Classy Angel
Montreal Escorts

agencies with ties?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
been lurking awhile and kinda new so dont prosicute me BUT, are some agencies the same in one? seems that way but not sure...


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
lgna69xxx said:
are some agencies the same in one? seems that way but not sure...

And this would matter to you, why?

Do you plan to spend time with the owner of the agency, or the ladies he/she represents? Unless you are trying to avoid giving business to a specific multi-agency owner (ie. Sonny :rolleyes: ) then why worry about it?


Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Merlot said:
Many ladies have told me they work for the same owner under different personal names through different agencies. I am not up to date one which owners is definitely connected to which agency, by some owners have been known to have 2,3, and possibly more agencies at the same time.
I'm absolutely SHOCKED that this kind of stuff is happening in Montreal. Shocked i say!! You mean one guy operates more than one agency?? Repulsive!! :rolleyes:

(Now MY question: "who cares?")


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Doc Holliday said:
I'm absolutely SHOCKED that this kind of stuff is happening in Montreal. Shocked i say!! You mean one guy operates more than one agency?? Repulsive!! :rolleyes:

(Now MY question: "who cares?")
Okay Guys,

We know many of you are wise crusty old veterans who know all the ropes an intricacies of the hobby, and to whom a simple question like the one Inga69xxx asked seems just too obvious. But maybe some of you can be generous enough to allow that some people aren't as all-knowing as you and need help for some good reason of their own.

Montreal Sex City run by Jessy and Satin Dreams run by "Peter" are closely associated.

Devilish and Girls on Fire, and probably other agencies are owned by another guy who has gone by Peter/Chris and other names.

Boys, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.



Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Merlot said:
We know many of you are wise crusty old veterans who know all the ropes an intricacies of the hobby......

Boys, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

While i am indeed quite wise & a veteran of the scene, i'm far from being OLD & CRUSTY. :rolleyes:


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
bensonnobalia said:
Keeping track of agency owners, is a good way of avoiding being sent a girl that you have already seen three or four times under different names and descriptions.

No, keeping track of agency owners only keeps track of... agency owners! :rolleyes:

If a girl works for multiple agencies, owned by different people (or the same people), then wouldn't it be better to keep track of the girl?? Far be it for me to agree with johnmbot, but he's correct (*this may be the only time I ever agree with him). Look at the pics & description on the website, or ask the owner/booker if she's worked somewhere else. If all else fails, turn her away at the door and call the agency. I realize that common sense isn't all that common, but it should work.

Are you really this naive? Or are you like Techman...a guy who does not hobby, but can lecture on the "theory of hobbying."
As far as my hobbying history (past, current, or future) its certainly none of your business. Techman can defend himself, but if you want to take a swipe at me, I'll put my credibility against yours any day of the week.


Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
Am I the only guy who when he is FUCKING, he just doesn't have anytime or desire to give a shit about this question or questions like that littering the board ? Even if I did, will it enhance my experience of watching my cock slide in and out of a pussy with its lips wrapped around like a pink sock?


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
bensonnobalia said:
Furthermore about 95% of agecies don't have Web-site
You have accused others of creating unsupported "facts", so which orifice did you pull this out of?
I'll make the math easy on you... I'll name 5 Montreal agencies with a website (Devilish, Xtase, MSC, Asservisante, Eleganza - note: no cross ownership), and you name 95 that don't...

I don't know how long you have been hobbying
So don't presume that you could teach me anything.

knowing an owner's credibility; and that means knowing how blantantly he lies... is crucial
The same could be said for some posters.

Of course all this would only be of interest to regularly hobbyists. Not some who flies in to town once or twice a year to see a girl, or, more perplexing, a non-hobbyist who comes to this board just to chat....
I am not a therapist, nor do I play one on TV, but your constant reference to those who don't hobby seems like you're playing to an audience who don't much care what you think in the first place. Wouldn't your vast experience & knowledge of the Montreal Hobbying scene be better used by posting reviews & answering questions in the 411 section instead of wasting your time in the Lounge, since the lounge is for all of us non-hobbyist to discuss all those unimportant non-hobby issues?:rolleyes:

No regards,


Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello benson,

Actually you were banned for disrespect to the board, agencies and to other members, not for starting a thread that is still open to this day. You seem to enjoy re-writing history.
You also seem to have fallen back into your old ways of attacking agencies in general as well as members. This is not a path that I would advise following.

Mod 8

bensonnobalia said:

I once got banned for posting a list of the top agency you won`t find out what they are on this board...but if you are interested you are welcome to PM me...


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
bensonnobalia said:
Is that your new term for BS?

Describing is not nescessarily attacking. At least I don't intend it that way.

So if I describe you as posting BS as fact, which you are unable/unwilling to support...
or describe you as a s-disturber who has done nothing but attack agencies for their website imprecision (your word)
or describe you as rude & condescending when you criticize members for posting opinions...

I'm not necessarily attacking you, or at least I don't intend it that way:rolleyes:

I think a poll on the veracity of your statement might reach 100%, against.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
bensonnobalia said:

Sorry to go off subject here, but not being an insider and a GT-goer here, it is hard for me to identify who is who on MERB.

I know I have been hard on you in the past, but I just assumed, judging from the volume and quality of your posts that you were an agency shill or an agency employee.


Let me give you an example: IMHO your posts and attacks have taken this thread off-topic. And I can`t figure out why you would do that.

You started off by attacking the initial poster who asked an innocent question about agency groupings and multiple agency ownership.


Now you are attacking me for suggesting that agencies re-package and re-market girls under different names and identities. In fact, this is a well known practice and there is even a thread on it here in Merb. (Its titled girls changing names or changing places...or something like that)


You are also attacking me for suggesting that most agencies don`t have Web-sites.

Well, I suppose if you count the bait and switch Web-sites and those of agencies that block out girls faces....of course you are right....many agencies do.


But don`t forget, the original point I was trying to make was that Web-site in which you cannot identify the SP, do not help hobbyists who don't want to be sent the same girls year after year from different agencies....under new names and identities...


As for credibility....I don`t look upon credibility as a contest.

As long as the Mod lets me, I`ll post about the experiences I have and what I see out there.

If you have had different experiences and opinions I'd be more than happy to hear them....

And here he goes just assumed...again. Haven't you realized that most of your assumptions end up being wrong? Why is it that everyone has to be a shill with you?

And you bring up agencies that block girls faces...didn't the thought ever occur to you that most girls in this business don't want to have their faces posted on the net? Just in case that someone who knows them... a family member, a friend, a co-worker or fellow student...may come across their pic and expose their life as an escort? This never occured to you I assume?

You really don't seem to trust anyone do you? You automatically assume that senior posters are shills or worse , that mods are on the take and that all agencies are dishonest. You really don't seem to like anyone here, and to be honest it seems that not too many people here like you either, and you don't believe much of anything that anyone posts, so why are you even here?

You claim to have so much knowledge about everything but have shared little to none of it with anyone on MERB. You have established absolutely no credibility but expect everyone to accept that you know what you are talking about but accept nothing that anyone else has to post.

Even after a mod warns you about insulting members here, your reply contains a sarcastic insult to Voyager, a well respected senior member of MERB compounded by your sarcastic 'excuse the oversight' at the end.
Judging from the tepid qualilty of your previous posts, I just assumed that you were incapable of doing long division and that you would not notice that my estimate was very roughly done. Please excuse the oversight

I don't think you have any intention of sharing information with others but are only here to cause problems. And most of your posts seem to prove my assumption. See that? You aren't the only person that can assume things.:cool:


PS: Oh yeah benson...before you bother to make your standard comment that I don't belong in this brought up my name or I wouldn't have replied to you.
Last edited:

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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bensonnobalia said:

Sorry to go off subject here, but not being an insider and a GT-goer here, it is hard for me to identify who is who on MERB.

I know I have been hard on you in the past, but I just assumed, judging from the volume and quality of your posts that you were an agency shill or an agency employee.


Not to pile on to what Techman said, but the above statement is one of the most asinine and ridiculous statements, even to come out of your mouth, EVER!!

Seriously, put a little thought into your response before hitting that "Submit Reply" button and think about what you're actually saying and how it's going to make you look, because right about now, you're not looking to bright. :rolleyes:



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
bensonnobalia said:
Well MERB has one excellent feature...the advertising section that provides links to who is on tonight...

Which shouldn't interest you at all as you don't trust the agencies to even be honest on that point.

And like I said to the Mods, it is true, I am no fan of most agencies....even the well run ones could do a lot better....however if my posts not perceived as constructive I would be more than happy to desist.

While you enjoy criticizing the agencies, you offer no suggestions to correct the things you criticize so I can't see how anyone could consider your posts to be constructive.



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
bensonnobalia said:
Well MERB has one excellent feature...the advertising section that provides links to who is on tonight...
Techman, without these links, he would need to actually work to feed his paranoia. These links allow him to dig-up pre-digested dirt he just then have to throw all over the place. It doesn't matter if what he's throwing around was dirt before it went tru his brain, that's irrelevant, he just ensure it is dirt when coming out of his "processing center". If there's no dirt, he'll generate some...

I repeat myself...
Mods, a cleanup would be nice maybe? Not just masking the stench, what stink need to be taken out, again...


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
bensonnobalia said:
however if my posts not perceived as constructive I would be more than happy to desist.

Well, that promise lasted a whole 6 hours... :rolleyes:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Hey benson...the hobby includes SCs, MPs as well as the street scene. It is not exclusive to those who patronize escorts. I've actually met a number of agency owners at GTs, probably more than you have, if you have ever met any at all. I've had discussions with them about various aspects of the business, probably more detailed discussions than you have had as a client over the phone. I've also met a good number of SPs at MERB GTs and had interesting discussions with them also, one person to another, not like some critical jerk who is only interested in 'fresh meat'.

So benson, why don't you go back to wherever it is you came from and leave us all in peace. Unless of course, you want to start proving that you actually do know what you are talking about instead of just saying that you do and not backing it up. Because you haven't exactly been a great example of a review thread starter either and have shared just about nothing about anything at all. Pretty feeble for someone who tries to put himself over as an all knowing master of the escort business.

Put your reviews where your mouth is, benson. Then maybe people will take what you say seriously. Or maybe they will just claim that you're shilling.:cool:



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

This thread started with a simple question that was ridiculed and the author insulted. Now it has become a "Bash Benson" thread. Really now...hasn't anyone got anything better to lip diddling??? This has got to be one of the most worthless threads ever. :(


Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts