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Agency description/ real description....


Jul 31, 2011
Is this not your main complaint? On the other board ( same thread you started ) it is what you have the biggest issues with.

Frankly, I am a bit like you in the sense that I have been gradually tending to the older (mid-late 20s) ladies since joining the boards.

For me the most important thing is not a girl's age, but to know is where she has worked before.

That why the description of whether she is a debutante, new or experienced )which Eleganza does so well) is key....for me.

I don't like walking into an agency to see a new SP, and stumbling onto some girl that I have seen repeatedly three or four years ago.

I don't want to insult her by refusing her (I almost always have good chemistry with the girls I see ... so turning down a girl you have shared laughs with is really not fun) ... but I also hate wasting hundreds of dollars in a "Been there, done that" scenario.


IMHO, I have found that the agencies that offer the most accurate descriptions, are also the ones who will give you the straight dirt on a girl's back-ground .... and BTW, they are the most reliable, polite and have the least booking "misunderstandings."


That said, this thread should ideally concerned descritions about girls; weights, heights, nationalities and services.

However the focus is not on the girls themselves (that stuff belongs in the review threads) but rather on the honesty of the agencies' bookers.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Samyboy when are you going to accept the fact that all agencies lie about the ages of some of their older girls, and that most girls listed as 21 are in fact 2 to5 years older.

Do you get your thrill out of reading and then commenting positively, on negative reviews. Then outing all these girls .....your way of getting back at all the agencies that have banned you and all the girls that refuse to repeat with you?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
All women lie about their age. My theory is if a SP is 27 but looks 21, then she is 21 if she wants to be. Afterall you are not likely to marry them let alone see them many times or ever again (for most clients) so who cares.... to me Beverly is 21 if she looks it.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
My theory is if a SP is 27 but looks 21, then she is 21 if she wants to be.
This is an argument that goes in two directions. I don't care if she looks 21 or 27; I do care if she acts 21 or 27. If she acts 21, barely out of adolescence, than I'm probably not interested in her. If she shows a bit of maturity and sophistication, which she's hopefully acquired in those additional six years, then I am interested.

This, of course, is not a hard and fast rule, but for the most part, I avoid girls/women under 25. However, Jenna of MTLGFE, while only 22, shows an intellect and cultural sophistication way, way beyond her 22 years. She's just one example; I'm sure there are others.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Sorry but:

Beverly @ Montreal XXXtase is listed as 21, but is really 19.

Can we ask why anyone should believe either statement? I'm offering the same evidence as you...NOTHING. Neither of us have said whether we met her, spoke to her or a gotten reliable information from anyone who knows or has seen her license or whatever. Cloudsurf, Rumps, and I, anyone can make statements all day. Why does saying it make it so when you haven't offered any information on how you got this alleged information.

I don't see why what you posted should be taken as anything real when you haven't offered any reason to believe it. As Cloudsurf said, this could all be about a grudge payback.

Besides all of that, I agree with Rumps. If she is attractive and shows maturity, sophistication, and style, I don't care if her age is way off, if she's 19 or 45. Since 2001 I've never been concerned about whether the posted age is perfectly correct or not. It's all been about the woman, who she is and what she is like.

If you are going to send a lady back only because you suspect her stated age is wrong you should not be in this hobby where stated ages are frequently little more than advertising...indicators at best.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I hear what you're saying, Dan, and I agree with much of it. However, when you knock a few years off a girls age, you might lose the client who prefers women to girls. There are those of us who, if you tell us a that 24 year old girl is 21, will scratch her off the list. There is, in general, a huge maturity difference between 19 and 22 and again between 22 and 25. There's a bigger difference between 19 and 22 than there is between 30 and 40.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
It doesn't matter how young she is, what matter is how young she can make us feel :)

Usually, if she's looks good on the pictures I don't really pay much attention to the numbers (except for the price!).


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

In reality...
A girls age is not a scientific number in the eyes of a typical client.

Therefore an agencies sees it useless to record an escorts real age.

I'm not supporting Sam at all. As I said, I don't worry much about the age being perfect both because the ladies may hide it, and the agencies have a habit of...being a bit off...shall we say.

The following is about all agencies

However, what you seem to be saying is unacceptable. Any agency operator or assistant should be making every effort to make as true of a representation of everything about their ladies as possible. Just because clients are used to seeing numbers that are off, and are not obsessed with them being perfect doesn't mean the information being presented on agency websites can't be "scientific" as you say, or that clients don't mind the inaccuracies. Clients do care about accurate representation. The fact that we are used to to speak ;) is no excuse for agencies to take a lazy attitude about it and fail represent themselves truthfully.

I dont even know if you ask me what the exact age of the goodgirls is the age of any of the girls working at good girls.

Again this is unacceptable if you are implying the effort is not being made to know no matter how difficult some ladies may be about it. As a client it's the agencies job to do it's best to know, because as Rumples has said, misrepresentations of young ladies can make a significant difference in maturity and attitude that's important, and can change the outcome of the meeting.

Certainly there's a way to cover up the name and address on a license and still see the face and birth date. It's easy on my license.

You can say thanks for comming but i got fucked over by your agent. However if you notice that the girls is 10 years older 59 minutes into the session and then complain about it ?

I agree that if a client has enjoyed the meeting it becomes slightly disingenuous to complain about age. However, in my view that's still irrelevant. A difference of 10 years is just plain outright FRAUD and should never doesn't matter how much the client enjoyed being with her. The next client could feel very deceived. Any agency being careless to the point of being so far off should be raked over the coals for LYING and such an error should not be possible with any agency.

Good luck,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008

And most hobbyists in general IMHO are more geared to the younger vs older age group thus another reason if the girl is 27 but looks 21 she will be listed as younger, that and also for the discretion factor Dan speaks of... I am all for discretion pertaining to the ladies in this biz and i dont blame ANY AGENCY for changing ages and if it keeps the girls safer from being recognised by family and friends, more power to them and that to me is totally acceptable.

Usually, if she's looks good on the pictures I don't really pay much attention to the numbers


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
And most hobbyists in general IMHO are more geared to the younger vs older age group...
However, the two women who have dominated the GFE of the Year poll for the last two years are both in their mid-30s.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Nice ladies i am sure..... then again i would not expect a 18/19/20 yr old to win that poll every year, a pro at that age is very rare in this business. June (ex Goodgirls) was well on her way before she retired, but she was a rare gem, indeed.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I don't know that I'd refer to them as pros, iggy. One of them has been in the business for two years, the other three. I'm currently spending a good deal of time with two women, one 26, the other 29. (Both listed as 25) and Neither of them has been in the business more than three months. There's no substitute for experience, whether you get it in the business or out in the world. Honestly, I don't know why so many guys want to see young girls who have little to no experience.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Meaning more mature, more into the clients on a regular basis because of that experience. A 19/20 year old usually connects with some clients but not all or as many as a 25+ sp will. Nothing wrong with either btw, some guys like younger for the excitement, some like older for maybe having more in common and more consistent service and some like a variety. To each their own and really, nobody is wrong for their choices on how they spend their $.

I don't know that I'd refer to them as pros, iggy.


Jul 31, 2011
Samyboy when are you going to accept the fact that all agencies lie about the ages of some of their older girls, and that most girls listed as 21 are in fact 2 to5 years older.

Yes they do. But some keep their descriptions close to the truth, which is what this thread is tying to encourage.

Do you get your thrill out of reading and then commenting positively, on negative reviews. Then outing all these girls .....your way of getting back at all the agencies that have banned you and all the girls that refuse to repeat with you?

I have never been banned or refused anywhere, I continue to use all the agencies on this board.

And even if I were, who the heck cares about an agency or even a single girl? If there is no chemistry, you move on. Life is too short.

Can we ask why anyone should believe either statement? I'm offering the same evidence as you...NOTHING.

Well, I saw her and she told me her age. It's a simple as that.

Don't get me wrong, Bev is a great girl and I had a blast with her and would repeat. She is just not 21

As for who you should believe, that is up to you.

There are a lot of posters on this board. Pick the ones you feel comfortable with.


That said, once again, we are getting a bit off topic here.

This thread is about agencies' description of girls heights, weights, ages, backgrounds and services, and whether they are accurate or not.

If someone wants to start a thread about girls' ages, they should do it in another place.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
If someone wants to start a thread about girls' ages, they should do it in another place.
So, then, perhaps your mention of Beverly's age discrepancy belongs in another thread? :D


Jul 31, 2011
The discrepancy (XXXtase's false agency description of Beverly) is what this thread is about.

The thread is not about whether a 21-year old SP or a 27-year old is preferable.

That stuff belongs in another thread.


Jul 31, 2011
Had a hell of a nice time with Catherine @ MSC today. Felt like a MILF after another girl fell through. I read some good things and do like kissing so had my first experience with MSC. Definately older than 34. Probably about 40, which was what I was looking for.

Posted in 2011....which means Catherine (who is now listed as 37) would be early 40s now....

Still by all accounts a great girl....
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