Montreal Escorts

Poor service from Celine's Fantasies


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
Boston, USA
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On a number of occasions in the past I’ve expressed my frustration at the inability of Montreal agencies to make and honor requests for advance bookings. In fact I started a thread in which I contrasted Montreal and Toronto in this regard.

But my experience this fall in working with Celine led me to believe that her agency would be able to accommodate my desire to book two escorts in advance. But how terribly wrong that judgment turned out to be.

I contacted Celine nearly a month before my upcoming trip to Montreal later this week, and her email person, Zoe, assured me that she would book my two choices “the minute I know their schedules.” Well, I have waited more than three weeks now but I still have no confirmed bookings, even though I’m arriving on Thursday. Granted one of the girls I was hoping to book is not listed on the current schedule for this week. But the other escort, someone I have seen and reviewed very favorably, is listed as working at the times I requested an appointment, but still no confirmation from Celine and company.

Thankfully I was wise enough to contact a well-known independent for an advanced booking, so I am very well set for one of my evenings. I’ve now sent out distress calls to John of Eleganza and Chris of Devilish in the hope that they can provide company for my other remaining time slots.

I have found this experience exceedingly frustrating. I had hoped to move the center of my hobbying from Toronto to Montreal, because I think Montreal has a much better selection of escorts, but I’m now wondering whether that is at all wise. I spend in the high 5 figures practicing this hobby worldwide, and Montreal is the only city in the world where I have found it so difficult to make advance bookings. In the end I will continue to spend the money on this hobby I love, but unless Montreal agencies can better handle requests from visitors like myself, it looks like very little of my dosh will be spent in Quebec province!

Sorry for the rant ...
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Gorgon's Eye
Jan 9, 2006
Beta Perseus
Advanced booking

Despite the fact Celine is amazing in every way, I have to admit the booking is not the strongest asset of her agency.
They screw up even short notice bookings. I advise you to forget advanced booking when you target one of Celine's girls. Instead sending emails, call ruther Celine and talk to her in person; she can shuffle a schedule and get you the wanted girl in short notice. Some exceptions apply.
I think that advanced booking is fairly uncommon for most of the Montreal agencies.
Why not just come over and play without any plan, this will add more thrill to your game.
Let's see what regnad has to comment on this.
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New Member
Jan 17, 2006
I feel your pain madmax...and even short notice booking can be a real pain. I tried several days to get a girl as soon as she starts her shift, I was promised a few times and it never happened! :mad:



Nov 1, 2004

I share your pain. To be fair though, CF is not the only one that has this problem and I must say my experience is different than yours in that CF seems to be better than the Montreal average in this department. I experienced even worse pre-booking problem with quite a few other agencies in Montreal that are widely reviewed and advertised here at terb.

I came to accept that Montreal is different than the other cities like Toronto where most SP’s are working full time and committing this as a full time job. However, most here in Montreal are part-time students who have their own life. And the agencies therefore have to give them more flexibility in terms of working schedule.

Just hope the agencies here can improve in their pre-booking system (at least for pre-bookings within the same week) as I believe this makes more business sense to everybody (agencies, girls, drivers, and clients) rather than everybody calling for last minute arrangements between 5-7pm.


May 26, 2004
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What it comes down to-same as in every other business.

Absentee management or management that doesn't have the focus any longer.


Jan 18, 2006
madmax said:
I’ve now sent out distress calls to John of Eleganza and Chris of Devilish in the hope that they can provide company for my other remaining time slots.


It would be interesting to see what sort of response you get from Eleganza and Devilish as I am in the same boat. Though I haven't tried with Chris, I know that I haven't been able to pre-book with John...always the call-the-same-day-response.

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
Advance booking is possible under certain conditions

Trying to see a particular SP with most agencies can be very frustrating. If you are a local like me, you'll eventually get to see who you want. All you need is patience and perhaps a bit of luck. But if you are a visitor and you miss your limited window of opportunity during your stay, you may not get a second chance any time soon.

I had some success with advance booking with agencies like CF, XXXtase, Eleganza and Devilish. I've used CF the most, though not recently, and Céline has been very reliable to this end. But many young agency SPs have no fixed schedules or are unreliable, so you cannot plan ahead with them regardless of the agency.

Advance booking generally works best with indies, as Daringly pointed out. In most cases, you not only can but MUST plan your meeting sometimes many weeks in advance. I've done that with great success with many indies like Samy and Mia. Reliable advance booking is one of the main reason why I prefer dealing directly with the boss.

But this is not without risk either. Last minute cancellations may occur for a number of reasons, even with your best regular. In such cases, you are generally left in the dry with an indy while an agency can provide a substitute to try to salvage your evening.

Whether you go indy or agency, if something goes wrong and you need to fill a gap a particular evening, there are not many solutions. Have a list of SPs you'd be prepared to see from various agencies and call to see who's available.

Lion Heart

lovin spoonful

New Member
Dec 6, 2005
madmax said:
I contacted Celine nearly a month before my upcoming trip to Montreal later this week,
You say that like it's a good thing, but you're asking a lot.

This is an honest question, but since you talk about escorting all over the world, how many agencies have you dealt with that would let you make 1 month advance bookings with a specific girl at the rate of 160/hr?


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
Boston, USA
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Well, at least they're consistent

lovin spoonful said:
This is an honest question, but since you talk about escorting all over the world, how many agencies have you dealt with that would let you make 1 month advance bookings with a specific girl at the rate of 160/hr?

That's a fair question. When I contacted Celine's three weeks ago I simply gave her (or Zoe) my schedule and contact information and asked that they make the bookings once they knew the girls' schedules. Since I usually book appointments for no less than 3 hours, I wanted to let them know of my intentions, basically so I could be "first in line" once they knew the schedule for the week I was visiting. So I didn't expect the appointment to be confirmed right away.

To her credit Zoe did keep in touch with me via email, but it wasn't until this morning, one day before my arrival, that she was able to confirm even the appointment of the girl who has been listed on their schedule since Sunday. But I do give them credit for confirming that booking. BTW, I've heard nothing from either John of Eleganza or Chris of Devilish about the girls I inquired about yesterday. So at least consistency rules among the agencies!

My experience worldwide is that I can regularly book agency escorts about two weeks in advance, no matter what their price structure is. I am being completely honest when I say that Montreal is the only city in the world where I practice this hobby that I can't make such an advance appointment. I know....I'm just going to have to get used to it! :rolleyes:


New Member
Aug 30, 2003
Am I to assume that if Mother Nature is early or one of the girls are out sick that the gentlemen out there would like me to send them anyway??

I understand that our emails sometimes have delays and that some of the girls cancel at the last minute (these girls don't usually stay that long)

If one of the girls gets sick the week she is due to be on the schedule I don't always have the time to go and change the scheduale to indicate that but explain it on the phone and or by email.

Madmax, I am sorry for not being able to come thorugh but I am certain that in the course of your life you have had to cancel something at some point due to illness... We try to do our best and when we make a mistake I am the first to offer compensation.

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New Member
Aug 30, 2003
madmax said:
Just emptied it, Regnad. A quick update: Celine just "unconfirmed" Gia because of her (Gia's) cold. Just a run of stinkin' bad luck for me, I guess.

I believe I did not cancel but told you that once I speak to her today I will judge if she can make it. Again her being sick is something no one can control :(


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
Boston, USA
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The last thing I want to do is to get into a quarrel with a highly respected agency owner. My use of the word "unconfirmed" does not mean "cancelled;" it means exactly what you said, namely, "can't yet be confirmed" in this case because of illness.

My complaint is not about issues that are not under the control of the agency, i.e., illness or personal problems. My complaint is that I was left hanging without information about the status of the escorts I was seeking to book. While Zoe was handling the emails I was left without the information I needed to make an informed decision. Once you started corresponding with me you were very forthcoming with specific details about the girls' situations.

In a similar fashion John has given me a complete account of who is available and who is not for this coming Friday. In addition, he has told me when to call to find out about the availability of escort x (Thursday afternoon) and when to call to find out about the availability of escort y (Friday afternoon). By providing that kind of information in a timely fashion, I'm able to decide whether to wait until Friday afternoon to book my preferred escort, or to try to get a confirmed booking with an escort who might be 2nd or 3rd on my list of preferences.

I really don't want to extend this discussion any further. My overall point is simply that the escort scene in Montreal is different from any other city in which I practice this hobby. Even the EE agencies in Toronto are willing to confirm bookings more than a week in advance. I'm learning that such advance bookings are much less likely to be reliable in Montreal. As I said in an earlier post, I'm just gonna have to get used to it. And that will be the last word from me on this particular topic.
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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The doc doesn't believe in pre-booking

I make it a personal rule of never pre-booking. I'm a spur-of-the-moment guy. I used to pre-book weeks in advance in my hobbying prime, but realized later that it was silly considerning the number & quality of girls available. Plus, pre-booking more than 48 hrs in advance would increase the chances of something unfortunate and unexpected happening. I'd wind up wasting not only my evening, but often my whole trip. And when things were on schedule, i realized that i wasn't even horny when the time of the date came. I remember thinking: "I'm gonna blow $450 and i'm not even horny? What the hell is wrong with me?" I've realized with experience that being spontaneous and working the phones is what real hobbying is all about.


North Winds Wizard
May 26, 2003
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Make a list, check it twice...

I don't get to make to many trips, so I do as much homework as I can about the kind of girl I'm looking for, then make a list of top ones for several diffrent agencys.
Gotta have a lot of back up plans:cool:
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