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  1. sene5hos

    Prigojine parody and comedy thread

    He looks a nice guy!
  2. sene5hos

    Les Farfadaas

    Illustre membre du groupe des Farfadaas qui s’opposaient aux mesures sanitaires, Mario Roy, accusé de méfait pour avoir bloqué le tunnel Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine en mars 2021, est certain de pouvoir faire éclater la vérité à son procès qui commence aujourd’hui.
  3. sene5hos

    Elon Musk Twitter on Thursday evening banned the accounts of several high-profile journalists from the nation’s top news organizations, marking a significant attempt by new owner and self-described free speech absolutist...
  4. sene5hos

    Garde nationale du Québec. Authorities are concerned about an organization of fake police who are hatching plans to make citizen arrests and shut down Quebec vaccination centers. “Of all far-right...
  5. sene5hos

    Alex Jones Ordered To Pay Nearly $1 Billion In Damages To Sandy Hook Families. Parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims broke down in tears today as a jury in Waterbury, CT, awarded hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for defamation, slander and emotional distress against Infowars founder...
  6. sene5hos

    Three Arkansas law enforcement officers were suspended Three Arkansas law enforcement officers were suspended Sunday following social media outrage over a video that seemingly showed two deputies and an officer striking a suspect under arrest...
  7. sene5hos


    Canada inflation summary for June 2022 Updated: July 20, 2022 Next update: August 16, 2022 Current Canada inflation rate June 2022 8.1% The Consumer Price Index for Canada is 152.9 for the month of June 2022. The inflation rate year over year is 8.1% (compared to 7.7% for the previous month)...
  8. sene5hos

    Without a condom A man who refuses to wear a condom during sex despite a request to do so by his or her partner should be guilty of sexual assault, the Supreme Court ruled in a...
  9. sene5hos

    Vanessa Sicotte, Sunwing, récidive Une influenceuse, devenue populaire pour sa participation au vol de Sunwing vers Tulum l’hiver dernier, s’est filmée en direct sur Instagram tard hier soir, buvant dans une bouteille d’alcool...
  10. sene5hos

    Phillipe Bond accusé d'inconduite sexuelle. L’humoriste Philippe Bond se retire de la vie publique après que de nouvelles allégations faisant état de comportements inappropriés et non désirés aient été rapporté par un média. Ainsi, il quitte son émission...
  11. sene5hos

    According to you in percentage: The SPs who hide their work from their friends? To their families?

    I would say a lot, but I always ask this question.
  12. sene5hos

    Is an 18 year old girl too young?

    I think this is a bit young, and her experience matches her age.
  13. sene5hos

    Great Replacement Theory Great Replacement Theory? Try language of death wielded by opportunistic right-wing figures. There is nothing subtle about the rhetoric we...
  14. sene5hos

    The price of oil.

    Today it's $2,15.9 Long live electric cars.
  15. sene5hos

    Weapons in USA May 10 (Reuters) - The rate of U.S. gun deaths surged 35% in 2020 to the highest point since 1994, with especially deadly levels for young Black men, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and...
  16. sene5hos


    China blamed Beijing’s first case of the Omicron variant on a package from Canada, something that experts were quick to say is 'not based on science.' :oops::rolleyes:o_O
  17. sene5hos

    Parti conservateur du Québec La comédienne Anne Casabonne fait le saut en politique. Elle portera le message du Parti conservateur du Québec (PCQ) lors de l'élection partielle dans la circonscription de...
  18. sene5hos

    Tournoi Mondial de Hockey 2021

    Omicron a raison du tournoi Mondial de Hockey à Edmonton :( Les autorités cessent toutes les activités.
  19. sene5hos

    Depardieu accused of rape. Will he be punished? Charlotte Arnould, who accuses Gérard Depardieu of rape. Thursday, one year exactly after the indictment of Gérard Depardieu for “rape” and “sexual assault”, actress Charlotte Arnould revealed on Twitter to be “the victim” of the actor...
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