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99% of sp and mp have a bf ?


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
Personally who the heck cares if the SP has a boyfriend?
You are both there for 1 thing only.SEX & a good time.
If the Bf is not aware what his GF is up to on her free time I fell sorry for the BF.If I had a GF that was doing this behind my back I would not feel comfortable & down right upset.
It's like cheating if the other party does not know what their partner better half is doing.
I totally agree,we all see SP for sex and also to enjoy a good time.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
I would never bring up the question of whether or not an SP has a boyfriend.

same here unless they ask me if i have girlfriend or married.

once a sp ask me if i had a girlfriend. i sayed no and then asked her if she has boyfriend. she then get annoyd and say "yes and he knows what i do".

i personly dont care if sp has bf or not. the only time i might ask without being ask is if i want overnight or travel plans.


Nov 18, 2011
I don't understand this thread.
If this was a board that discussed and other job or hobby would we start a thread called (for example) : 99% of secretaries have bf's ..
I mean, does it really matter to the person hiring them (us !!) if they have a bf ? Some do, some don't some will and some won't but that's the same statistic as any other girl doing any other job. It's really irrelevant and changes nothing in the way she does her job just like at any other job.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Honestly, i don't really care.....i know why i'm seeing girls, and i don't ask about boyfriends. I exchange money for services, and that's about it. Sometimes we have a good chat and a good laugh, sometimes not, sometimes it's bang-bang thank you mam. I respect them in any case.

Only one time i felt i had something "more personal" building-up with an MP i was seing almost every week. We had those long moments when no one needs to talk, and you just feel know what i mean. I never asked her out, maybe it would have worked, maybe not, but i didn't cross the line.

All in all, if the service is good and i'm not treated like shit, i don't mind the boyfriend/no-boyfriend situation.
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