Montreal Escorts

20/20 covers prostitution (~1.5 hours)


New Member
May 1, 2007
you'd be surprised but i know a *few* sp's that are pleased with what they are doing and that they are drug free.

what characterizes them? they were from France and they said it is a much easier lifestyle in Montreal

the main reaction I wanted to get out of the documentary is that legalizing prostitution does have serious cons, but the pros would definitely outweigh them.

I don't think this will happen anytime soon though... but we can hope
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Oooohhh I feel bolchevik tonight!

LeGuy said:
I agree with you but since you are so good at this :D
Given that it appears to be OK for members to label each other (some do it with the persistence of rottweilers), why would I hold back? There's no such thing as women trafficking in Canada? Plain and simple, you condone women trafficking. Gangs related prostitution is an invention of abolitionists to deprive women of the right to become prostitutes? You support organized crime! "What juvenile prostitution?" Fuck you, you kiddie fiddler! :mad:

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