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  1. C

    Trump's Tariffs and Trade War

    I thought I start a new thread. Trump has been threatening tariffs for a while and now it is reality. What his true motives are are unknown but I suspect it might be personal. Having said that, see why I hate the government because a lot of the problems in the world are caused by the government...
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    Jagmeet Singh of the NDP ^^^^^ Breaking. Jagmeet Singh said that in January he...
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    CanadaMama.Ca ^^^^^ This should be illegal. This company is literally selling Canadian citizenship. They are billing people nearly $20,000 to have their kid born in Canada to get citizenship. and look at this and here are the packages Should someone not be reporting this company...
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    Canada By-Election and the Downfall of the Trudeau Liberals

    Fascinating, being a Canadian board, not one mention of the by-elections which is major, everyone is so focused on American politics which has little bearing on Canada. Having said that, the Trudeau Liberals is like the sinking Titanic. They lost the historic Toronto St-Paul district to the...
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    The Six Day Workweek Greece is starting the six day work week. They claim the same nonsense that Trudeau keeps on repeating, a shrinking population (yea right when the world has 8.5 billion people, there...
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    Far-left delirium concerning the Grand Prix

    Here is more nonsense from the far-left and is related to the thread chasse au clients, but I made a new thread as it has multiple things I want to bring up. Here is the article. If the far-left took over...
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    Alberta Elections - UCP Wins

    The people of Alberta did the right thing and voted for Danielle Smith of the UPC. Rachel Notley would have took the province into deeper poverty with more taxes, forcing electric, promoting homosexuality, etc...
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    Valerie Plante

    Here is another hypocritical Socialist. The stupidity of the left never ceases to surprise me. This woman hates cars and she wants everyone to drop their cars to take the bus or ride the bicycle. While we got Justin Castro rapidly increasing the population with his mass immigration policy which...
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    Income Taxes

    I start a new thread here. I am being serious. Before income taxes there were roads, schools, and firefighters also. Quebec has among the highest taxes in North America yet our roads are riddled with potholes and the healthcare system is in shambles. Do you even know the history of the income...
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    Trudeau's Gun Ban

    As we have seen the far-left are all about virtue signalling even if the results prove it is a fail. What I am having a hard time understanding about the handgun ban and the mandatory buyback is the rationalization for it. I have the same basic arguments for the right to gun ownership as other...
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    Rogers Outage Again

    This is the second major Rogers outage in two years (time for me to switch service providers). Problem is so many companies put all their cards in Rogers. ATMs and interact is down. So if you got no cash on you, lol good luck. Apparently there is more chaos at Toronto Person Airport because...
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    OnlyFans to Ban Sexually Explicit Content

    OnlyFans announced that effective October 1 it will ban all sexually explicit content. Nudity will still be allowed. Weird move. This brings them and all the SWs on it revenue now those SWs will see their revenue cut...
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    Getting Viagra

    With the current state of the healthcare system (I got no family doctor and it is damn near impossible to find one willing to take new patients) and GPs using covid as an excuse to not see patients has anyone has any experience with or Jack Health in getting a prescription for...
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    Denis Coderre

    This moron Denis Coderre is already showing his arrogance and paternalistic tendencies. Ban that ban that. In his latest thing he suggested he wants to ban drinking in parks after 8pm. Weirdo. First off drinking alcohol was never allowed outside anyways and Coderre seems to be very...
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    SISEA - Another Government Prohibition Bill

    I am surprised no one brought it up. It is floating all over Twitter by SWs. Here is another example of government over reach. They keep on trying to play the role of Grandma thinking they know what is best and to protect us by restricting us and paternalism the way mommy does to her kids. A...
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    New Ontario Lockdown Measures

    As of January 14 at 12:01am Ontario has ordered an all day stay at home house arrest orders. Only travel for essential purposes like work or getting groceries will be permitted. Not sure how they will enforce this. I checked on Terb and agencies are still advertising. Not sure how they will...
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    Bill 66

    Another sign of the move to a totalitarian government. The CAQ tried to pass Bill 61 but made a slimmed down version of this bill called Bill 66. It still the government dictatorship powers. They will have the power to expropriate properties without the owners being able to choose if they want...
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    The GTA Under Complete Lockdown

    Toronto and the Peel region will go under complete lockdown like the first wave as of Monday. Took them long enough. They shut down stripclubs but everything else including MPs continue to operate. Cases has not dropped so they need to stop blaming bars for everything...
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    Ontario Strippers' Advocacy Group Seeks Judicial Review

    It is clear the government got something against bars and clubs and even more against stripclubs. I do not know what it is but it is clear of their bias against them. MPs got a free pass to do whatever they want and that is the main reason of the demise of stripclubs. Having said that the main...
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    The Trudeau Crime Family

    I been saying it for months that Fidel Trudope is planning to bring Chinese Communism for example the way he is giving away free money for months and plans to start Universal Basic Income which he will pass this November. Here is the first clear evidence of the move towards Chinese Communism the...
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