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Anyone watch CSI Miami crazy SP related episode....


Jul 16, 2004
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The crew was investigating a murder of a male victim.

the murdered victim led them to this SPA who was run by this Cuban or latino guy.

It looked very professional & clean.

Most of his staff were beautiful women from Romania.

The CSI unit was looking for certain ladies who worked there but the owner says he has no idea where they were as one of his staff massage therapists was found murdered & later coincidently another massage therapist was found dead & it led the CSI unit back to the SPA.

One staff member eventually came to the police but was hiding a lot of information.

They finally got it out of her that the male murder victim was her fiancee she met in Romania.

& the CSI found an empty condom wrapper on the floor of one of the massage rooms & figured out it this place was more than a SPA.

Finally they got a warrant & found a somewhat hidden room with a ripped lamp cord as the male victim, one of the ladies fiancee had strangulation marks of somthing thin similar to a rope or cord & they determined that it came from the ripped lamp cord of the spa.

It turned out the owner was running a "special SPA" & this woman's fiance found out & attacked one customer & this owner took him into the back & killed him.

The CSI unit also found about 15 Romanian passports locked in the owners safe.

They asked this woman where all the other ladies where & she finally said that this owner holds onto their passports to make them work at the Spa & then takes them to an unknown location & locks them up.

He blind folds them so they don't know where it is. So David Caruso asked this woman what sounds she heard when she was there & David Caruso was able to figure out the location.

It was a storage shed where ppl lock their personal items in storage.

The owner of the entire wherehouse didn't have a key so the CSI unit had to cut the lock & they opened it up.

Inside where about 15 beautiful Romanian women all affraid & didn't speak much english.

David Caruso came near one of them to try & help her up & she said "bad American"? in a question & he said good American & he took all of them to the hospital.

This is bloody crazy.

I know it's just a tv show, but do any of you think this sort of thing actually happens?


Jul 16, 2004
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Over the past 4 years there have been several news items that sound a lot like that SCI episode. The latest, last summer, an SUV abandoned in a church parking lot in Mississauga with 3 dead people inside. All worked at a nearby spa. Another one a while back, 3 EE girls where abducted while responding to an outcall to a downtown hotel. They where taken to an apartment at Richmond Hill and where told to stay there or else. A case of shake down by one EE mafia boss to another EE mafia boss.

Just crazy & sad. It seems like more things are happening in Toronto & GTA in Ontario than over here.

Personally I feel a bit sad and a bit guilty when I see an EE girl but at the same time I have a couple more thoughts. First, it is their choice to come to Canada after paying their dues in rough places like Turkey or Israel and second, a bit sad, most of them have the brains to do so much more in their lives. Finally one thing to point out: All EE and Asian girls in Toronto get really pissed off when you start talking to them about all this. Because they have been through much worse in their lives and banging Toronto hobbyists seems to them like a pretty good deal!

I agree with you on this one.

From what you say it doesn't seem to be overly mafia controlled here as opposed to Toronto?

But after their one year contract & then "free to roam" isn't much better having to still pay that much money afterwards.


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May 28, 2003
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Johnny said:
I know it's just a tv show, but do any of you think this sort of thing actually happens?

In the lead up to the big scene where the girls were freed it was indicated that the temperature would go up to 120 F etc etc. Presumably the guy running the spa/slave ring left them there to die. Why? Can't see just the spa guy and the bar guy running a business that size. Wouldn't you think some other organized crime guy would have whisked them away to another spa in another state or town? 15 beautiful EE have got to be too valuable a commodity to leave in a locker for even one day, not to mention the trouble 15 dead ladies would cause.

On another note, A&E is running a true crime series called the First 48 or something along that line. Anyway, one show I watched took place in Miami. The real crime lab in Miami is grubby and it looks like a lot of the equipment is held together by duct tape. It was far cry from that ultra hi-tech fantasy on the CSI Miami show.

Bottom line, my view is that CSI Miami is a network TV drama and mostly BS.


Jul 16, 2004
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During my last EE tour of Toronto I run into one girl, recent arrival to Canada. She was complaining. Apparently ***her only issue*** in life that she can't find anywhere in Toronto a specific type of shoe that is very fashionable in Europe right now and she felt less of a person because all her friends back in her native Chez do wear these shoes this winter. Tells you something about women everywhere

So, in other words, yes, I feel guilty that a good portion of my money goes to the entire scam bag collective of this world, ex-KGB, ex- Stasi, ex-Yugoslavia ethnic cleanser war lords, and certain characters from the middle east and Israel, who play **nice family guys** in Canada, but what can I do? There isn't much else in Toronto to provide the absolute best level of service like the EE girls do.... so Montreal is a breath of fresh air for lots of us Torontonians. I mean, when I think about the guilt of supporting these EE mafia bosses who come to Canada thinking we are all a bunch of idiots and use our kind nature to scam ... even Giselle looks good, regardless of her 2-postal code fat ass

Yeah I hear you, I can't help feeling bad for these ladies who work hard & get majorly ripped by these crime bosses.


In the lead up to the big scene where the girls were freed it was indicated that the temperature would go up to 120 F etc etc. Presumably the guy running the spa/slave ring left them there to die. Why? Can't see just the spa guy and the bar guy running a business that size. Wouldn't you think some other organized crime guy would have whisked them away to another spa in another state or town? 15 beautiful EE have got to be too valuable a commodity to leave in a locker for even one day, not to mention the trouble 15 dead ladies would cause.

Most likely, you would think there would be someone higher who wouldn't dare waste a day of any of the ladies let alone lock them up in a storage locker.

On another note, A&E is running a true crime series called the First 48 or something along that line. Anyway, one show I watched took place in Miami. The real crime lab in Miami is grubby and it looks like a lot of the equipment is held together by duct tape. It was far cry from that ultra hi-tech fantasy on the CSI Miami show.

Bottom line, my view is that CSI Miami is a network TV drama and mostly BS.

How long ago was this A&E "real" CSI Miami special?

Could it have been a very old edition or was the CSI Miami unit really that crappy?
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