Yes I agree with you. Here we used to have good posters but now the majority are gone to other sites and post there about 50-60 posts daily.
I used to come from my massage session turn on my computer, go to MERB and start posting my reviews with the details. After a while I noticed that most members like to read and not write. Well I started to delete my posts as well, why not? If they don't want to share, why should I? I spend $120 -$150 each time and why should I give it to some Lurkers who don't share?
I found other sites are more MP oriented and the reward of posting more is to get higher access to more detailed and secret stuff. So I stop posting in Merb as much as I used to. Once in a while I get a free massage session from other site just cuz I post a good review. Also they have a picture and movie sections for their high level members. I hope Merb start to do some stuff and give some goodies back to its members as well. It is because of us that you are getting banners and make money of SPs after all right? So give back some and you will see most of these cheap lurkers start to post reviews as they do in other site. They have ads in Mirror, ICI, suburban, La press and god knows where else, but Merb doesn't seem to have any ads running for them.
If the old timers remember Canbest was a pioneer in this area, BUT where are they now? Please don't let Merb follow the foot steps of Canbest.
Here we can’t even mention the name of other site where as on the other site you can post Merb Merc MontrealMassage or any name you want. Hmm. talking about confidence. This topic is more deep than just why 8000 member of Merb stop posting... the question is where are thee people and where do they post and why? If the MODs and Admin of Merb really care about the MP section of this board they better do some changes around here. I love Merb and don't want to see it turns in to Canbest's tragedy. Here in Merb we have lots of important posts that would be pity to get dusted in time as lots of posts and reviews do in Canbest.
I didn't mean to support or criticize Merb or any other site for any wrong doing. I just want to have Merb to come alive and compete with other sites , a great competition is a gain for everyone, lots of free massage sessions and other goodie goodies