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agency owners sharing personal info


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
just curious if it happens.I've been a lurker here,as an sp told me about the place.I will tell my story later,but was wondering if it happens.I'm rather upset an agency owner even mentioned me,let alone gave information.I actually really liked his agency,but am completely pissed now.He actually interfered in a friendship of mine.


Nov 30, 2004
personnal info...

Some times we do not have choice but to give at least our cell #

Some agencies operators told me that they do not record data from their clients BUT I KNOW THEY DO ( at least som of them)

I recently met an sp who told me so . ( even if the person in charge of the agency denied previously)

So real name and all other real stuff ( personnal info) should be kept secret a much as possible.

Use your best friend's name ... as I do ...:eek:



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Well, at least I know that XXXtase

doesn't keep any information :rolleyes:

They could not even give the information on a guy that screwed their girl over.

Oh well.

I think most agencies DO NOT keep information... in fact, my belief is that most agencies don't even take down most information. So, your risk is quite low. An indy, like myself, I KEEP information until after my meeting... no ifs ands or buts (I know, I lose customers because of it and by insisting upon it - and that is okay :) )



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Big Daddy Cool said:
I'm wondering. My self I don't give out my real name untill I feel comfortable enough and we are face to face. I don't have a cell and even if I did I would not use it as i don't want to be traced. Too many bad apples and i have heard of LEO using adds to catch Johns and so I'm careful. The fact that I'm involve in business and things as well makes me want to keep my hobying under raps a bit. How do you handel people like me? Just courious.

Unfortunately, unless somehow you were recommended by another hobbyist I know well enough, I wouldn't meet with you, and even so, the real name is an absolute must. After being attacked a few weeks ago because I didn;t follow my own rules, I am more fervent than ever, that my safety comes way before a few dollars.

I have a spotless reputation that anyone could check out, I have been in this business for 5 - almost 6 years and have been screening for 4 years since I was indy... nuff said?



Feb 24, 2005
spiky said:
Some agencies operators told me that they do not record data from their clients BUT I KNOW THEY DO ( at least som of them)

Give name! I hate people writting things like: Ah I know some people doing it.... but cant tell lol.... Anyway what agency have to win into this? They gonna send their list to a call center and call everyone every month to ask if they want re-order? LOL


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
trust me it happens,as I was discussed(where I live,work) between operator and sp.Sp confirmed it,and some stuff actually got me in trouble.I've let it go,and the provider actually runs a great service,but very bad etiquette to discuss clients.Especially personal info


New Member
Jan 9, 2006

Not to jump on you here - but what is the point of your post if you don't reveal those who have been indiscreet? If you are okay with letting someone else suffer maybe a more serious consequence of this agencys indescretion... then so be it, but no one will thank you for this thread otherwise.

Threads like these, with no information revealed only serve to make people nervous for no reason... they endanger the girls at agencies that do screen for the safety of the girls and do so repecting the clients privacy.



New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Anik,I don't really want to name names as the service provider is a good one,and really has nothing to do with the sp here.It was the owner who was actually talking about me to the sp,and they shared some info(not sure how much,but even my name or address is too much in my opinion).The sp told me this first hand.She's told me unreal stories regarding the owner,yet It isn't my place to recount them here.All I know that is even though this provider is good,I haven't used them since,probably 2 or 3 months.And I won't again.Just really upset me at the time and I decided to vent.


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Anik,it's almost if you provided me with a service,and we became friends.You confided in me,shared your real name,kids' names,where you live etc.

I would be a total ashole to mention any,even the smallest details about you to anyone else.Imagine what I said disrupted a friendship.Just really bad morals IMO


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Yes they keep it... in some cases.

Hello all,

It is very certain that some agencies are keeping personal information, especially HDH agencies. When I wanted to meet ladies at Frenchkiss, companions, and the Independent Network, a certain amount or personal information and references was required to move the process of meeting one of their ladies forward. Just how specific or how much information was necessary varied. At IN even business references were required including a business phone number. Needles to say I was NOT going to provide any information I did not want to give and I sent in applications short of, sometimes well short of what the agency asked for in the hope they would not be too strict with their requirements. I found all three of these agencies to be more reasonable than their request process indicated. But the fact that I still recieve emails from two of these agencies when I have not met any of their ladies in two years proves how long they may keep email data at least. This is not against my wishes. But it is enlightening.

The simple fact that escort agencies are a business should make it clear enough that it is to their advantage to keep some personal information, especially with more generous and frequent clients. I cannot say how wide spread this is of course, but to deny that any profit-making operation is maintaining data that will benefit it is totally illogical. No agency has ever abused that information in my experience, but it`s existence can be a bit discomforting. Unless you keep to calling as anonymously as possible from a hotel I would say it is fair to assume any personal information you give may well be kept. Is that wrong? It depends on how you see it, their integrity, and your trust. It would be wise to keep all you can to yourself.

Give wisely,



As for Anik...always my best.
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New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Korbel said:
Hello all,

It is very certain that some agencies are keeping personal information, especially HDH agencies. When I wanted to meet ladies at Frenchkiss, companions, and the Independent Network, a certain amount or personal information and references was required to move the process of meeting one of their ladies forward. Just how specific or how much information was necessary varied. At IN even business references were required including a business phone number. Needles to say I was NOT going to provide any information I did not want to give and I sent in applications short of, sometimes well short of what the agency asked for in the hope they would not be to strict with their requirements. I found all three of these agencies to be more reasonable than their request process indicated. But the fact that I still recieve emails from two of these agencies when I have not met any of their ladies in two years proves how long they may keep email data at least. This is not against my wishes. But it is enlightening.

The simple fact that escort agencies are a business should make it clear enough that it is to their advantage to keep some personal information, especially with more generous and frequent clients. I cannot say how wide spread this is of course, but to deny that any profit-making operation is maintaining data that will benefit it is totally illogical. No agency has ever abused that information in my experience, but it`s existence ca be a bit discomforting. Unless you keep to calling as anonymously as possible from a hotel I would say it is fair to assume any personal information you give may well be kept. Is that wrong? It depends on how you see it, their integrity, and your trust. It would be wise to keep all you can to yourself.

Give wisely,


Korbel,from what I know of you I respect your posts here.But this isn`t a business practice.I could care less if an agency sends me an email.What I can`t have is an owner,and an sp talking about me,sharing info without my consent.


Nov 30, 2004
Here they are...

Korbel said:
It is very certain that some agencies are keeping personal information, especially HDH agencies. When I wanted to meet ladies at Frenchkiss, companions, and the Independent Network, a certain amount or personal information and references was required to move the process of meeting one of their ladies forward. Just how specific or how much information was necessary varied. At IN even business references were required including a business phone number.


Just a quick note to WILKO to explain that I have quite heavy responsabilities from work ( xx,xxx,xxx $) , familly and other kind of stuff like that.
When you stir a can of shit , there is smell that comes with it...I don`t need that...

More over, I just don`t want the girl I exchanged this information with to support or to bring some additional ``life disturbances`` .
I was about to give you the info by PM but Korbel hitted the bull`s eye.



Feb 24, 2005
spiky said:
Just a quick note to WILKO to explain that I have quite heavy responsabilities from work ( xx,xxx,xxx $) , familly and other kind of stuff like that.
When you stir a can of shit , there is smell that comes with it...I don't need that...

And on top of that thoses agency know your merb handle? lol

Good job bro... Hope you didnt forgot to give them the polaroid picture! ;)

Only info agency can share from me are the fake name I gave them and the card phone I use for this hobby and some encounter... so I don't worry about my heavy responsabilities too....
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

surferboy said:
Korbel,from what I know of you I respect your posts here.But this isn't a business practice. I could care less if an agency sends me an email. What I can't have is an owner,and an sp talking about me, sharing info without my consent.

Hello Surferboy,

I am not sure why you seem object to what I said because I thought what I said was in total agreement with your quote here. Could you explain what you object to more clearly? I did say..."Is that wrong? It depends on how you see it, their integrity, and your trust." I was trying to avoid being specific and making one assessment about every situation. I was not addressing your specific situation, but I was writing generally about a related experience of my own on the subject of agencies keeping information.

I would say the situation you face is extremely intrusive and an abuse of trust since it is clearly against your wishes. The email reference was meant only to point to a small indication of larger possibilities much more involved and serious. I would never consider the unauthorized exchanging of personal information proper or any kind of decent business practices. In short, I am totally with you on this. But my best advice stands. For others to avoid your distasteful experience it is wisest for all to keep all they can to themselves: feelings for a lady and whatever relationship may exist not withstanding.


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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
surferboy said:
Korbel,from what I know of you I respect your posts here.But this isn't a business practice.I could care less if an agency sends me an email.What I can't have is an owner,and an sp talking about me,sharing info without my consent.

I must be missing something here. I would think it to be quite normal for the owner of an agency to discuss certain details of the agency's clients with his employees (SPs). First of all in many, if not most cases, it is the owner who dispatches the girls so he would automatically know your name and the address he sends the girl to. His knowing certain details of the encounter is also beneficial to his business so that he can recommend a girl to suit your tastes if the lady you wish is busy or otherwise not available. If an owner makes this info available outside his own agency I can understand that being a reason to be upset, but not otherwise.

Besides, if anyone thinks that the girls don't talk to other girls, drivers and owners and maybe even their bfs, they're deluding themselves and should not be anywhere near this business. You can expect confidentiality from your doctor, your accountant, your lawyer...but your sp? Up to a point, maybe, but be realistic here.
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