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    Interview with sexual health doctor

    VERY detailed interview with board certified urologist Dr Rena Malik Some interesting how often you should ejaculate to lower risk of prostate cancer, pain during sex, sperm counts, etc
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    Happy Valentine's Day!

    The times, they are changing: According to Pew Research, America - About 63% of men under 30 are single, compared to 34% for women. 50% of Single men (all age groups) are now looking for a commited relationship, down from 61% 4 years ago...
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    Have kids? They can write to Santa...and get a reply!

    Courtesy of Canada Post....
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    This time, the UFO conspiracy might have legs.... Grusch has stated that he provided a wealth of highly classified evidence to the powerful internal investigative agencies overseeing the Department of Defense and the U.S intelligence community, but he has not...
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    Syphilis back in the 1600s

    WTF, it'd eat away your nose. The treatment was WILD
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    Human progress - view from 20,000 feet Despite all the crap going on, this is the best time to be living in, as a human being. Advances in medicine, trade, governance and science have lifted all boats. The past 200...
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    4 year old girl desperately needs stem cell donor

    URGENTLY Looking for stem cell donors with asian/caucasian heritage:
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    Warning from experts after Bob Saget's death: take head injuries seriously Hopefully this will help someone in the future - don't screw around with substantial head injuries. I once knew a guy whose girlfriend died after a skiing incident. She wasn't wearing a...
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