Well i hope these guys wash their hands after touching their dick :O lol. Its basic hygiene to wash your hands after fapping or going to the bathroom for #1 or #2.
Any woman who's had to stand in line for 20min to use the bathroom at an event or club knows the majority of men don't wash their hands after they piss. Not hard to figure out when you hear a flushing sound coming from the men's bathroom but mysteriously never hear the water running or the hand dryer but some dude walks out of the bathroom right away. You put 2 and 2 together.
The dudes who do wash their hands are the minority. I know some men wash their hands but some of those men only do it when other people are around to judge them. Like if they're with someone who washes theirs. I'll mention that there's a sharp increase in hand washing in unisex bathrooms. So these men know other people expect them to wash their hands and they know they're supposed to. But they only do when they know others are looking. Smh.
Looks like only 31% of men wash their hands. Hopefully that doesn't include the performative hand washers and 31% is the stat for true hand washers... Ugh I was going to say the majority but damn 69% is getting close to the totality.
This is something that I've found disturbing for a long time. I don't get it. Like you literally put your hand on your dick. Why would you think anyone else has to, for all intents and purposes, have your dick in their own hand to? They don't have a choice but to shake your hand or touch the same door handles, chairs, documents, whatever you touch after handling your dick?! (I don't mean you personally, obviously. But I mean "you", the 69% who are reading this.)
Anyyyway, that's something I realized a long time ago, I just didn't know it was even higher than I thought. Not gonna lie, it's kind of depressing lol I haven't checked the stats for women. I'm sure there are women who don't wash their hands either. But probably not 69%.