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Montreal Escorts

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  1. GreyPilgrim

    Which pornstars do you wish were available as a SP?

    #1. Foxy Di #2. Sybil Kailena #3. Eva Strauss
  2. GreyPilgrim

    What is your SP kryptonite?

    Two words. Pixie. Haircut. Any woman confident enough in her sexuality to rock a short hairstyle has already won me over. If she’s also a petite spinner… I can’t even.
  3. GreyPilgrim

    Depeche Mode date

    Same. Don’t know why I was initially on the fence about seeing them again: 101 was one of the first albums to really get me into music in my early teens and I really enjoyed their Montreal show during the Sounds of the Universe tour. But with Andrew Fletcher passing away recently and the...
  4. GreyPilgrim

    Amazon Porch Pirate

    So here’s a little something for all of you while you patiently wait for karma to kick in, courtesy of my very favorite YouTuber, Mark Rober… Mark Rober vs Porch Pirates, a.k.a. The Glitterbomb Series You’re welcome!
  5. GreyPilgrim

    Can ChatGPT prove to be beneficial for us?

    Honestly, I don’t see the need to involve AI. Humanity itself pretty much has that covered.
  6. GreyPilgrim

    Spinner vs Petite

    Yup. That’s textbook, right there.
  7. GreyPilgrim

    French-Canadians in show business around the world...

    Movies from both Jean-Marc Vallée and Denis Villeneuve have been nominated for several Oscars. Not to mention the various performers from Cirque du Soleil, who have delighted audiences all around the world.
  8. GreyPilgrim

    Can ChatGPT prove to be beneficial for us?

    If someone could access a comparable AI and: -Feed it every review published here (or other boards) -Referenced every relevant agency websites to keep schedules up to date -Make sure it was taught the meaning of commonly used acronyms (GFE, DATY, BBJ…) -Make sure it understood context sensitive...
  9. GreyPilgrim

    Do you support or object to the idea of having a platform for rating clients?

    Precisely because service providers are not a group of friends. At best, they’re colleagues. The mindset of most independants, I’d wager… At worst, they’re straight up competitors! Agencies don’t necessarily play nice between each other… I’m not saying it’s something Independant Network...
  10. GreyPilgrim

    Do you support or object to the idea of having a platform for rating clients?

    It’s certainly NOT sufficient if the goal is to come up with an airtight, bulletproof screening system to protect the girls. But then again, unless you’re willing to publicly disclose the fact that you’re hobbying and/or involve government regulations (and even then…), such a system is probably...
  11. GreyPilgrim

    Do you support or object to the idea of having a platform for rating clients?

    I know for a fact that agencies do keep tabs on clients. And I will gladly comply with the screening process of any independent. I mean, it’s not rocket science: anything that helps the SP feel safer will improve the session for the client! But a board or database to review johns? Nope. That’s...
  12. GreyPilgrim

    What are your turn on's & turn offs?

    Turn on: -Petite spinner -Pixie haircut -Upturned nose -Deadpan humor -Kinky attitude -Looks like an angel, then plays like a devil Turn off: -Ink, the less, the better -Fake anything & everything, the more natural, the better -Cold/detached/business attitude
  13. GreyPilgrim

    Have you ever tried Greek before?

    If I understand the situation here correctly (and I think I do!), your issue could be solved in one simple step: giving the SP proper prep time! Unless you’re really turned on by scatology (you do you, who am I to judge?!?), the SP will need to thoroughly clean her anus and the inside of her...
  14. GreyPilgrim

    Married guys - what excuse do you use for leaving the house

    You know what? If I knew for a fact my partner would always return afterwards, I honestly would not even mind! I mean, isn’t that basically what I (and most of you!) are doing: enjoying great sex elsewhere and returning to the one you really love after? And I truly 100% believe that is a...
  15. GreyPilgrim

    Married and in love but constant urge to see an SP

    I completely agree with Carmine on both fronts. Sex and love are two very distinct things. You may love your wife very much and still feel the urge to have sex with other women. Those urges are natural, common to most people and will never go away. Never. Ever. What’s more, fulfilling your...
  16. GreyPilgrim

    Client number X seen that day

    As long as the provider respects the most basic rules of personal hygiene, no, I absolutely don’t mind. And neither should you. Actually, going down the rabbit hole of considering the traffic down there sounds like a sure fire way to psych yourself out of any session! I mean, let’s go with the...
  17. GreyPilgrim

    Are Montreal Escorts generally having a good time with clients?

    To answer OP’s question: yeah, I think a lot of the providers are having a good time… but not necessarily because of the sex! Beyond the exaggerated reviews and inflated egos, I think a lot of johns (hopefully most) eventually learn the biggest trick of the trade: if you wish to make the most...
  18. GreyPilgrim

    A survival guide for a beginner.

    Remember the first time you had sex? Remember the most satisfying sex you ever had? Let me take a wild, wild guess here: those were not the same, right? Well, chances are your experiences in this little hobby of ours will follow the same pattern: your first is rarely your best. Not because of...
  19. GreyPilgrim

    Montreal Escorts Official Best of year 2022 discussion!

    It’s all good, just a joke! Just weird that the poll would add them up this way. In any case, thanks for setting up the whole thing!
  20. GreyPilgrim

    Montreal Escorts Official Best of year 2022 discussion!

    Uh… side note: I’m not a rocket scientist, but that adds up to 123,3%. That’s a record year for sure!!! :p
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