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Why do girls believe that smearing their bodies with tattoos is sexy!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Get me right her. I have nothing against a small tattoo on the shoulder, forearm or the ankle. But smearing their entire bodies, for life!, is a real turn-off for me. And I can't understand how girls believe that looking like an old biker makes them sexy....

For e.g. there is that girl at work, a very pretty asian 20y.o. slim, beautiful eyes, nice bust. She started smearing herself to the point that as soon as she wears a dress even a tidbit short, or wears short sleeves, we can see the ugly smears... Not all of the tattooers have taste!

And for example these:

what a waste of a 20yo body!!!

Now I'm fully aware I'm going to get flamed by people who like these, but I'm curious to know the real proportion of people who like and those who dislike! Seems to me like a nice change from Corona Virus chat...!!!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Of the 3 images you posted 1, 2 and 4 are awesome ;)

Another one... To me this is sexy...

If I had advice to give... Do not tattoo the front of your legs. Do not do cartoon tattoo or face tattoo.

I do not think it's a waste of a body. It can actually enhance it ;)

Even if I like it I would myself do not suggest to cover yourself up with such an amount of tattoo. They are giving real challenges to dermatologist (who can miss skin cancer symptoms) and to anesthesiologist if you ever need a surgery.


p.s. you are correct much better then corona virus chat...


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i agree sometimes its ok (not too much and done in good taste) , but a lot of times i find it ugly too


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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I have previously expressed my distaste w/ tattoos to several young ladies and have been told rather bluntly to just deal with it. These days, I just try to pretend to appreciate those horrifying tattoos as body art o_O

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
La réponse à la question initiale est assez simple: "fashion victim" pour la plupart. Bien que je ne sois pas du tout un fan de tatouages, je ne me sens pas pour autant en droit de juger, critiquer ni même commenter sur l'apparence, le choix vestimentaire ou tout autres décision prise par quelqu'un par rapport à son corps, homme ou femme. Je décide de mes rencontres selon mes propres goûts et critères en sachant très bien que ça ne fera jamais l'unanimité et honnêtement, j'en ai vraiment rien à foutre.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Serious question ... how manny of you have TV on and watch baseball, car racing, or ... hockey match while banging the gal you just dropped $220 on up per hour for the pleasure of sex? I'll wait ... anyone?

My opinion is as some have said, demure, insignificant and minuscule tattoo maybe ... but the examples that have ALL been presented in this thread are ALL way too distracting and would be like ... yes ... watching TV while banging away your hard earned money - way too busy.

Now, maybe one like a dart board between shoulder blades on back with prize inked into each ring instead of point values so that when you pull out in doggy or anal and rip the wrapper off ... you shoot - you score!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Get me right her. I have nothing against a small tattoo on the shoulder, forearm or the ankle. But smearing their entire bodies, for life!, is a real turn-off for me.

I am with you 100%. I guess I have missed some good sex by trying to avoid heavy tattooed girls at any cost. A very small intimate tattoo can be sexy, but multicolored heavy tattoos with banal writings is just looks vulgar and dirty


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yes maybe fashion, but I don't know.

Personally I prefer a girl with beautiful tattoos, than a girl with large breasts redone, big lips redone and botox elsewhere in the face.

But many tattoos that go up to the face, or girls who have tattoos with skulls, sure that for me it's 100% no.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
MinutemenX hits nail on head .. those girls doing this full blown cover the body with ink, needles in and out of their skin ... ARE mostly unconscious ...

And to the above - yup agree - no fake balloon tits, balloon lips, plastic here injections there ... if we wanted that we would get Japanese sex doll - pay once and use over and over!!
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Active Member
Jan 18, 2009
Personally I don't like tattoos , 1 or 2 small ones inconspicuous not on the face are ok but whole body are no go for me, I would not give my hardly earned money to heavily tattooed sp's


Oct 29, 2019
Not a fan of Tatoos, like metion a small one here it there, but I don't like when they are everywhere. I will pass on the girls with lots of tatoos. Just my preference


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think a tramp stamp can be sexy. I don't like belly button tattoos or cleavage tattoos or tattoos between and under the boobs. I say, keep the breasts and cleavage area alone please. There is no way to enhance what God has already made so beautiful. Having said this, I'll never kick a girl out of bed for having them. Just stick to the lower back area stay away from the boobage area.
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Jan 28, 2004
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I'd like to know how many of you who are against tattoos have any yourselves ? I have three and will probably do more. I have never had a tattoo artist do one because he or she wanted it, always my idea and design. I have never done a tattoo to be sexy , that is a stupid assumption. You don't like tattoos, don't see a girl who has them, I guarantee she didn't get any one of them to be more attractive to you.

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
I like ink on my women. To a certain point, there are some that are stamped like a prison inmate with all those, what I call, gang symbols. I do like the ones that have the rose thorn, or a animal or other stuff that is and looks classy. I know one SP that she has some covering her leg and I think it's hot.
This one I think it's extreme
But if I had to meet her for a session I would, at the end of all this I like my women inked up.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I did not like tatts at all few years ago but I got used to it and, to my surprise, I would even say that I like it now.
As long as I can see the beauty, I actually find tatts as a rebel attitude that excites me!

I think that when you decide to have tatts, it should be a thoughtful decision...
I like to see it on girls more than on men.
I would not myself have tatts on my own body.

I do not like tatts when they are too heavy and above the shoulders.
Heavy tatts in the neck and or face would probably keep me from booking a girl.

But there are exceptions...
Even if she had some mixed reviews, I loved Sally the Punk (that I haven't seen advertised for a long time...)
She had a lots a tatts everywhere even in the face and also piercings, colored hairs, etc... But what a body!!!
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Personal preference. For every person who hates it, there is another who loves it. I personally like the look, although it's a bit too trendy, overdone and not really unusual anymore. Not on me, but on others. I can't help but worry about what a tattoo would look like in 20 years. But I like them on other people.

I think it's also a generational thing. Like, my mom can't help but view tattoos like a trashy thing, like a tattooed person is not 'respectable'. She knows things are different now so she knows her perspective is just judgemental (live and let live) and outdated but it's still there because that's how things were for most of her life. Don't know if that makes sense.
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