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Airlines suck...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
My daughter is in Laos working at an elephant sanctuary. She got to the airport and her boarding pass missed a letter on her last name, her friends had middle and last name switched, both were not allowed on the plane ( China airlines ), my daughter called saying no help from China air or travel agent ( Otbitz ), no refund sucks to be you. Told her to run and buy new tickets and deal with it later, China air told her plane is full... Really. After talking to Orbitz ( very nice lady on the phone ) I got the kids a full refund minus $150 but it takes 60 days and a new ticket the next day.
Yes, I know to check the boarding pass they did not.
Anyways, China air was useless to assist the kids.
PS... Will not post in the political section until Trudeau is punted.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Airlines do suck sometimes, not that its the same but my golf club were misplaced and i told them i would not leave the airport without them. I hope all is well now and she is on her way back with no hiccups.

Mr. Atoz

May 27, 2011
Since the 911 attacks in NYC there are regulations that must be followed. Gone are the days where you run up to an airline and pay cash for your airline ticket and get on the plane an hour later.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
What happened sucks but honestly they would have had the same treatment from 90% of airline company.

When you travel a lot you learn...

Always have your ticket match your passport name to the little details. If not you need to call ahead to change it. Happens to me. The airline tried to charges me a fee... It was their fault! Finaly they made the change without fee.
Always make sure your passport is valid for another 6 months of return.
Airline makes overbooking. Always pre-register the day before the flight. In the USA if you can afford an extra day at destination put yourself on the overbook volunteer list. They will give you a hotel night, a meal voucher and 800$ (at least on AA).

Avoid connecting flights in DC and NY... Always missed them on these destination. Choose them at smaller cities. I like connecting at Charlotte or St-Paul.
Being from Montreal I never ever connect Via Toronto. They have the worst US or Canadian custom (upon return) in the world. Always missed my connection going via Toronto!



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
She got on the plane the next day, not the issue.
Pissed that even though they knew who they were they did not sell them a ticket claiming the plane was full. The China air staff sucked, no assistance at all.
She is doing volunteer work in an elephant sanctuary, she is very happy she went, got her a good cell package so we talk/text a lot.
Once she gets back I will be sending a letter to China air, pitiful the way they were treated.
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