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  1. 2

    Sonia Von Sacher on local radio

    caught this by chance. I give credit to Geneviève Pettersen for even talking about this. And i've heard her mention sex workers here and there on this local radio station, so I think she...
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    Massage parlour presentation abuse

    What i love most about massage parlours is the ability to get a presentation before making a choice. But a girl recently told me they hate giving presentations because a lot of clients are time wasters, they come in see 4-5 girls and leave not picking anyone. That makes the girls reluctant to...
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    any quebec pharmacist here?

    i have a stupid problem, i get viagra prescribed and my daughter has just become a pharmacist, therefore she has access to the dsq, and therefore my history of prescriptions. She is sworn to professional secrecy blah blah blah, but she can see it and that makes me uncomfortable. When a...
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    Montreal guy found guilty of sexual assault from removing condoms during intercourse at MTL MPs

    good on the girls to get together like that...would love to know whiich mp it was
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    Searching private messages

    Is there a way to search our own private messages? that would be a nice feature if not
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    Anyone have experience with Clinque l'Actuel?

    my doctor retired. He would send be for basic std testing every 2 years (he knew of my activities). Now i share my new doctor with my family, so you get it. What's it like at Actuel? Easy to get an appointment? expensive? discreet?
  7. 2

    What could cause spotting in between periods for a sex worker?

    A provider I have been seeing for a while has been having issues with spotting in between her periods. No fould smell. She was on some patch birth control, but took it off. She has an appointment with her doctor in 2 weeks, but i'm wondering if this is a common thing with sex workers? I'm...
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    Is this current economic situation affecting your amount of hobbying?

    well it is mine. With the price of EVERYTHING going up and up (including sps), i'm starting to really feel it. I made a decision (at 3am last night) to slow way down my frequency of hobbying. Anecdotally, one provider told me things were slow at a place that usually is very busy in the waste...
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    viagra and facial flushing

    i was visiting with my favourite SW yesterday. The room was hot and brightly lit. Half way through the session i saw us in the mirror and my face was red like a fuckin tomato! it was so bright red it really through me off and ruined my session. I even admitted to her that i took viagra to...
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    Keeping shoes on thoughout encounter?

    i find it very exciting and hot when a girl is buck naked but for her heels, and even more so during sex...I love it when the girl offers to keep them on throughout the encounter, as I am a little shy to ask for it as I know it can be a little awkward/uncomfortable for the girl (wearing 5 inch...
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    Quebec movie Noémie Dit Oui Has anyone seen this movie? I havn't but you can see the whole movie just by watching the trailer... It mirrors what the media talks about around F1 time. Young girl ends up being 'recruited' and ending up working around F1 time... Although the...
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    merb hangs on Chrome on iphone8

    been like this for months, really annoying. sometimes pages load instantly, sometimes just hangs for about a minute
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    THC gummies online in Canada

    Thanks to the wonderful CAQ, THC gummies are hard to come by in Qc. Anyone have experience/recommendations where to order within Canada that can deliver to QC? I like having THC edibles to help me sleep, but am not in the mood for the SQDC's THC infused beets before bed.
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    Have you ever faked an orgasm?

    I know this might sound a bit weird, but I have recently considered faking orgasms. I've always been hit or miss with my 'performance', and sometimes am unable to 'finish' despite the girl being beautiful and doing all the right things. Some take it personnaly when the client can't finish...
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    Prostitution decriminilized in Belgium

    Prostitution is now officially decriminlized in belgium since June 1st. Hopefully this will model will work well and eventually catch on in other european countries
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    It's finally frikin' summer!

    Wow! I have seen more 'lightly' dressed beautiful women in the last 3 days than in the last 10 months. I live in the city center and everywhere you look there are attractive women, of all ages, in flowing skirts, mini-dresses, super low-cut tops, skin-tight tights, hot pants, you name
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    Head of a Canada-wide prostitution ring pleads guilty in Montreal low on details. who has canada-wide agencies? i thought the police were concentrated on 'trafficing' cases and when there were minors involved...does not seem to be the case here.
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    Jenna Jameson's recent health problems

    wow, kinda shocking to see Jenna in this video...I know we all age, and we all change, but i cannot even recognize her...i wish her well
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    "Merb members are more difficult or demanding"

    Over the last couple of years i have heard quite a few times from the girls that a lot of merb members tend to be more demanding or just generally more 'difficult' customers. They try to use the fact that they are members here to extract better service or lesser price or they want wall to...
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    posted age vs actual age conversion chart

    Surely this has been done before, but cannot find anything. Either way, can't hurt for newbies ok, we all know that posted ages are a little misleading, but sometimes they are downright farcical. I came up with this little conversion chart for newbies not to be fooled by what is posted...
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