Montreal Escorts

Anyone know a reasonably priced veterinarian in the Montreal area?


New Member
May 31, 2011
anywhere and everywhere
Thank you everyone for the advice and suggestions. I have actually decided that I will take him to a clinic in Plattsburgh. A little farther to travel no doubt, but the savings are substantial. They quoted me apx. $250 for the same services my vet is asking $700 for. The clinic seems well reviewed, and they were quite nice over the phone...hopefully it will work out well.

Good Luck indeed! My thoughts are with your dog! Big hugs to you,


Jul 16, 2008
between you and "them"




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Merci Centre d'intervention animal.

October 1, 2012 at 6:11pm

Centre d'Intervention Animal

Revoici regroupées les cliniques vétérinaires qui peuvent stériliser vos chats à moindre coût.

Faites partie de la solution il faut contrer le problème de surpopulation des chats et ainsi diminuer le nombre d'euthanasie.

Faites stériliser le vôtre et/ou le petit chat errant que vous nourrissez dans votre cour ou sur votre balcon.
Clinique Vétérinaire St-Jean- Baptiste à Pointe aux Trembles avec Dr Massie, 514-645-6374 1550, boul. St-Jean-Baptiste. $45 mâle et $55 femelle, pour chats errants seulement,
Cela s'appelle Opération Bond

Hôpital Vétérinaire Taschereau, 450-465-6511 (Rive-Sud, Greenfield Park) 55$ male et 85$ femelle 303 rue Lawrence 450-465-6511

HOPITAL VÉTÉRINAIRE D'ARGENSON Boucherville 450)655-7773 | (514)910-5412
Stérilisation mâle : 68 $ Stérilisation femelle : 102 $

Collège Vanier (1-877)738-8700 (450)375-3686
50$ male et 90$ femelle

Clinique Vétérinaire Lavaltrie (450)586-4435

57$ male et 88$ femelle
La Faculté de médecine vétérinaire de St-Hyacinthe aurait un programme de stérilisation de chats errants. Contact : 514 345-8521 ou 1-450-773-8521 poste 8550

SOS Minou Pitou 450-632-0011 C'est un réseau vétérinaire contre la surpopulation

50$ male et 80$ femelle (vaccins compris)
Ils vous donnent un numéro qui vous permet de faire stériliser un chat à l'hôpital Vétérinaire Savaria de Châteauguay. 450-692-6748, 59, boul. d'Anjou. Châteauguay

Ces vétérinaires feraient aussi de bons prix à vérifier :

Dr. Laliberté à la clinique de l'Église à Verdun. Il travaille 2 jours par semaine. 514 761-5451

Dr. Plasse à l'hôpital vétérinaire Lasalle : 7755 Bouvier et tél. 514 365-6880

Clinique Vétérinaire Jarry, 7383, Jarry Est, Anjou 514-355-1138
Dr Marielle Drolet à Lachine prix raisonnables Clinique Vétérinaire sur le lac 514-637-3757

Vétérinaire SPA BÊTE à Granby ! (450)375-3686

Saguenay Hôpital vétérinaire du boisé

Clinique vétérinaire St-Émile (Québec) (418) 842-6060
50$ male 100$ femelle Vaccins non obligatoires.

Clinique vétérinaire de Beaumont à (Québec) (418)838-3030
346 du fleuve Beaumont, Québec G0T-1C0


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Le Refuge on Coolbrooke near the Orange Julep

Dr.Ibrahim he owns and operates clinic from his home.

Very good and reasonable prices.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Just an update, we saw the vet in NY last Thursday and the clinic seemed great...very friendly and professional. It was fairly busy and the customers seemed happy with the service. (That or everyone is just friendly and smiley in Plattsburg!) They did a physical, pre-surgical blood tests, and annual vaccinations. This cost $100. Last visit to my vet in Montreal for an annual check up and vaccinations was $250.
My dog is scheduled for his dental surgery this coming Monday. He will likely get to come home the same day, but if he's feeling too rough they will keep him overnight at no extra charge. They also offered to keep him overnight for free if I am unable to make it back to the clinic before closing time, which I thought was really nice of them. Maximum charges for the dental cleaning and extractions should be around $300.
I do think I made a good decision in choosing this clinic, of course we will know more after Monday.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I wonder if the dog will feel any pain with the extraction. I recall having a tooth extracted when I was about 7 years old. The Dentist lied to me. He told me he was only going to try and feel the tooth and probe it. Then he put a pair of pliers on it and yanked it out. It was tremendously painful but only for a second.

Did they give you any advice on how to care for the dog so he does not get any more abcesses?


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I wonder if the dog will feel any pain with the extraction. I recall having a tooth extracted when I was about 7 years old. The Dentist lied to me. He told me he was only going to try and feel the tooth and probe it. Then he put a pair of pliers on it and yanked it out. It was tremendously painful but only for a second.

Did they give you any advice on how to care for the dog so he does not get any more abcesses?

The dog will be under anesthetic during the procedure. They will be doing a complete cleaning and the necessary extractions. I got the impression that its not unusual for them to have tooth issues at this age (he's 11 years old), but I will be sure to ask them about preventative care when I go back...I didn't think to ask at the last visit.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If the dog is 11 years old it is probably normal aging process issues and there is not much that can be done to have prevented the situation. I thought it was a younger dog. An 11 year old dog is 77 in human years. That is an old dog.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Hard drier foods are better and if your dog won't chew a denta stick raw hide chews are quite good. Older dogs if their gums are sore wont chew much. If he chews well its a good sign his gums aren't giving him trouble.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I wonder if the dog will feel any pain with the extraction. I recall having a tooth extracted when I was about 7 years old. The Dentist lied to me. He told me he was only going to try and feel the tooth and probe it. Then he put a pair of pliers on it and yanked it out. It was tremendously painful but only for a second.
Did your parents at least save some money by taking you to a vet?


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
So my little guy is home from the vet today and everything went really well. :) They extracted two teeth, cleaned up the rest, and he should be good for a while now. As expected, he's a little groggy and wobbly but otherwise seems fine. All in all I am very happy with the service we received and the price was so reasonable; total bill for the procedure and annual vaccinations came to $350.

Thank you to everyone who has expressed concern or shared advice, I do appreciate it.
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