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Al-Qaeda - retaliatory strike - will it happen, or not - when and where.

Abe Sapien

Jan 25, 2011
Do you think we will get a retaliatory strike from Al-Qaeda over the death of Osama bin Laden? What is your guess? When and where?


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
The Threat

Do you think we will get a retaliatory strike from Al-Qaeda over the death of Osama bin Laden? What is your guess? When and where?

The threat of the possibility seems to be their biggest weapon.It is inexpensive to make yet effective world wide without an expiry date.
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New Member
Jun 1, 2009
The world will be on high alert on or near Sept. 11, you never know when some wannabe AQ will pop up and do some shit. This is also a buying opportunity on the stock market. If no shit happens the stock market will go down till 9-11, the rebound. If shit happens, then it will go down further and rebound much later. Remember what happened last time.


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Feb 9, 2004
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This shows you how whacked these Muslim idiot extremist are. They murder 80 of their own.

I think these idiots with Bin Laden couldn't coordinate themselves out of a paper bag let alone pull off another 9-11.

Now, without Bin Laden, Al Queda will fizzle out in the next few years. Iran is the only state sponsor left of terrorism. Their regime will crumble from within as most of the Iranians are against the Alloytollahs and they will be successful in overthrowing them in the not too distant future. Syria is a good indicator of what will happen in Iran next.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
This shows you how whacked these Muslim idiot extremist are. They murder 80 of their own.

I think these idiots with Bin Laden couldn't coordinate themselves out of a paper bag let alone pull off another 9-11.

Now, without Bin Laden, Al Queda will fizzle out in the next few years. Iran is the only state sponsor left of terrorism. Their regime will crumble from within as most of the Iranians are against the Alloytollahs and they will be successful in overthrowing them in the not too distant future. Syria is a good indicator of what will happen in Iran next.

Iran isn't the only state left that sponsor terrorism.

And you forgot one small item DD.
Al-Quaeda isn't a snake ! It's a Medusa !

But hey ! if you want to believe in this ?... go ahead !
There is a lot more stuff better than Tylenol for your upcoming headache !
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