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  1. L

    Hotel Chablis & Motel Ideal

    Depuis que je suis sur MERB je lis que les merbistes aiment aller au Chablis ou au Motel Idéal. Quelles sont les raisons de cet "amour" pour ces deux endroits? Y-a-il ds tarifs sieste? Y -a-t-il des tarifs à l'heure? je n'y suis jamais allé préférant habituellement les grandes chaînes d'hotel...
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    French posts

    Why don't you make an efffort????? The real problem in this debate is that people who only speaks one language try to find reasons to justify that fact. If you are unilingual that's your choice whatsover your mother tongue could be. Personally I speaks 3 languages and I would like to learn some...
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    I'm unfortunately back

    Why not??? You are asking if you can change? The answer is YES. But maybe you cannot do it alone in your appartment. Go and ask for some help. There is nos shame on that. There are many professional ready to help you. You should be your firts lover. If you love you it will be eaiser for the...
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    Ce que les clients nous inspirent

    Bravo! Bravo iMaude pour ta réflexion. Cela change de certaines lamentations que nous pouvons parfois lire ici. Je travaille aussi auprès des gens (pas dans le même métier évidemment !!!!) et je suis d'accord avec toi pour dire que si nous aimons rendre service aux gens ou comme tu le dis les...
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    new member here

    GiJo I think you are doing the right thing: call the girl you think you will connect with. After a while you will discover what you like in comparaison of what others like on this site. It might be quite different. I am looking forward for reading your review. I hope you were right!!!! LUAP
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    Married or not?

    Being a hobbyist cost less than a divorce, don't you think? Besides that if your life with your wife is good except sex why change everything? A little hour or two with a nice young lady and your are OK... In those contries where they have more than one women they never talk about fidelity ...
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