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  1. D

    Oral hygiene

    I read this thread with interest since this is something we all face in our regular lives. I have worked with people who have terrible dental hygiene and in an effort to bring it to their attention have bought them toothbrushes, mouthwash, toothpaste and floss without any change in their...
  2. D

    Do you like GREEK and why?

    Been there, done that and depending on the partner it can be amazing or a complete turn off. Tighter, yes but that's about it. If the woman I'm with is into it I will comply but I have never pushed someone to let me fuck her in the ass.
  3. D

    Asking for a photo before meeting a new sp

    What makes anyone think that if the ad pictures are fake that a request for additional pictures will get you anything but more fake pics ? IMHO the SP real or not will NOT share additional pics with someone replying to an ad. I have seen many who turn out to be false, sometimes better and I will...
  4. D

    Ron Jeremy WTF Man?.....he has to go out and rape 3 women

    He is by far the ugliest man I've ever seen in a porn film , his only attribute is the size of his dick, other than that even in the films he made he was always disgusting and his nickname was the Hedgehog in the industry, kind of gives you an idea of what they thought of him
  5. D

    Your wish list of sp's you would like to see re-appear on the scene

    Jennyfer from Econolodge was an ATF of mine she also worked for an agency in Laval that worked out of the motel chez nous then the Chomedey Inn . She was slow to warm up when I first saw her but by far one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in or out of the business.
  6. D

    Videotron Helix

    Do you have TV and home phone or just the Internet for that price ?
  7. D

    Videotron Helix

    I have Bell Fibre 500 and it is excellent. I have a large home and coverage is excellent
  8. D

    favorite current tv series...

  9. D

    Repeats or new girls?

    I have always found that after seeing a girl several times there is somewhat of a connection, that being said I believe they try harder to ensure the service is above average to make sure you will come back. Long answer but I prefer to see a girl I have seen before.
  10. D

    Why do girls believe that smearing their bodies with tattoos is sexy!

    I'd like to know how many of you who are against tattoos have any yourselves ? I have three and will probably do more. I have never had a tattoo artist do one because he or she wanted it, always my idea and design. I have never done a tattoo to be sexy , that is a stupid assumption. You don't...
  11. D

    WTF ??? Are some agencies still open ?

    80,645 Deaths in the U.S. since this started and you imply this is all about money . Get your head out of your ass, this is about human lives. You want to risk yours I have zero problem with that but when by risking yours you then put others at risk I definitely have a problem with that . You...
  12. D

    WTF ??? Are some agencies still open ?

    As I read through the responses in this thread there were a couple of things I wanted to mention. Dr Fauci in it for the money ? He has contradicted the administration at almost every turn , to the point they will not allow him to testify before congress and do any more media interviews and...
  13. D

    WTF ??? Are some agencies still open ?

    Montreal is the Epicenter of Covid-19 in Canada and the reason for that is there are segments of the population who just aren't taking it seriously. Social distancing will beat this virus into submission that being said today being mothers day and uncomfortably cool my neighbours all have family...
  14. D

    WTF ??? Are some agencies still open ?

    Stop and THINK before you post, have you ever thought about JohnA,D,E,F,G,H who could have been there the same day you were ? Then there are the other days of the week, month etc. John A,D,E,F,G,H X 5 other Johns X4 = a potential of 120 before you got there ! And assuming they have come into...
  15. D

    WTF ??? Are some agencies still open ?

    The elderly are MORE at risk that being said wisdom is wasted on youth ! Insane is anyone taking the risk to meet a SW right now then possibly bring this virus to your parents, friends, family, do the see a SW and she saw 5 clients how many people are at risk ? This is why Quebec...
  16. D

    Suspect searched for pimping

    These sleaze bags need to be put away and if he is not a citizen , deported !
  17. D


    Far too many of us think that the flattening of the curve will mean life goes back to what it was, seriously ? This is a virus with no cure, no vaccination so let's be serious, life has changed for the foreseeable future. I have been working from home for 8 weeks and have zero intention of...
  18. D

    Welcome back Merb

    So long with the previous style, this will take a little getting used to .
  19. D

    Thoughts about Onlyfans

    I applaud you for making an effort to continue to support yourself through onlyfans and the idea of a lower initial price to attract and the hopefully retain those clients makes sense, my only problem is the lack of interactivity . I understand that to have an interactive connection with clients...
  20. D

    How long will you wait?

    You obviously don't understand or choose to ignore the health Canada /Quebec guidelines on social distancing and self isolation. You are a part of the problem, not unfortunately a part of the solution !
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