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A thought about our community: feminism


Oct 11, 2005
Feminism is designed to destabilize society by undermining heterosexuality and the family. Like all aggression, this perverse assault on gender difference is disguised as an act of "defence" (of women's and homosexual rights.)

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
The Feminism of Susan Moller Okin

beautydigger said:
Feminism is designed to destabilize society by undermining heterosexuality and the family. Like all aggression, this perverse assault on gender difference is disguised as an act of "defence" (of women's and homosexual rights.)

Read Susan Moller Okin's book "Justice, gender and the Family" and stop lumping all feminists together. Believe it or not, some are more enlightened than others.:rolleyes:

Susan Moller Okin

Susan Moller Okin (July 19, 1946 - March 3, 2004) was a feminist political philosopher and author.

In 1979 she published Women in Western Political Thought, in which she details the history of the perceptions of women in western political philosophy.

Her 1989 book Justice, Gender, and the Family is a critique of modern theories of justice ranging from the liberalism of John Rawls and Robert Nozick to the communitarianism of Alasdair MacIntyre and Michael Walzer. According to Okin, these theorists write from a male perspective that wrongly assumes that the institution of the family is just. She believes that the family perpetuates gender inequalities throughout all of society, particularly because children acquire their values and ideas in the family's sexist setting, then grow up to enact these ideas as adults. If a theory of justice is to be complete, Okin asserts that it must include women and it must address the gender inequalities she believes are prevalent in modern-day families.

Okin was born in 1946 in Auckland, New Zealand. She earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Auckland in 1967, a master of philosophy degree from Oxford in 1970 and a doctorate from Harvard in 1975. She taught at the University of Auckland, Vassar, Brandeis and Harvard before joining Stanford's faculty.

Okin became the Marta Sutton Weeks Professor of Ethics in Society at Stanford University in 1990.

She died of natural causes at her home in Lincoln, Massachusetts.



Oct 11, 2005
traveller_76 said:
'Feminism' isn't 'Andrea Dworkin', beautydigger - wasn't founded by her, doesn't reflect all 'feminist' views, certainly not mine. She wasn't born when the first feminist wave led to women's right to vote; and while she was writing that the sex between a male and a female was necessarily the rape of a woman by a male, other feminists were fighting for the right to abortion, to pay equity, to all sorts of things that have nothing to do with painting men as 'evil' as you seem to think all feminists are if you think all feminists agree with the citations above.

Thanks for proving this piont from earlier….

beautydigger said:
An additional difficulty in forming a clear view of feminism is the fact that some feminists may ascribe to one ideology yet borrow ideas from another form of feminism. Feminists may embrace most of the tenets of a particular form of feminist theory, while rejecting a few of its precepts outright.

A Radical feminist certainly discourages prostitution. So which one are you?

Sorry I did not state”Modern Feminst” I do not believe the term feminism was even coined when women were fighting for the right to vote. Speaking of women and voting…What do you think of Ann Coulters statement “If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president”.

OK how about this one….."they may not like me" but one day "they are going to have to look up to me." Betty Friedan founder of Modern Feminism.


Oct 11, 2005
General Gonad said:
Read Susan Moller Okin's book "Justice, gender and the Family" and stop lumping all feminists together. Believe it or not, some are more enlightened than others.:rolleyes:
To me it is all a hoax. Feel free to be emasculated though. Women have been duped to seek power and emasculate men. What women really want is power expressed as male love. They will get it when they are able to believe in a man.


Oct 11, 2005
traveller_76 said:
traveller_76 said:
doesn't reflect all 'feminist' views
beautydigger said:
An additional difficulty in forming a clear view of feminism is the fact that some feminists may ascribe to one ideology yet borrow ideas from another form of feminism. Feminists may embrace most of the tenets of a particular form of feminist theory, while rejecting a few of its precepts outright.
Does this not compute. It would be much easier for me to debate if you would tell me what type of feminist you are, or is that the advantage?
And I’ll bet you that in all your “Women Studies” courses, not once was the topic of “double standard” addressed.
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