Classy Angel
Montreal Escorts

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  1. I

    Rapid and discreet testing downtown

    Here i thought 250-300$ to have same day results was great.
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    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    Honestly i don't really understand that kink. Then again, i really don't understand feet fetishes either so...
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    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    My overthinking toxic trait would think about the potential kids showing up at my door in 18 years, turning this kink into a nightmare.
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    The Confessional

    I've started seeing an old time friend, which i wanted for the past 15 years. Shes in a long time relation that doesnt work anymore but she dont want to leave everything behind. Shes kinda using me to fill up her needs. I feel really bad for the guy, yet im dancing walking my dog at night.
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    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    Im too young to have experienced those unfortunatly. Those front row seats im sure were the best. Freaking consoles are in the way nowaday.
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    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    Sex in a car is over rated really. Too much management and its like playing twister on the back seat. That being said, a big dfk session on some good music after a long night out of fun and teasing is great. But when shes 5 feet and couldnt sit on my laps properly, this morning im shopping lol.
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    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    My cars the worst when it comes to a dfk session, i need an suv asap.
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    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    My clients are a pain in the ass when summer come. Children in a candy store are more responsible.
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    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    Whaaaaat the fuck lol
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    One hobby day in Montreal how to spend the $

    Right now, Berry is the talk of the town, i didn't read any bad reviews so far. She's still here for a week.
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    Rendu là demande lui ton T4 2022-2023, fait une moyenne 2 ans. Tu calcules comme pour un salarié mon ami. Un travailleur autonome, ça ne se calcul pas comme ça.
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    Sans même parler d'argent. Essaye de garder ce rythme là toi-même. Baiser 6x par jour (pas des ptites vites), 6 jours semaines, toute l'année. C'est simplement irréaliste comme calcul. Tu oublies tout l'over head que comporte sa business. Ainsi que tout le "workout" qu'elle se tape avec les...
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    What does the Acronym/ abbreviation of "OG" stand for?

    I thought i learned a new one today hahaha
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    What does the Acronym/ abbreviation of "OG" stand for?

    Original gangster?
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    When does time start/end? How do you view your time duration with a sp?

    In my line of work, i deal constantly with clients being late for meetings, which throws off my schedual completly for the day. Unfortunatly, we are not allowed to charge clients for being late, if i could, i would haha. To me, if your app was a 1pm and you are late, too bad, your time started...
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