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Anybody Out There Know Something About Cars?


Nov 22, 2005
I'm hoping that there's some mechanic types among us. I've had some problems starting my car since about August or September. I could hear the engine turning but it won't engage. I have to fiddle around with it for a few minutes before it will actually start. The garage couldn't find anything wrong with it and said more time must be given for the problem to come out. In the last month, I haven't had starting problems but I've had about three incidents where I would be driving on the street or even on highway 40 and the engine just cut out on me. I had to restart the car while it was rolling. Needless to say, this freaked me out. Brought the car back to the garage today to get snow tires put on and they still could find anything from the scans. Anybody out there knows what's wrong? BY the way, it's a 1997 Eagle Talon.

Big Bee

New Member
Oct 18, 2006
Welcomed to the Eagle Talon world..!! I have a 93.. Good car but lots of problems.

Here are a few links to some communities dedicated to these cars, join, post your problem(s), some expert will help garanteed..!!

Enjoy your car, it will give you a few headaches but the rewards are great... pretty cool to beat those big V-8 with our 2.0 liters 4 cylinders engines :D :D :D (assuming you have a TSI)..!!

If you are going to the dealer with your car, don't go to Chrysler, go to Mitsubishi, they're the ones that really know these cars..!!


New Member
Feb 10, 2006
best mechanics!!

Try these guys out, been going there for years really got diagnostic skills. They specialize in imports and european. 514-343-5232


Mar 22, 2006
Tell your mechanic to change the CPS sensor, "Crank Position Sensor"

Part is about 30-50$. I am very positive this is the problem.

Let me know the outcome.

Big Bee

New Member
Oct 18, 2006
Master_Oldies said:
Also, when you "turn on" the key before starting you are supposed tu hear the noise of the fuel pump (about 2 seconds).

Not on an Eagle Talon..!!;)

Big Bee

New Member
Oct 18, 2006
Mtlguy78 said:
Tell your mechanic to change the CPS sensor, "Crank Position Sensor"

Part is about 30-50$. I am very positive this is the problem.

Let me know the outcome.

Common mistakes with "do-it yourselfers"... changing a part hoping it will fix the problem...

Find out what your problem is, then change the part or fix it..!!


Nov 22, 2005
Well the mechanic here on the west island said that he ran some tests that are similar to those on a Neon since he thought that the engine would be similar to a Talon. Don't know if that's true. Nothing came out and nothing shows up on the scans as nothing was registered on the computer, Maybe I really do have to bring the car to a more specialized place that knows this car.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Don't think the immobilizer would stop the car after it's started. Usually they prevent the starter to click. Might be different with the Talon.

Fuel pump would stall the car and make it hard to start. But then it would probably not restart immediately, while driving, because there would not be enough fuel. Might be the problem, might not.

I had problems with soldering joints cracking on the ECU and various relays, and this stopped the car and made it hard to start. Hitting the parts usually made the problem appear and dissapear. Same with wiring and corrosion on connectors.

I would not try to unplug a spark plug and check for spark to metal parts. This was no problems before electronic controls but, on some cars, this could destroy the ECU because of the load variation and possible short. I still use this trick on my lawnmower.

Best: don't listen to us and seek profesionnal assistance, as other suggested. References from other peoples is usually the best and there's some previously mentionned here!

Good luck!

Big Bee

New Member
Oct 18, 2006
ExoticSpirit said:
Maybe I really do have to bring the car to a more specialized place that knows this car.


It will be cheaper that way..!! Cité Mitsubishi on Décarie would be a good choice.

8665 boulevard Decarie
Montreal, Quebec
H4P 2T9

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Active Member
May 23, 2005
You're better off bringing it to an Eagle dealer. Nobody will know more about their cars than them.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Spark or gas.

If the problem is spark:

- change your ignition wires, especialy if they are 5 years old or more
- change your spake plugs especialy if they are 3 years old or more.
- have the ignition cap and rotor checked if they are more than 5 years old

If it is a gas problem:

- change gas filter, especialy if more than 3 years old
- could be fuel pump ( mucho dinero )
- could be injectors ( mucho dinero )

Cheap fixes:

- change fuel filter
- put fuel injection cleaner fluid in gas tank

It may not be any of the above, but if you are not too worried then try these fixes out. I can only guess that you mechanic has not done a scan on the car to determine what the trouble code is, or if he has he was not able to determine the problem.

Good luck.


Big Bee

New Member
Oct 18, 2006
master_bates said:
You're better off bringing it to an Eagle dealer. Nobody will know more about their cars than them.

WRONG, MITSUBISHI know best about DSM... it's exactly the same as an Eclipse...

Believe me, I've had mine for 11 years now... EAgle guys know shit about these cars..

Big Bee

New Member
Oct 18, 2006
G1GBallday said:
I don't know much about mechanics but I do know that the Talon was built in the USA by Diamond Star Motors which was a collaboration between Chrysler and Mitsubishi. They produced the Chrysler Laser, The Mitsubishi Eclipse, and the Eagle Talon with the only differences being outer body esthetics.

Luckily the drive train was all Japanese so it's more reliable than the rest of the car which was all pre-Daimler Chrysler and IMO total shit.

Eagle dealers don't exist anymore but you could try a Jeep dealer since most were Jeep-Eagle dealers back in the day however because you have an engine issue, I'd definitely go to a Mitsubishi dealer since they built it.

The whole engine is mitsubishi too, all the electronics as well...frankly, I'm not sure what Chrysler contributed to these cars...

Big Bee

New Member
Oct 18, 2006
J. Peterman said:
If the problem is spark:
- have the ignition cap and rotor checked if they are more than 5 years old

Don't spend too much time looking for that, there are none on the Talon..

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
What Peterman said.

Cracks or loss of seal in the high voltage part of ignition system will cause problems that become evident in wet or humid conditions. Car starts fine after a long dry period. Car has problems when it is humid, rains or the road is wet

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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1997 Eagle talon.

I was only guessing that if the car is a 1997 alon, it may or may not have a cap and rotor. The Japanese were the last ones to have cars with cars without the ignition cap and rotors. ( I think that is their secret to good quility............let the other guys try out the new stuff and learn from their mistakes, then put a good product out! )

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Another suggestion.

If it is the ignition system ( old cap and rotor ) The try out this trick:

On a day with the temp above 0 c. Spray the ignition cap and the ignition wires with a spray bottle full of tap water. If the car shudders, this may indicate that humidity or water is getting into the ignition system.
I have tried this trick myself on a car with a good ignition system, if the ignition system is good then nothing will change and there will be no shuddering or shaking of the car.
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