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Apple releases iPad...

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
That's all really funny guys. First of all, MS never announced the Courrier as a product, it was an internal project that never made the light of day like many products from many companies. Second thing is that HP hasn't made any announcement about cancelling the Slate. All it is is speculation because HP is buying Palm and the tech speculators are guessing that they'll develope something based on that platform instead.

For bond._james_bond, there is plenty of porn available for Blu-ray. The article you posted is three years old and dates from the time when no one knew whether Blu-ray or HD would win the high def war. Blu-ray won and porn is easy to find on that platform.

With Apple now owning the tablet market and HP abandoning Windoze 7, the bells may soon be tolling for Microsoft. First, Studebaker, then Eastern Airlines, soon Microsoft.

Apple owns the tablet market? Really? They don't even have a tablet form factor computer yet, just the iPad which doesn't qualify as a computer any more than an iPhone does. Apple owns the Apple market just as they always did. Nothing more, nothing less. And HP is abandoning Windows 7, the most successful operating ever released? Gee...what are their computer products running on? OS-X? Linux? Keep dreaming rumples. It must really piss you off that in less than 6 months after it's release there are already twice the number of computers running Win 7 than the entire installed base of all versions of Mac OS combined. Seen any Apple commercials attacking Win 7 yet?

And don't write off Flash just yet. It will be around for many years to come and if Steve Jobs keeps attacking them, he may just find his Mac platform with no further Adobe products being released for it.

it will be great to be able to develop web tech only one time through!

A shame that Jobs doesn't agree with you with Apple banning cross platform developement from the iPad/iPhone/iPod platform which is one of his main reasons for banning Flash from these products. He doesn't want anything but exclusive products released for his platform.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Hey, Techie, just reporting on what's being written in the press, replete with quotes from the CEO of Microsoft. But I guess you know more than he does.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
You have a quote from Steve Balmer saying that Flash is dead or that the HP slate is dead or that Apple owns the tablet market? Really? I must have missed that somewhere.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You have a quote from Steve Balmer saying that Flash is dead or that the HP slate is dead or that Apple owns the tablet market? Really? I must have missed that somewhere.
Dee provided the link earlier, but here it is again. As far as Apple owning the tablet market, last I looked, they had a 100% share, which, of course, isn't hard when the only competition decides to not even hit the market since the operating system (Windoze 7) is too bloated to run it. Leave it to Apple to create a streamlined operating system dedicated to it's smaller products. Why didn't Microsoft think of that?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
There's no quote from Ballmer regarding any of the rumours in that link Dee posted. It just mentions the announcement of the Slate at CES back in January.
And why should Microsoft bring out a stripped down operating system for mobile devices? they brought out Win 7 starter edition for lower powered netbooks and entry level PCs and laptops and everyone dumped on it because of it's limitations, even though it can do 10 times more than the iPhone OS that runs Apple's toys.

And as I said, Apple owns the iPad market, not the tablet market. There are many tablet form factor PCs on the market, including convertable laptops, and Apple can't compete in that space which is why they brought out the jumbo iPod in the first place. Like I've said many times, I have no use for an iPad type device no matter who makes it. If someone does have a use for it, then they should buy it and enjoy their purchase. But don't try to make it out to be somoething it isn't, and it isn't a computer. At the moment it's a content delivery device, nothing more. Maybe the next generation or the one after that will be more useful but at the moment the current product fills no need in my life.


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
You believe everything you read?

only if it's from aapl? only if it agrees with your point of view? do that and you become nothing but a pawn in this high stakes poker game.

people have test out flash vs html5 - resource usage identical and both hogs while doing a 1080.

What IS going on is everybody's trying to go for a lockin.

aapl wants their one and only play pen, adobe wants the same through CSx*, and msft is trying for the same through silverlight**.

Flash hardware acceleration (ati 4670 graphic card) through 10.x doesn't work - I tried it out. The only thing works out there is nVidia's Ion - little totally silent fanless box mounted right behind the wide screen and pushing that 1080 s.

This whole discussion has degenerated into republican/democrat 'brain-dead partisanship'!

* Do you know you can design the flash right in CS5 and then push one button to export to iSomething? But that was before Jobs changed the developer agreement so developers have to use aapl tools and not CS5 and disallowed that in the iStore?

** Do you know that msft owns part of the pattern rights to H.264 that they are pushing over open source codec that Opera & Firefox prefers to use


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Do you actually think that Apple invented the tablet PC? Are you that lacking in computer knowledge? We've been selling tablet PCs for about 8 years now, including convertable laptops from a number of manufacturers. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page in the link I posted here and then tell me if Apple is leading the Tablet computer market, expecially as the iPad doesn't qualify as a computer.
Tablet PCs are personal computers where the owner is free to install any compatible application or operating system. Other tablet computer devices, such as eBook readers or PDAs, do not provide this option and are generally considered another category.

You could also take a look at this site for info on all those other tablets that don't really exist because they don't have an Apple logo on them...
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
only if it's from aapl? only if it agrees with your point of view? do that and you become nothing but a pawn in this high stakes poker game.

people have test out flash vs html5 - resource usage identical and both hogs while doing a 1080.

What IS going on is everybody's trying to go for a lockin.

aapl wants their one and only play pen, adobe wants the same through CSx*, and msft is trying for the same through silverlight**.

Flash hardware acceleration (ati 4670 graphic card) through 10.x doesn't work - I tried it out. The only thing works out there is nVidia's Ion - little totally silent fanless box mounted right behind the wide screen and pushing that 1080 s.

This whole discussion has degenerated into republican/democrat 'brain-dead partisanship'!

* Do you know you can design the flash right in CS5 and then push one button to export to iSomething? But that was before Jobs changed the developer agreement so developers have to use aapl tools and not CS5 and disallowed that in the iStore?

** Do you know that msft owns part of the pattern rights to H.264 that they are pushing over open source codec that Opera & Firefox prefers to use

One major difference between Apple and the others is that the others are willing to work on cross platform applications, something that Apple is totally against as evidenced by their latest developer agreement. In fact Adobe put a lot of work into Flash CS5 in regards to developing cross platform applications which would include the iPhone OS but Apple has scuttled those plans. As a result, Adobe will no longer develope any applications for the iPhone OS and it wouldn't surprise me at all if Adobe eventually ends software developement for any Apple platform in the future if Jobs continues with his typical control freak attitude. Another thing that bothers me about Apple is that the developement tools for the iPhone/iPad OS are only available for the Mac platform, you can not develope i* apps on Windows or Linux or anything other than a Mac.

By the way...Apple also owns a chunk of H.264 which explains why they are pushing for it to be the video standard in the HTML5 specification.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You could also take a look at this site for info on all those other tablets that don't really exist because they don't have an Apple logo on them...
Did you follow this link? If you did you'd have found that the iPad's competition is the HP Slate. Oops, cancelled. And the Microsoft Courier. Oops, also cancelled. Then a bunch of others that may or may not someday hit the market. Of all the "tablets" in the list YOU provided, there is only one you can buy now: the iPad. Thanks for proving my point, pal.

No, Apple didn't invent the tablet. They're just the only ones marketing a tablet to a consumer audience now and for the forseeable future. Again, Apple owns 100% of the tablet market. I made that statement and you proved it true.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
You really are blind, aren't you? That site is full of links to existing tablet PCs that are currently for sale. Here's just a couple of examples...

Now I know why you like Apple don't actually have to think for yourself, you just blindly follow Steve Jobs' every word and take it as the absolute truth. It must be much easier living with someone else doing your thinking for you.

Now stop thinking that the iPad is actually a computer. You cannot design anything on it, you can't program on it, you can't install the programs you want or need on it, you have to be spoonfed whatever Apple decides you should need or want. And the damn thing can't even update itself, it needs a separate computer for that!

And it's really hard for a company to cancel a product like the courrier when it was never even announced! Do you have any idea how many products companies do design concepts on that no one ever sees or hears about? And I'm still waiting for someone, anyone, to point me to a press release from HP that says the Slate has been cancelled.

Maybe if you stopped drinking the Apple koolaid sometimes and tried to learn something about computing, you might actually learn something.

Did you hear? Steve Jobs actually invented the apple! That's right, there were no apples until Steve decided they existed. He also invented Apple records and without him there would have been no discovery of the law of gravity and William Tell would have had to shoot an orange off of someone's head. Steve Jobs is GOD! All the mysteries of the world have now been solved. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I'm done with trying to have a decent discussion with Mactards who actually believe the last paragraph and with rumples who, by his own admission, has no idea of anything to do with the real tech world. Enjoy living in your delusions.:cool:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Nice try, Techman. You're first link is to a $900 laptop that weighs 4.7 lbs. If I wanted to haul that kind of weight around, I'd bring my MacBook Pro, which has the advantage of not only running OS X, but Windoze 7, though I don't know why I'd bother.

Your second link is even more preposterous than the first. A $1300 notebook that weighs 5.3 lbs. A touchscreen does not a tablet make, my friend. Hell, my 15" MacBook pro doesn't weigh much more than that.

I eagerly await your next feeble try.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
When did you and Steve Jobs get to decide what a tablet PC is? Jsut because something isn't an iPad, doesn't mean it isn't a tablet computer. sorry, but you lose. When the tech world decides that something has to be an equivalent size, shape and weight as an Apple product to qualify as a tablet then your arguement might hold a bit of weight. But as it stands, it has none.

Apple doesn't get to decide what is or isn't a tablet PC. They have been around for almost 10 years and just because Steve decides to come out with a new toy, it doesn't change the existing definition of the tablet category. And one more time, because maybe constant repitition will get through your aluminum sheilded brain, the iPad is not a computer. It is a content delivery system. I can do more actual computing on a 20 year old 8086 running DOS than I can do on an iPad. actually, I can do more computing on a slide rule than on an iPad.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Oh, when were you appointed the determiner or what is and is not a computer, my hypocritical friend. For the record, my $5.00 calculator is a computer. My $30 digital bicycle speedometer is a computer.

You know what an iPad does. It computes, except in your bizarre little world where Steve Jobs sits down and shoots the bull with Josef Stalin every night.

One more question, can you watch the White Sox kick the Yankees butts in breathaking HD on any of the third rate, overweight machines you mention?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Why would I want to watch baseball on a screen that isn't capable of high definition display? High def is by nature widescreen with a minimum definition of 720p. The iPad doesn't make the grade.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I'm sure glad they appointed you the determiner of what's hi-def and what isn't. How'd you get the appointment, by the way? And for the record, the picture on my iPad is crisper and sharper than that of whatever it is you've got in your living room.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Seeing as I have a 1080P Plasma display, that is technically impossible. It may give that impression due to it's tiny size, but then again the screen on a PSP is just as impressive as the iPad. In fact, the 24" 1080P computer monitor I am currently using also has better display quality than your iPad. Sorry, but you lose again.

And gee, I'm really sorry that your iPad doesn't qualify as a true HD display. I didn't make the standards, just informing you of them. The fact is that the iPad is not a high definition display and you can disagree with it all you want, but thems the facts.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Thanks for the link. Again you prove yourself wrong: "High-definition video or HD video refers to any video system of higher resolution than standard-definition (SD) video..." The iPad, which has a much sharper picture than your 24" monitor, and which you could tell if your eyes weren't clouded by delusion, reveals a HD picture, one considerably sharper than that on my 92" 1080i projector at home. You really don't need 1080 or even 720 on a screen the size of the iPad to get a crystal clear picture. The crystal clear picture which you, by the way, were admiring just last week. I assume that, in your delusional haze, you forgot that.

I'm outta here. I'll be glad to continue this discussion when you're thinking more clearly, T'man. In the meanwhile, thanks for proving all my points.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
You really don't understand technology at all, do you? Any small screen will appear to be sharper than any considerably larger display. Actually it's just an illusion. The same number of lines of resolution will display the exact same amount of information. If you compress these lines into a smaller display, they will give the illusion of being sharper when in fact, they really aren't. There is no more detail present in the smaller display. The display on the iPad is not a HD display. It's resolution is 1024X768 which makes sit incapable of displaying a full screen 720P image which is 1280X720 pixels. to display such an image, the iPad will have to reduce the image into a letterbox, like any other standard 4X3 image ratio display, which will reduce the horizontal resolution below the 720 lines required to be considered high definition.

This link may be informative if you actually take the time to read it:

The iPad, as nice as it's display might be, is not high definition by any stretch of the imagination.

Finally, considering that I have already conceded the fact that the iPad is a great content delivery device, which is what it was designed to be, I see no reason in continuing this discussion. No matter what the facts happen to be, you will continue to twist them to fit your arguement no matter if you are technically incorrect or not. It's like discussing the colour of the sky with someone who isn't capable of seeing the colour blue. It's a total waste of time and it's a shame that you can't accept the iPad for what it is and continue trying turn it into something it isn't. You think the iPad is the greatest computing device that has ever been released to mankind. Fine. Enjoy yourself with it. I'll even come to the stag party when you decide to marry it and you can live happily ever after and raise some miniPads...I mean iPods...together! I'd even offer to change their diapers...I mean batteries...for you but Steve has decreed that users shouldn't have that ability. Sorry.
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Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
You're mopping the floor with him Rumples...

... and winning me over to Apple... had a very early Apple and bought some for others but I've been sticking with MS for years and years (involved in 100 to 200 computer purchases).... (except for iPhone - which I love - except for the phone part! - not enough volume)

Might get a 2nd generation iPad...

Those who don't want the whole iPad but only the book reader have another choise which looks interesting ... the inexpensive $149 Kobo.... like to try an ereader out but I think I would miss the feel of the book in my hand... but at $149 how can you go wrong...
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