those who want to risk themselves, the girls and other clients. This is a stupid behaviour that needs to be curtailed. STI's are a...
If you decide to meet someone from a profile on any advertising site be prepared to walk away if the location seems sketchy or if the girl at the door is not the one in the ad. When I first started in this hobby I accepted whoever answered the door but I quickly thought I'm the client, I'm...
Over the years I have been given the SP's private number often. If they trust you they will see you outside the agency as it is more profitable for them and they already know you aren't dangerous. There are a few that I am still in touch with years after they have left the business and we meet...
Why HOT stocks ? If it makes sense and pays a dividend then invest but to speculate, you'll only end up losing the money you invest. The most successful investor in the world Warren Buffet would NEVER invest in any of the crazy ideas you are talking about and he is a multi billionaire. He...