Mirage Escort
Montreal Escorts


  1. MelodieIndy

    MTL Unicorn Healers - Kath+Rose+Rosie+Bianca **BDSM-fetish-roleplay-Tantric Massage**

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS www.montrealunicornhealers.com Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 It's always a pleasure to take prebookings everyday from 8:00am to 10:00pm ROSIE SPARKLES Saturday and Sunday BIANCA Sunday [ HANNA Saturday, Sunday KATH...
  2. MelodieIndy

    MUH - Mercury+Hanna+Kath+Rose+Bianca+Tamara **BDSM-fetish-roleplay-Tantric Massage**

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS www.montrealunicornhealers.com Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 It's always a pleasure to take prebookings everyday from 8:00am to 10:00pm !!!NEW!!! BIANCA NEW!!! Sunday ROSE Friday HANNA Saturday, Sunday KATH Friday...
  3. MelodieIndy

    <3<3 MUH -TODAY- Hanna, Kath, Rosie, Tamara **BDSM, fetish, roleplay, 3some**

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS www.montrealunicornhealers.com Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 It's always a pleasure to take prebookings everyday from 8:00am to 10:00pm HANNA Saturday (11:00-20:30) NEW!!! Hanna is in charge of our SNAPCHAT account!! add us for...
  4. MelodieIndy

    <3<3<3 Montreal Unicorn Healers - TODAY - Flowers, Hanna

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 It's always a pleasure to take prebookings everyday from 8:00am to 10:00pm BISEXUAL VIRGIN TRANS GIRL – REAL REDHEAD(pre-op MtoF) : FLOWERS ********************** AURORA petite 18 years...
  5. MelodieIndy

    <3<3<3 Montreal Unicorn Healers - Today - ROSE, KATH, MERCURY - BDSM*Fetish*Roleplay

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 It's always a pleasure to take prebookings everyday from 8:00am to 10:00pm ********************** URORA petite 18 years old submissive in Toronto!!!! PREEBOOK NOW!!! (new pictures soon)...
  6. MelodieIndy

    <3<3<3 MUH - Kath, Hanna, Rose, Aurora&Jasmine duo, Auction for Flowers' virginity

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 It's always a pleasure to take prebookings everyday from 8:00am to 10:00pm AUCTION!! BISEXUAL VIRGIN TRANS GIRL – REAL REDHEAD(pre-op MtoF) : FLOWERS Joining our team of Unicorns Thank...
  7. MelodieIndy

    <3<3<3 MUH - Hanna, Kath, Aurora (TO) - AUCTION for vinrgin Trans girl

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 It's always a pleasure to take prebookings everyday from 8:00am to 10:00pm NEW!! BISEXUAL VIRGIN TRANS GIRL – REAL REDHEAD(pre-op MtoF) : FLOWERS Joining our team of Unicorns As of...
  8. MelodieIndy

    <3<3<3 Montreal Unicorn Healers -- KATHARINA and TIANNA for your roleplay fantasies

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS Our website is online!!! It's still a work in progress, but you can check it out http://montrealunicornhealers.com/ Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 ********************** New!!!! AURORA petite 18 years old available in Toronto...
  9. MelodieIndy

    <3<3<3 Montreal Unicorn Healers xoxo NEW GIRL AURORA available in Toronto!!!

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS Our website is online!!! It'S still a work in progress, but you can check it out http://montrealunicornhealers.com/ Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 ********************** New!!!! AURORA starting soon in Toronto stay tuned...
  10. MelodieIndy

    <3<3<3 Montreal unicorn Healers - PREBOOKING for this week - HANNA, TIANNA, JASMINE

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS Website should be online FRIDAY!! Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 HANNA **Wednesday, Friday and Staurday** For a limited time only MOTHER/DAUGHTER Threesome Roleplay with TIANNA Taking...
  11. MelodieIndy

    NEW ** Tianna @Montreal Unicorn Healers for a special MOTHER DAUGHTER ROLEPLAY

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 HANNA Wednesday and Friday VANESSA Wednesday NEW: TIANNA IS JOINING JASMINE THE UNICORN!! For a limited time only...
  12. MelodieIndy

    <3<3<3 Montreal Unicorn Healers - VANESSA and HANNA - SATURDAY xoxoxoo

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 Text Jasmine for booking and information - 514-605-0857 VANESSA SATURDAY 14:00-21:00 HANNA SATURDAY 13:00-21:00 ****** Follow us on Twitter or Instagram for the...
  13. MelodieIndy

    S.U.N.D.A.Y =>> MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS <<= Bianca and Vanessa <3

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS * There are still some availabilities for TODAY * * Taking bookings for next week * Text me for booking and information - 514-605-0857 We are courtesans of the highest ability and deepest compassion. We thrive on adding value to the lives of couples...
  14. MelodieIndy

    <3<3 xoxo MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS oxox <3<3 -- Website in construction

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS We are courtesans of the highest ability and deepest compassion. We thrive onadding value to the lives of couples in Montreal by using sexual healing to deepen their connection and reinvigorate their lives. * Taking bookings for FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY * Text me...
  15. MelodieIndy

    <3<3 xoxo MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS oxox <3<3 -- Website will be up in 2 weeks

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS *There are still some availabilities for SUNDAY * *Taking bookings for next week * Tex tme for booking and information - 514-605-0857 (Jasmine xoxoxo) We are courtesans of the highest ability and deepest compassion. We thrive on adding value to the lives of...
  16. MelodieIndy

    NEW ***** U N I C O R N H E A L E R S ***** <3<3 - - New agency! Stay tuned!!!

    MONTREAL UNICORN HEALERS hebergeur d images We are courtesans of the highest ability and deepest compassion. We thrive on adding value to the lives of couples in Montreal by using sexual healing to deepen their connection and reinvigorate their lives. Text me for booking and information -...
  17. T

    Threesome (3some) Stories

    I'm really wanting to venture into the land of the threesome.... let's hear some stories form the merbites on their experiences with threesomes (not couples and an sp.... just the stories that involve the John and two women). I tried searching for a thread like this, so if it exists (I...
  18. T

    3Some's with SP's....Do Tell!

    I'm starting to crave the 3Some. THe regular sp visit is starting to become a 2 hour dating and sex scene! It's fun, but its losing its excitement for me! Let's hear some 3some stories and experiences.... only stories with sp's involved please! Our friend Janus gave me a really good one a...
Toronto Escorts