Montreal Escorts

should newbies avoid leolist and humpchies at all costs?


Aug 8, 2019
Agent girls generally speaking are much more professional, intelligent, self-control, not to mention good hygiene...

On the contrary, some girls on leolists or humpchies seems to smoke too much weed or eat too many chips...have a much higher chance of being a "disorganized labor"...

What are your understandings of the subject?

Do you prefer a high-rated agent anytime which means highly standardized, thus less "surprise"?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The best way to improve your chances of meeting a woman who meets your expectations is to read the reviews here on Merb.

If the girl you're interested in doesn't have a review on Merb, and she advertises herself on Leolist or Humpchies, make sure she has a website, and if she doesn't have a website, it becomes riskier.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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If you decide to meet someone from a profile on any advertising site be prepared to walk away if the location seems sketchy or if the girl at the door is not the one in the ad. When I first started in this hobby I accepted whoever answered the door but I quickly thought I'm the client, I'm paying and if I don't get what's advertised why should I accept it. Walk away and then write a review.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Absolutely, being a newbie to Montreal you should avoid Leolist and Humpchies. Once you've got some encounters under your belt you'll see in Jedi like form what is real ads or reviews and what is from the dark side. Also, you'll develop a knack for liking certain reviewers as well as developing relationships with members here and SP's to help guide you to the Jedi way.
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
I wouldn't say avoid those sites altogether cuz sometimes you could find some gems on there. But be vary weary of what is advertised , check for reviews on merb.. Google the ladies phone number, see if there are reviews, complaints etc.... and when you call for info evaluate how she answers your questions and read between the lines. Of course your odds are better with the agencies and indies that advertise here on merb, but still check the reviews to see if what is offered is what you are looking for.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2019
Maybe 10 years back, I wouldn't see any issue. But now I would recommand any newbie to stay away from sites such as Humpchies or Leolist and not even touch them with a ten-foot pole. Those places have become dumpster-fire now.
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Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
LL seems ok in other cities but not Montreal so much for whatever reason. Maybe it's a haven for fakes &scammers here who won't work for the reputable agencies. In Ottawa for example it's not so bad. They don't have any actual agencies like here so the options are limited to spas, high end SPs or LL girls. There are many reviews of LL ladies on the red board there, including some of mine. You can definitely find some gems there.
However here it's best to just stick to Merb or HP girls with good comments (of which there aren't many).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I am sure it is similar in Toronto also. I suspect large densely populated areas got way more scammers. Having said that I would suggest whether you are experienced or not to avoid all the Leolist/Annonce Intime types of sites. Not worth it at all.
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Allan Quatermain

New Member
Oct 18, 2011
The reason you see so many pics on Leolist with their names on a piece of cardboard is because they want to show you it is their own pic and not one stolen off the web. Even with that you do not know if the pic is 5-10 years old and they are dressed really sexy. I went to see one that just rolled out of bed and was all messed up with no make up on.
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New Member
Jul 22, 2021
I've always tried to stick with agencies or verifiable independents (website, reviews). My usual city is Toronto, and Cupids have never let me down: great girls and great booking team. Well worth the extra you pay for someone who is clean, reliable, personable, and good fun. By contrast, when I've used Leo List or Back Page adverts, it's been a bit of a let down. Skanky premises; cheap hotels; girls who hole up for a couple of days and don't give much of a fuck.

I'm planning a trip to Montreal shortly and researching the agencies and verifiable independents. LL and Humpchies don't figure in the plan. Taking the time is worth the effort.
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