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Application Alert covid


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
Allez-vous installer l'application Alert Covid sur votre cellulaire. Pour ma part je l'ai installée. C'est un outil de plus. Cependant pour qu'il devienne efficace, il devra avoir une bonne adhésion de la population, ce qui reste à voir. Pour ce qui est de la crante pour nos informations personnelles, on devrait se poser la question avec toutes les applications que nous installons. Personnellement, je crois que le risque d'intrusion dans notre vie privée est moins risquée avec cette application qu'avec bien d'autres applications que nous installons sans se poser aucune question sur leur sécurité.

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
Legault downloads Canadian COVID Alert app, tells Quebecers to do same
Premier François Legault is urging all Quebecers to follow his lead and download the federal COVID-19 application in a bid to keep the second wave of infections in check.

^First, how many own a Smartphone?
Who will download this App?
Who will Participate?



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2003
I already have it installed. Didi the second week it was available even if it was not supported by Quebec...
Simply because I often go to Otytawa


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
They came out with a similar app for NY state. I have no interest in letting big brother keep an eye on me more than he already has.

Next thing you know the government will shut down sports, restaurants, concerts, gyms etc.

Oh wait, it's already happened.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
^^^^ I guess that’s my point, maybe you didn’t understand that. Since we are already in a pandemic and everything is already shut down and the people are “under control” why should Big Brother have even more ways to find us, monitor us, keep us under control? We should be allowed to be left alone and live our lives, not controlling us even more with a fucking app on a smart phone.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I will use no app, ever. If someone figures I am worth watching good for them, if they watch me through my laptop camera they will probably want to bleach their eyes when they are done.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Not spying on us, just seeing how well we follow. Personal opinion. Yes there is a virus but it can be handled way better with the hindsight we have. They will bleed this as long as possible. In Canada 0.025% died and the US 0.6%, do not think the end result will justify the cost.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Guys, as soon as you own a smart phone you can be potentially under surveillance 24/7 notwithstanding what you have downloaded. Plus, you can be followed in the city by thousands of cameras using face/body/gait recognition software. The only chance to remain anonymous is to be of no interest for the power players :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
They know all about you anyway.
As long as you are not important enough to bother with you are fine.
Drivers license, registration, passport. Yearly income tax report, property taxes, pet license, probably a thousand other ways they can locate you any time they want, plus you are carrying around a smart phone.
You are not Jed Clampet anymore living in the woods.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Reading the post, it is obvious those opposing to this app doesn't know how it works. It doesn't go through geolocalisation. In fact you can disable the geolocalisation and the app will work as well. It uses Bluetooth. It sends random code around you. The app monitors those codes and the proximity (not the location) and the duration of proximity. To be of interest one should be within 6 feet for 15 minutes. If someone receive a positive result he will ask for a key and the server will acknowledge this info. Now, what is interesting is that if you were at some point in proximity for 15 minutes of this person (with whom you exchanged random codes) the server will alert you via wifi. You will know that you have been exposed but not where and not with who and will get the instruction where to get tested. Simple like that. No user name, no email address, nothing. I did enroll and I'm proud of doing so.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
Comme il a été dit en anglais, on utilise bluetooth et non la géolocalisation pour le fonctionnement de cette application. Un spécialiste disait que bluetooth pouvait être moins précis dans le calcul de la distance avec un autre cellulaire. Ce que je trouve de surprenant, c'est la paranoïa qui existe parfois lorsque c'est le gouvernement qui propose une application. Il y a un paquet d'application proposée par des compagnies et le monde les installe sans se poser aucune question. Là c'est une application gouvernementale dont on informe les gens de son fonctionnement ce que bien des compagnies privées ne font pas en ne donnant aucune information sur leur application et c'est la suspicion pour bien du monde.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
what i dont get is, if you have a positive covid test, shoul you not stay home and isolate? so the app is really for the possibility that you came into contact with someone who would LATER test positive for covid, and MIGHT have been infectious when your phones were proximal to each other? does the app take into account the actual duration of time spent close to each other? is it 5 seconds or minimum 5 mins? how close? if you were 2 meters apart outside wearing masks with someonne for 3 minutes, and that persons gets a positive test 10 days later, do you get a notification? sounds like there will be a lot of people sent for testing unnecessarily.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
If you have a facebook account or smartphone or other social media and think that THIS ap is the one that traces you i have some bad news for you
For people who refuse to fill some blanks between lines. A proper application would require GPS data to trace contacts of the infected person back 2-3 days from the moment he registers with COVID. With this data the application can warn people that also sharing their GPS history that they were in a proximity of the infected person for an extended period. In the present form, it can only warn that the person who has been registered with COVID is in the proximity. But people with the known COVID diagnosis are supposed to stay in isolation anyway. Thus, it is mostly useless. In short, you can’t have cake and eat it. You must surrender your privacy for any such application to work.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
what i dont get is, if you have a positive covid test, shoul you not stay home and isolate? so the app is really for the possibility that you came into contact with someone who would LATER test positive for covid, and MIGHT have been infectious when your phones were proximal to each other? does the app take into account the actual duration of time spent close to each other? is it 5 seconds or minimum 5 mins? how close? if you were 2 meters apart outside wearing masks with someonne for 3 minutes, and that persons gets a positive test 10 days later, do you get a notification? sounds like there will be a lot of people sent for testing unnecessarily.

There are "specs" for what defines "close contact". For example the CDC specifies less than 6 feet for 15 minutes. I do not know what thresholds they have set for Covid Alert but I suspect they are similar

It's quite simple. If I test positive, I register my diagnosis and everyone that was within say 6 feet for 15minutes, in the last X days, gets notified and therefore should go get tested. If I don't register my positive diagnosis, the system does nothing useful.

BTW, people saying GPS should be used need to understand GPS is accurate to 5m in good environments and worst in bad environments. Not good enough.

People that don't trust the app should know this has been put into Open Source so anyone can see how it is implemented.

There would be some very simple things they could implement that would tell you how "well behaved" you are. For example, tell me how many unique people I was within 6 feet, more than 15minutes. Even if I don't know if they had Covid or not. I would expect this to be very small. If it's 100, I know I am at risk, regardless if any of them tested positive and therefore I should change my behavior, if possible.
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Active Member
Feb 29, 2012
There are "specs" for what defines "close contact". For example the CDC specifies less than 6 feet for 15 minutes. I do not know what thresholds they have set for Covid Alert but I suspect they are similar

It's quite simple. If I test positive, I register my diagnosis and everyone that was within say 6 feet for 15minutes, in the last X days, gets notified and therefore should go get tested. If I don't register my positive diagnosis, the system does nothing useful.

BTW, people saying GPS should be used need to understand GPS is accurate to 5m in good environments and worst in bad environments. Not good enough.

People that don't trust the app should know this has been put into Open Source so anyone can see how it is implemented.

There would be some very simple things they could implement that would tell you how "well behaved" you are. For example, tell me how many unique people I was within 6 feet, more than 15minutes. Even if I don't know if they had Covid or not. I would expect this to be very small. If it's 100, I know I am at risk, regardless if any of them tested positive and therefore I should change my behavior, if possible.
Nailed it. The application uses 6 feet & 15 minutes as the parameter for being exposed to another user.

One of my good friends is a software engineer, she took a look at the code and said: “wow, the code is actually clean considering it’s a government app”...apparently it was developed in large part with a team from Shopify, said the only actual risk was Bluetooth protocols have been shown to be imperfect and there have been vulnerabilities exploited in the past.
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