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1-hour bookings

1-hour bookings?

  • Yay

    Votes: 48 67.6%
  • Nay

    Votes: 20 28.2%
  • Gay

    Votes: 3 4.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
May 23, 2005
Why should we feel like we are "competing" with other clients?

I understand what you are saying is that some people might feel that way, but I can't for the life of me understand why.

Some people must have a really strange worldview regarding what this hobby...or whatever you call all about.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Regular Guy said:
The courtship dance can function with a lot less info when you both enter the room and know it's not for the long haul. I believe that all that is needed is that the other, on the surface, doesn't seem like a whacko, seems to be generally on the same wavelength and that there is a connection however superficial you may want to label it. Once established that is usually adequate. Knowing whether she leaves the cap off the toothpaste, sings off key in the shower or is good to her mother is extraneous. Guys going into it more deeply are called regulars.
So if I understand correctly, the extra time and money would buy what linguists call the phatic function, a bit like when one says hu-huh to let the person he's talking to on the phone know that the communication channel is working.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
bumfie said:
Why should we feel like we are "competing" with other clients?

I understand what you are saying is that some people might feel that way, but I can't for the life of me understand why.

Some people must have a really strange worldview regarding what this hobby...or whatever you call all about.
The word "hobby" has acceptations that refer to the notions of part-time and little significance.

If instead one's hobby turns into a full-time job, it's only natural he'll adopt behaviours of people with full-time jobs in corporations. Competing with peers (i.e. I see more girls, I post more reviews, I book HDH's, etc...) is one common trait of people holding full-time jobs in Hobbyland.

Where one seeks significance where it would be wiser not to look for any, such strange world views, as you call them, are legion.

My 2 pesos.
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Apr 16, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
So if I understand correctly, the extra time and money would buy what linguists call the phatic function, a bit like when one says hu-huh to let the person he's talking to on the phone know that the communication channel is working.
Not familiar with the concept of the "phatic function" but sounds like it is in the zone. But as for extra money. Well that is a moot point. Some can accomplish the whole thing in an hour if they are a 1 SOG and the stars are aligned in the heavens.
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Regular Guy said:
Not familiar with the concept of the "phatic function" but sounds like it is in the zone.
See Roman Jakobson, a Russian linguist who proposed a typology of communication based on 6 categories, one of which is the phatic function (i.e. checking that the channel is working).

Just extrapolating from the concept here.
Apr 16, 2005
Okay. (I amended my post above). Further to that I, like you, kind of balked at that doing away with one hour bookings so the first hour of the two hour booking could be devoted to the touchy feely. I say take the two hour if it suits your purpose (e.g. MSOG) but it is still possible to have the GFE in one. If teenagers can feel the chemistry and neck ten minutes into the first date (no matter how illusory we all know it to be) then that kind of connection is possible for clients and sp's.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
rumpleforeskiin said:
True enough. Personally, I prefer 4 days to a week and far, far away, but the budget won't always allow.
Not sure how many HME seekers are populating this board but I can imagine those would represent a niche market.

Anyway, care to explain how it works for you once the honeymoon's over?


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Regular Guy said:
Okay. (I amended my post above). Further to that I, like you, kind of balked at that doing away with one hour bookings so the first hour of the two hour booking could be devoted to the touchy feely. I say take the two hour if it suits your purpose (e.g. MSOG) but it is still possible to have the GFE in one. If teenagers can feel the chemistry and neck ten minutes into the first date (no matter how illusory we all know it to be) then that kind of connection is possible for clients and sp's.
Sounds reasonable.

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
I understand the notion of making a connection before engaging in sex but I'm still a bit of a skeptic when it comes to the sex trade. ... In other words, if it generally takes a few days or weeks to know if a woman is compatible with you, worth engaging with, we're connecting, whatever... what makes it that it would only take an hour or two to achieve the same result with escorts?

There are obviously various levels of "connection". In real life, it has to go much deeper than in hobbyland if the mutual intention is to have something more than some body fluid exchange overnight. You want someone to share your life, buy a house, travel, have better have some solid common values, goals and way of life. But even in real life, haven't you picked up a few "civilian" ladies after just a few drinks and a casual conversation in a bar just for an overnighter?

In hobbyland, the name of the game remains sex, not a long term relationship, and don't worry, I'm not seeking that. However, I had poor encounters, generally with younger ladies, I couldn't get no connexion with. And it's not about common subjects of conversation. I've met gorgeous ladies with whom I had very interesting conversations but very poor sex, and also the reverse. Everybody is different, each connexion can be different. In fact, I don't relate exactly the same way with every "compatible" SP I met, but it takes some time to break the ice and warm things up with some foreplay before going wham-bam. Some may go through a SOG in 5 minutes, but I'm typically just in the middle of it all after the first hour. And asked those I've been with, it's not because I've talked during 55 minutes before getting intimate. :rolleyes: As NL pointed out, it's nice to have some time to recover and then go for a second round, which is frequently better than the first one, before the time is up.

Even through the blurred mask of the sex trade, I find it rewarding to get to know my sex partners. This takes time and repeat encounters. With those I had a particularly great connexion as Samy or Lilly, I like to extend the experience overnight to fully appreciate their company. I now see them less often, but longer each time. To each their own.

Finally, as for the Maria "case study", shall we say for the sake of discussion, unless your "confusion" comments were purely sarcastic to bring arguments in the thread, if you have seen her, you would surely know that her passionate testimony is genuine. I admit she's not your average SP, like only a few others I got to know in recent years, but I'm sure it's her true feelings. If you're still really confused and have seen her, then I guess you didn't take enough time to get to know her...but it does happen with shorter encounters! :rolleyes:

Lion Heart


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I find there are many kind of two hour dates. Some of which leave both of us completely breathless for the word go: non stop play, fore-play, positions and so on until we collapse in a heap after the two hours are up.

Others are like the one I described earlier,starting with sensuous in shower massage.

Others might include in room dining.

Others... well you get the idea.

Some one hour dates are just the right ammount of time. Some seem soooo long and I cannot wait to leave! Others seem to be ending just when we are getting started. and some leave me wanting more. (and I would have to assume some leave him wanting more!)



Oct 11, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
I'm not in for the proverbial wham-bam-t/y/m
O.K…..I amend my previous post to…Wham…What is your sign…bam….thank you..Mam. Next you people will have me donating to Naughty Nadia:eek:
Apr 16, 2005

There are obviously various levels of "connection".Everybody is different, each connexion can be different. In fact, I don't relate exactly the same way with every "compatible" SP I met
You know, this is precisely the point. Unfortunately we are bringing it past a general statement like this one and making it personal. For the very reason that sp'ing is like a box of chocolates - you don't know what you will get from one time to the next then perhaps to err on the side of caution is not such a bad idea. Everyone's needs are different and the chemistry may be different each time.
Even through the blurred mask of the sex trade, I find it rewarding to get to know my sex partners. This takes time and repeat encounters. With those I had a particularly great connexion
You said it. Maybe we have it backward. Perhaps the two hour session should come after the one hour date. And the one hour date because of its limitations will tell a lot about the potential for the future.
Finally, as for the Maria "case study".....if you have seen her, you would surely know that her passionate testimony is genuine. I admit she's not your average SP, like only a few others I got to know in recent years, but I'm sure it's her true feelings.
No doubt in my mind that Maria is genuine. But we cannot suppose that she is speaking for all sp's when she describes the passion of her two hour date. This discussion has to be kept in general terms because we all can't date Maria as sweet as she may be. When Maria describes the passion and ecstasy of the two hour date and how all dates for GFE should be two hours please keep in mind that not all sp's are like her. Is it not unreasonable to believe that there are sp's who are just licking their chops saying that the first hour is a gift. We just shoot the sh_t , then in the secong hour get down to business and bingo! We've got a twofer... Now in all fairness I don't think Ziggy's cynicism was directed at Maria specifically but more at the sp's who might view this two hour minimum for the GFE as found money.

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005


Interesting perspective...but there's one important thing you forget to quote from my last post:

Lion Heart said:
To each their own.

Instead of replying to another of Ziggy's question: "How do you know I haven't?" in reference to Maria (who he has not seen - point to my argument), I should have put this in bold and finished my post with that.

It's not like I don't want to continue a discussion, but this could really drag on for ever. This is only a poll about preferences and GG is not around, so we should not try to turn this into a ruling of any sort.

There are obviously various incentives from a provider's point of view to strive for longer encounters (would you prefer five 1-hr meetings or just one 5-hr meeting tonight?). But strictly from my very own perspective, after more than 20 years of extensive "field tests", from 1/2 hr to 24-hr variations, I just know my body and mind are just built that way: 1-hr shots simply don't do the job...for me!

Don't worry, there's only a limited number of providers who have 2-hr minimum policies and no shortage of 1-hr opportunity shots for those who prefer this. End of debate for me...

I'll just finish by saying it again...To each their own!
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007

Please don't believe for one second that I doubt your sincerity. I'm basically throwing in some general statements and questions for sake of argument, none of which are addressed specifically to you, nor to anyone else.

Moreover, I do not subscribe to the theory of deception. I believe that the reality of the trade cannot be reduced to statements like "they're all lying". When business and intimacy collide in such a way, grey is the dominant colour.

That been said, to see things in black and white is a way to stay ahead of the game. Experienced clients and sex workers tend to think that way.

On another subject - no - I have not done business with you, the reason being I don't see escorts anymore.

When I used to (and this is where I'm getting at), I would generally go for the longer bookings (2 to 5 hours) but I also went for the 1-hour bookings, specifically during the Summer of 2006.

Frankly, my likes and dislikes were not associated with any specific length of time. Must confess that 1-hour sessions work differently than 2-hour sessions and that 2-hour sessions unfold differently than 5-hour dinner dates, that's a truism.

But, unlike some other posters, I'm not one to denigrate 1-hour bookings. Actually, I remember a few that were quite intense in that these would somewhat satisfy the fantasy of engaging in sex with a perfect stranger, without a word being exchanged (hence my reference to The Postman Always Rings Twice and The Last Tango in Paris.

That's one thing. The other thing is, given that there's a discourse here on the board that tends to look down on 1-hour bookings, I'm curious to know if there are clients who somehow feel pressured to book escorts for more than an hour.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Where I'm coming from

Lion Heart said:
I'll just finish by saying it again...To each their own!

This goes without saying. Some 1-hour bookings have worked for me, others not. The same, I could say of longer bookings, that's not my point - not even sure if I have one.

When I used to see escorts, I didn't have the luxury of time. 2 to 3 hours booking became a problem to the point that hobbying became just another stress inducer.

Shorter bookings seemed like a viable alternative though, for some reason, I felt cheap taking that road, not sure why.

Wondering here if it's only me and if, somehow, I let myself being conditioned to feel that way.
Apr 16, 2005
I'll just finish by saying it again...To each their own!
Don't get me wrong LH. I wasn't critcizing your choice, just trying to clarify a point. I actually don't think a ruling is possible for the very reason you stated. For me one size doesn't fit all. So essentially I think we are in agreement. That's all I have to say so like you I will move on.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
You don't need to look far...

to illustrate what I mean by "the dominant discourse on the boards denigrates 1-hour bookings". These excerpts from a review posted recently:

"It's a crime to book her for an hour."​

"Gentlemen, book her for two or three hours"​

Examples like the above are legion.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Ziggy Montana said:
to illustrate what I mean by "the dominant discourse on the boards denigrates 1-hour bookings". These excerpts from a review posted recently:

"It's a crime to book her for an hour."​

"Gentlemen, book her for two or three hours"​

Examples like the above are legion.
This is confusing. I assume, since booking her is a crime, that she's working as an incall. But, if that's the case, than wouldn't booking her for two or three hours also be a crime? Maybe the reviewer's just confused.

On the other hand, if one books her for one hour and doesn't have sex with her, maybe it's not a crime at all. And if that's true, than not having sex with her for two or three hours wouldn't be a crime either. Now I'm confused.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
rumpleforeskiin said:
This is confusing. I assume, since booking her is a crime, that she's working as an incall. But, if that's the case, than wouldn't booking her for two or three hours also be a crime? Maybe the reviewer's just confused.

On the other hand, if one books her for one hour and doesn't have sex with her, maybe it's not a crime at all. And if that's true, than not having sex with her for two or three hours wouldn't be a crime either. Now I'm confused.
I am submitting your above quoted post to EB for review and legal counsel.


Nov 25, 2005
Interesting poll by the "retired" Ziggy....

2008 was the year of 1 hour "calls" for me, at times it felt like I was running a incall of SP's....

I'll add my loonie...

Some SP's prefer 1 hour dates rather than longer dates....they dont want to massage your ego, listen to your stories, or put on the act....they dont feel as comfortable with an older gentleman and just want to do the deed and leave...or the language barrier creates a uncomfortable second hour where a one hour call is prefered.

A few times I had amazing one hour dates with an SP and decided to see her for 2 hours once....It was a mistake...We had a great1 hour connection of unbelieveble sex...but with the 2 hour became uncomfortable and weird after 1.5 hours... I guess we were both conditioned to our 1 hour dates...

The indies prefer 2 hour or more because they want to see less clients in a day..week...they also are more willing to listen to your stories and massage your ego....they are more dedicated to creating a overall experience rather than just the fleeting sexual moment...

There was only 1 SP that I saw last year for more than 2 hours, strange we started on 1 hour dates...went to 1.5....2....7 with dinner....and then a overnight....and I enjoyed all facets of my experience and time with her.
I wish I was in Montreal now so we can share another amazing experience together...

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