Montreal Escorts

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  1. celinebisous

    Looking to buy a massage table

    Hello Eve, I don't know anyone that has a used bed for sale but I can tell you that Costco had one for a very good price... Hope this helps,
  2. celinebisous

    Shooting at Dawson College

    Downtown Today I was in the area today, shortly after the shootings happened and before the gunmen were “neutralized”. It was a very intense scene. The police were blocking off Sherbrooke, and St. Cat’s. Droves of people were leaving the area. I passed by Westmont Square- where at that time...
  3. celinebisous

    Looking for Madonna tickets...

    I just got 2 extra tix's to the show on Thursday Section 102 anyone interested? They will be beside me ;)
  4. celinebisous

    Happy Birthday, Celine!!

    Funny Boy.... 36 to be exact ;) (in real years) Thanks for the Birthday wishes very nice :)
  5. celinebisous

    Are high turnover rates the sign of a bad agency?

    I would not say that it represents a bad agency (Not all the time....) During the slower periods.. ie.. Winter some of the ladies look around for agencies that will be able to offer more work.
  6. celinebisous

    Nothing like death to make you ponder

    Sincerest condolences Your loved one has left behind memories that you can cherish forever, hold on to them to help get you through the rough times.
  7. celinebisous

    Poor service from Celine's Fantasies

    I believe I did not cancel but told you that once I speak to her today I will judge if she can make it. Again her being sick is something no one can control :(
  8. celinebisous

    Poor service from Celine's Fantasies

    Am I to assume that if Mother Nature is early or one of the girls are out sick that the gentlemen out there would like me to send them anyway?? I understand that our emails sometimes have delays and that some of the girls cancel at the last minute (these girls don't usually stay that long)...
  9. celinebisous

    I need your help guys !

    I agree that we are geared more to the GFE market but I have a young lady or 2 that are not total GFE. Bottom line... As long as your attitude is right and you want to work as a team....there is always room for you ;)
  10. celinebisous

    After the GP , will any SPs be open for business

    Most of our girls will be available this week ;) We took the day off yesterday ;) I will have the scheduales up as soon as I can :)
  11. celinebisous

    This is it: Grand Prix week !

    Common guys I was only teasing :D
  12. celinebisous

    This is it: Grand Prix week !

    So does that mean I should raise the rates :p LOL
  13. celinebisous

    This is it: Grand Prix week !

    This is going to a busy week for us all .... I understand that it is very frustrating to have everyone raise the rates due to this event :mad: I can promise you all that the rates with us will stay the same and keep an eye out as I have something in the works and I am sure that you will...
  14. celinebisous

    RIP MR Paul Buisson

    Juste quelques mots pour exprimer l'immense choc que j'ai ressentie suite à cette grande perte :( C'etait un grand homme! Il faisait son travail avec tellement de passion, il va nous manquer terriblement. RDS va avoir beaucoup de difficulté à combler le vide laissé par son départ. Paul...
  15. celinebisous

    Happy Birthday Celine

    WOW!!! :o Thank you all so much :) I just got back from a weekend away and I wanted to appologize for delays on emails and all. Thanks so much again, P.S. As for my age...well I think I like 28 (US) he he he ;)
  16. celinebisous

    Joke Thread

    Perfection Well I read that at least the perfect woman does exist :p
  17. celinebisous

    Happy New Year Wishes

    Happy New Year!! Just want to take a short minute to wish you all a great New Year! As 2004 gives way to A New Year, new hope, new joy, and new beginnings. May all your dreams come true!! Happy New Year Everyone, Celine & Company xoxo
  18. celinebisous

    Next Party Suggestion? (Dec. 10th)

    An MSN Group has been created for Parties ONLY ! It's been named Montreal Rendez Vous & Everyone is welcome!! If you would like information about the party this Friday or for future party's all the information can finally found in...
  19. celinebisous

    Next Party Suggestion? (Dec. 10th)

    ;) I guess you will just have to come to find out :P C xoxo
  20. celinebisous

    Next Party Suggestion? (Dec. 10th)

    Party Party Party This is not the place to talk about Tom.... Tom from Merc and Tom from First time are 2 differant people. The party is a blast and you will miss out if your not there so please bring your party shoes and lets all send out 2004 with a bang :D
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