Montreal Escorts

Absolu Copine


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Vous avez vraiment un beau site mais qui semble rester à l'état de prototype. Quand est-ce que vous allez entrer en action car il me semble que C'est long là ? Je ne dis pas ça pour critiquer mais quand le monde voit un site en perpétuelle construction, ils se tannent et vont voir ailleurs.

Selon moi, il faudrait mettre davantage l'accent sur démarrer votre entreprise. Pour l'amélioration du site, ça, il y a tjrs moyen de le faire au fur et à mesure mais mettre tous vos efforts que sur le site est une erreur.

Absolu Copine

May 30, 2017
Mysteriously after my post lol ;)

- Juste une coincidence
- Just a coincidence

Vous avez vraiment un beau site mais qui semble rester à l'état de prototype. Quand est-ce que vous allez entrer en action car il me semble que C'est long là ? Je ne dis pas ça pour critiquer mais quand le monde voit un site en perpétuelle construction, ils se tannent et vont voir ailleurs.

Selon moi, il faudrait mettre davantage l'accent sur démarrer votre entreprise. Pour l'amélioration du site, ça, il y a tjrs moyen de le faire au fur et à mesure mais mettre tous vos efforts que sur le site est une erreur.

- Merci pour votre compliment ainsi que vos commentaires et suggestions qui sont toujours les bienvenus.
- Thank you for your compliment and also your comments and suggestions that are always welcome.

- J'ai fait de mon mieux d'expliquer dans les publicités que j'ai fait ainsi que dans différents billets dans ce fil de discussion tout ce qui est impliqué dans le démarrage de ce projet.
- I did my best to explain in the ads that I did and and the different posts in this thread to explain all that's implied in the startup of this project.

- Après avoir travaillé plusieurs années dans cette industrie j'ai eu l'idée de démarrer une agence d'escorte il y a environ quatre ans.
- After having worked several years in this industry I had the idea of starting up an escort agency about four years ago.

- Je me souviens clairement le 10 Novembre 2016 de m'avoir dit aujourd'hui est le jour que j'entreprends ce défi.
- I remember clearly on November 10 2016 saying to myself today is the day that I start this challenge.

- Quel défi? Une agence d'escorte différente. A quoi bon être comme toutes les autres agences d'escortes à Montréal. Juste une de plus parmi tant d'autres... Comment différente? Professionelle, transparente et intègre dans tous les sens des termes; se comporter comme tout autre entreprise légitime...
- What challenge? A different escort agency. What's the use of being like all the other escort agencies in Montreal. Just one more amongst many others... How different? Professionalism, transparency and integrity in all the meanings of the terms; to behave like any other legitimate buisiness...

- La compétition est ce qui a de plus sain dans un secteur d'activité. Quand un nouveau venu arrive cela force le changement pour le mieux. D'une copie pur et simple de concepts et idées à des variations de ces mêmes concepts et idées qui en soit est la plus haute forme de compliments. En tant qu'hobbyistes vous êtes gagnants.
- Competition is what is the healthiest in an activity sector. When a new player comes it forces change towards improvement. From the pure and simple copy of concept and ideas to variations of of the same concept and ideas wich in itself is the highest form of compliments. As hobbyists you end up winning.

- Nous avons accompli plus que nous espérions dans une période de huit mois. Nous sommes LA SEULE AGENCE À MONTRÉAL À OFFRIR LA COMMODITÉ DES PAIEMENTS PAR TOUTES LES CARTES DE CRÉDIT MAJEURES ET CARTES DE DÉBIT/CHÈQUE AVEC LOGOS VISA & MASTERCARD OU COMPTE PAYPAL DONC PAYPAL VÉRIFIÉ & SÉCURISÉ. LA SEULE AGENCE À MONTRÉAL QUI EST CERTIFIÉ MCAFEE SECURE AVEC TOUS LES AVANTAGES COMME LA PROTECTION DU VOL D'IDENTITÉ DE 100 000$ Et beaucoup d'autres premières... Ce n'est qu'un début. Attendez-vous à VRAIMENT avoir une approche & expérience de qualité absolument différente! Ce n'est pas juste de la mise en marché...
- We accomplished more then we were hoping for in a period of eight months. We are THE ONLY AGENCY IN MONTREAL TO OFFER THE CONVENIENCE OF PAYMENTS BY ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS AND DEBIT/CHECK CARDS WITH VISA & MASTERCARD LOGOS OR PAYPAL ACCOUNT THEREFORE PAYPAL VERIFIED & SECURED. THE ONLY AGENCY IN MONTREAL THAT IS MCAFEE CERTIFIED SECURE WITH ALL THE AVANTAGES LIKE $100 000 IDENTITY THEFT PROTECTION. And many other premieres. It's only a beginning. Expect to REALLY have an absolutely different approach & experience. It's not just marketing...

- Pour ce qui est de notre site web. Oui il est beau nous en sommes particulièrement fiers. Le coût d'un site web avec les mêmes fonctionnalités varie entre 15 000$ et 25 000$ et plus. Il est terminé depuis plus d'une semaine et toutes modifications sont maintenant faites à temps perdu. Nous mettons maintenant nos énergies envers d'autres défis.
- As for our website. Yes it's beautiful and we are particularely proud of it. The cost of a website with the same fonctionnalities varies between $15 000 and $25 000 and more. It is finished since more then a week and any modifications are now done at lost time. We are now putting our energy towards other challenges.

- Nous ne sommes pas pressés. À date, à part Facebook et Twitter nous ne faisons aucune autre publicité. Ce n'est pas une compétition de vitesse... Les membres de MERB ont un aperçu de l'évolution. Nous le faisons pour avoir des commentaires et suggestions. Et vous en avez! Continuez à nous en faire part. Ils sont mis en pratique. Après tout nous le faisons pour VOUS.
- We aren't in a rush. To date, aside Facebook and Twitter we do not do any advertising. It's not a speed competition... The members of MERB have a preview of the evolution. We do it to have comments and suggestions. And you have a lot of them! They are put in function. Continue to make them. After all we are doing it for YOU.

- Soyez confiants que lorsque la machine va rentrer complètement en fonction vous allez le savoir et en serez surpris ;)
- Rest assured that when the machine will completely come into function you will know it and be elated ;)

- Notre engagement envers vous est simple: Intégrité, transparence et professionalisme ABSOLU. Pratiques peu communes dans cette industrie...
- Our comittement towards you is simple: ABSOLUTE integrity, transparency and professionalism. Uncommun practices in this industry...

-Nous avons hâte de bâtir des liens, relations et gagner la confiance des membres de la communauté MERB.
-We look forward to building links, relations and win the trust of members of the MERB community.

Absolu Copine

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
C'est excellent tout sa. Je dirais que le statue des agences a Montreal c'est grandement ameliorer dans les dernière années, peut-etre du a une competition plus féroce. On vois moin, beaucoup moin (du moin dans mon cas, mais je sais que je suis juste un petit echantillon) de bullshitage, mensonges, booker rude etc mais si vous suivez dans cette optique c'est excellent.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
C'est excellent tout sa. Je dirais que le statue des agences a Montreal c'est grandement ameliorer dans les dernière années, peut-etre du a une competition plus féroce. On vois moin, beaucoup moin (du moin dans mon cas, mais je sais que je suis juste un petit echantillon) de bullshitage, mensonges, booker rude etc mais si vous suivez dans cette optique c'est excellent.

Effectivement. J'ai connu des agences qui te raccrochaient la ligne au nez sans dire un mot si tu ne prenais pas rendez-vous car la personne que tu voulais voir n'était plus disponible.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Effectivement. J'ai connu des agences qui te raccrochaient la ligne au nez sans dire un mot si tu ne prenais pas rendez-vous car la personne que tu voulais voir n'était plus disponible.

Ces tellement con sa... Serieux moi voir une escorte c'est pas "je call parce que je me sens horny et je prendrai la premiere disponible". C'est un long proceder de selection ... J'essaye de voir une personne specifique car elle me plais beaucoup, sois par ces reviews, ces photos, sa personalité si je l'ai rencontré en party, bref je met toutes les chances de mon bord pour avoir un bon rendez-vous et si pour X raisons elle est plus dispo, bien d'accord je vais attendre a une autre fois. Heureusement se genre de comportement ne semble plus du tout etre "normal" dans les agences Montrealaise, du moin sur merb en tout cas.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
Visit site
Thanks Absolu for your long and bilingual post.

Just curious though...are clients really interested in paying by credit cards??? Why would you want to leave a "paper trail" about booking a SP? I don't get it... but that's just my point of view.


Active Member
Dec 19, 2006
Thanks Absolu for your long and bilingual post.

Just curious though...are clients really interested in paying by credit cards??? Why would you want to leave a "paper trail" about booking a SP? I don't get it... but that's just my point of view.

Je suis du même avis. Officiellement, le client commet un acte illégal en payant pour une escorte. Le fait de payer par carte de crédit laisse une trace supplémentaire et pourrait servir de preuve en cas d'accusation lors d'un procès.

Idem pour les proprios l'agence qui pourraient se faire accuser d'évasion fiscale (argent non déclaré au fisc).

D'autant plus que si le client a un compte conjoint avec sa femme et qu'elle tombe sur le relevé....l'argent comptant est de loin préférable dans ce type de transaction.

Absolu Copine

May 30, 2017
Thanks Absolu for your long and bilingual post.

Just curious though...are clients really interested in paying by credit cards??? Why would you want to leave a "paper trail" about booking a SP? I don't get it... but that's just my point of view.

- L'usage de services d'escortes adultes pour TEMPS ACCOMPAGNEMENT au Canada-Québec est complètement légal. Ce qui est illégal est de solliciter pour des services sexuels ou payer pour des services sexuels: Combien pour PSE-GFE? Est-ce-que c'est PSE-GFE? Combien pour BBBJ? Combien pour avaler? Combien pour avoir du sexe avec toi? Combien pour Greek? Combien ça coûte pour... Si je te donne x dollars que fais tu? Ça c'est de la sollicitation pour l'achat de service sexuels! Quand vous engagez une escorte, modèle, copine pour TEMPS ACCOMPAGNEMENT vous payez pour vous l'avez deviné du TEMPS ACCOMPAGNEMENT lol Tout ce qui arrive pendant cette periode de temps est entre deux adultes consentants, si quelque chose arrive, personne ne sera là pour vous chaperonner... Pour une explication plus élaboré faite par un avocat allez à notre page CONDITIONS D'UTILISATION. Les lois n'ont pas changé. Le code civil du Québec est clair. La loi C-36 n'a rien changé pour les hobbyistes. Elle a changé beaucoup pour les agences d'escortes, ceux qui font de la publicité et a apporté beaucoup d'avantages / protections aux travailleurs de l'industrie du sexe.
- Using adult escort services for COMPANIONSHIP TIME in Canada-Quebec is completely legal. What is illegal is to sollicit for sexual services or pay for sexual services: How much for PSE-GFE? Is it PSE-GFE? How much for BBBJ? How much to swallow? How much to have sex with you? How much for Greek? What does it cost for... If I give you x dollars what do you do? That's soliciting for the purchase of sexual services! When you hire an escort for COMPANIONSHIP TIME you pay for well you must of guessed it! COMPANIONSHIP TIME lol Whatever happens during that period of time is between two consenting adults, if something happens, nobody will be there to chaperone you... For a more elaborate explanation done by a lawyer go to our TERMS OF USE page. The laws haven't changed. The Quebec civil code is clear. Bill C-36 hasn't changed anything for hobbyists. It as changed a lot for escort agencies, advertisers and has brought of lot of advantages / protections to sex workers.

- En utilisant des services d'escortes adultes APPELS EXTÉRIEURS personne ne va vous accuser de quoi que ce soit et il n'y aura pas de procès devant tribunaux. Vous pouvez engager un mannequin, copine, escorte et la payer avec n'importe quel mode de paiement qui vous amuse et qui est accepté point final.
- By using OUTCALL adult escort services nobody is going to accuse you of anything and there's not going to be court trials. You can hire a model, companion, escort and pay her with any mode of payment that tickles your fancy and is accepted period.

- Pour ce qui est de votre statut matrimonial et comptes conjoints. Si vous avez un compte conjoint votre conjointe peut voir que vous avez fait un retrait d'une large somme ou voir sur l'état de compte de votre carte de crédit ou de votre institution financière Absolu Groupe.
- As for your marital status and joint accounts. If you have a joint account your spouse can see that you did a withdrawl of a large amount or see on the credit card statement or financial institution statement Absolu Groupe.

- Nous ne fuyons pas le paiement de nos taxes au gouvernement. Nous ne l'avons jamais fait et ne le feront jamais. Notre comptable s'occupe de ça. Je ne peux parler au nom des autres agences. Peut-être une des raisons qu'ils n'offrent pas d'autres commodités de paiement. En effet ça semble illicite...
- We do not evade payment of our taxes to the goverment. Never did and never will. Our accountant takes care of that. I cannot speak in the name of other agencies. Maybe one of the reasons that they do not offer the convenience of other payment modes. Effectively it seems illicit...

- Utiliser des services d'escortes adultes APPELS EXTÉRIEURS n'est PAS illegal, c'est fatiguant de le lire constamment. Désolé de briser votre plaisir de penser que vous faites quelque chose de défendu. Si les services d'escortes seraient illégaux je vous garantis que MERB n'existerait pas et que tous les membres de MERB actifs auraient eu des charges légales portées contre eux. La vie privée et l'anonymat n'existe pas sur l'internet.
- Using adult escort OUTCALL services is NOT illegal, it's tiresome to read it over and over again. Sorry to break your fun of having the impression of doing something forbidden. If escort services were illegal I guarantee you that MERB wouldn't exist and all active MERB members would of had legal charges laid on them. Privacy and anonymity on the internet doesn't exist.

- Si vous voulez payer comptant pour nos services de temps d'accompagnement cela va nous faire plaisir. Absolu Copine VOUS offre la COMMODITÉ d'autres modes de paiement. Utilisez la commodité ou pas cela change absolument rien pour nous.
- If you want to pay cash for our companionship time services we will accept it with pleasure. Absolu Copine offers the CONVENIENCE to YOU of other payment modes. Use the convenience or not it changes absolutely nothing for us.

- Avant de faire des affirmations légales, assurez vous de leur exactitude.
- Prior to doing legal affirmations, ensure yourself of their acuracy.

Absolu Copine

P.S. Pour clarté un/une hobbyiste est un gentilhomme ou une dame adulte qui ne sollicite pas l'achat de services sexuels avec des mineurs ou adultes et ne force pas aucun autre adulte a faire quoi que ce soit qu'il ou elle ne veut pas faire.

P.S. For clarity a hobbyist is an adult gentleman or lady that doesn't solicit the purchase of sexual services with minors or adults and doesn't force any other adult to do anything that they don't want to do.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Ce qui intéresse les autorités, C'est la traite de mineurs. En autant que nous soyons 2 adultes CONSENTANTS, ils n'ont rien à dire. Ça reste un service d'accompagnement et ce qu'on fait ne regarde que nous. Comme dit plus haut, tant qu'on ne sollicite pas un service sexuel spécifiquement, ils n'ont rien à dire

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Escorting is pretty much like illegal downloads (torrents etc) You know its illegal in its true form (the sex) and the police knows it as well, but nobody care as long as there is no "forced" or underage factor.

I just hope on one thing for Absolu, wich make me fear for it reading your post, that you will not be ellusive as some other agencies on services. Yes there are reviews but they are not covering all rosters and not a certitude. Its good to know when booking if some services are provided. Some peoples like a standard GFE, wich is thecnically already entering that illegal side, and some others like a little extra ...

Escorts agencies and even indies always put that part "its only for companionship etc" for the legal aspect on there website but lets be honest, if you book an indy or agency girl and she refuse to have sex with you yet still want to stay and take the money pretexting the money was for companionship... not sure this will end well... lol. Pretty sure client won't pay, agency/indy will be trashed here on merb and considered a thief. Not to be confuse with escorts refusing a client and just leaving, that is perfectly fine.

I don't know about the risk of agencies to be honest when discussing services, maybe there are much more at risk than me, but personally as a client i don't really care... I won't stop myself for asking about cim or cof or whatever just because its "an extra risk" toward LE. We have acronymes for a reason... If i would have to be "caugh" then it had to happen and it would no matter what. And if said acronymes are too "explicit" and known to L.E, its simply time we work out a new code. I don't understand why its not going into numerals. That would be completely impossible to prove anything. Just put 1 = cim 2 = cof 3 = greek 4 = rimming etc etc I don't think this is hard to develop a new code among ourselves on merb in a timely manner.

Maybe i put too much importance for some peoples knowing what to expect going into a meeting, but its something i like. I hate to ask the girl without knowing at all if it will be positive. I mean i know there is ymmv at all time and its not because she usually do something that she would do it with me or whatever, but there some SPs you will mention COF for instance and she will look at you like your a fucking perv and your gross just thinking about it, while another one may say "not today sorry, i have something plan afterward and can't ruin my make up" In the end yes both ends up in you being refused the service but one of these can lead to a pretty unpleasant and akward meeting.

Take me all my guts to ask about it even if i read in review she does it, so when i know nothing im pretrify to ask ... lol. I always turn around like " and for the ending... is there anything you don't like..." or "where can i finish at the end..." and im just so nervous and shy about the answer. I still remember Jennifer's answer was like the best answers ever. I asked her just before we started and it was something like what i said above and she just answered "You want to cum in my mouth?" Sure . Some SP seem to not understand, like once i asked one "where can i cum" and she answered "where you want" so i said " nothing you don't like" but then she says "not in my face..." so i said "in your mouth?" and she says "not in my mouth either" ... and then i said "what about an extra" and then oh suddenly cum in mouth was alright... Jizz stop spinning around, just tell me it will be extra for cim... lol Its much harder for us the guy to ask than for you to lay your boundaries and what will be extra... Well at least for me it is. I know some dudes may have more confidence than me but still...

ANYWAY... going a bit off track there. But i guess i really value the services/extra listing or at least "infos by phone" and honestly i think there is an extra over fear about c-36 and such, if Nadya VIP, Godiva or MTL GFE aka Mike Mansion never had problems listing services, then why would any other agency?

Absolu Copine

May 30, 2017
But i guess i really value the services/extra listing or at least "infos by phone" and honestly i think there is an extra over fear about c-36 and such, if Nadya VIP, Godiva or MTL GFE aka Mike Mansion never had problems listing services, then why would any other agency?

[h=4]"Advertising Offence[/h]To complement the purchasing offence, Bill C-36 criminalizes, also for the first time in Canadian criminal law, advertising the sale of sexual services. This new offence targets the promotion of prostitution through advertisements, which contributes to the demand for prostitution. This approach is consistent with the legislation’s overall objective of reducing the demand for prostitution with a view to discouraging entry into it, deterring participation in it and ultimately abolishing it to the greatest extent possible.Bill C-36’s new advertising offence criminalizes knowingly advertising an offer to provide sexual services for consideration (section 286.4). This offence imposes maximum penalties of 5 years imprisonment where prosecuted by indictment and 18 months where prosecuted by summary conviction.The advertising offence targets persons who place advertisements in print media or post advertisements on websites. Publishers or website administrators could be held criminally liable as parties if they know of the existence of the advertisement and that the advertisement is in fact for the sale of sexual services. Bill C-36 also allows the court to order the seizure of materials containing advertisements for the sale of sexual services, as well as their removal from the Internet, regardless of who posted them, which is also consistent with Bill C-36’s objective of reducing demand for prostitution."

Can't answer why people break and completely disregard laws. It's a misconception that putting a disclaimer at the beginning of a website that suddenly one becomes above the law ;)

I'm surprised that there's still a lack of clarity by a lot of MERB members about how to hobby legally. There is a thread on bill C-36 the discussion should continue there. Prior to starting up I turned on my espresso machine and read the above link three times over a period of eight months. Definitely not my favorite reading material... Whenever I didn't completely understand something I asked a lawyer for clarifications. Hobbyist should take the time to learn the laws that apply to their hobby. Following the different laws after knowing them is a question of personal choices related to the quantity of risks that one is ready to take. One thing is certain the argument "I didn't know" in front of a judge has no validity.

Reviews, a polite, respectful and candid straightforward attitude towards escorts is more than enough to get you where you want to go. Practice makes perfect... After all, escorts from reputable & professional escort agencies have at heart the quality of companionship time that you pay for.

Most importantly, Halloween Mike, have fun!

Absolu Copine

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Can't answer why people break and completely disregard laws. It's a misconception that putting a disclaimer at the beginning of a website that suddenly one becomes above the law ;)

I'm surprised that there's still a lack of clarity by a lot of MERB members about how to hobby legally.

I am gonna reply here cause i think its more suitable, and if nessessary the mods can merge my post to the other thread if they(or you insist) want to. I think your comment quoted there is pretty funny even tough i know its just a front window to cover yourself. If you feel you need to do it.. fine. Like i said maybe your more at risk than me as an agency and you want to protect yourself. I respect that. ;)

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Si je me souviens bien Absolu Copine n'avait qu'une seule fille---que je connaissais déjà et fort jolie mais pour une clientèle particulière. Semblait avoir des problèmes de recrutement...alors pas surprenant qu'ils aient disparu de la carte après une pub intensive ici......peut-être vont ils rebondir...who knows dans cette industrie bien particulière.


Feb 22, 2004
Visit site
Absolutely nothing:hungry:
Absolutely no girl :pound:
I was really eager to try a new girl but I guess it's postpone.

Happy hunting

Would you invest 15K-20K on something that has absolutely nothing? This is the cost of the Absolute website. I think it's overprice for such a website.
Let's wait maybe a bit longer since they are not in a hurry. I'll wait until Christmas to give them a chance to rethink their business model.

In the mean time I'll hunt absolutely elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
If they would have concentrated on following the low key but successful business models followed by the likes of Euphoria, XO and MUH....instead of dreaming out loud about how they are going to be better than everyone and writing condescending posts on Merb.....Then maybe they would have succeeded.

The lesson here is to listen to your potential customers and know the market from personal experience and not a text book.

Besides their logo is absolute crap....looks like Lafarge cement.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Would you invest 15K-20K on something that has absolutely nothing? This is the cost of the Absolute website. I think it's overprice for such a website.

Used to cost about that yes. Back in 2000... Now you fire up wordpress or like euphoria go to Wix and you build your own. Need a bit of custom scripts, call up a team in India that do it at a fixed price.
What matters are the pics. I must say hats off to MikeMansion as for me they win by far of all agency for the quality of their pics. Why? Because the girl look real! ;)



Active Member
Aug 29, 2011
Used to cost about that yes. Back in 2000... Now you fire up wordpress or like euphoria go to Wix and you build your own. Need a bit of custom scripts, call up a team in India that do it at a fixed price.
What matters are the pics. I must say hats off to MikeMansion as for me they win by far of all agency for the quality of their pics. Why? Because the girl look real! ;)


Same here, not saying others agencies have bad pictures but at MM you really have a good idea of how the girl look like before you knock at the door or she knock at your door.
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