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Best Agency of the Year for 2011


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
MA, perhaps i'm misreading ur post ... and although i agree with ur comments... they seem somewhat uhmmmm, like ur kissing ass! just saying... what others might be thinking. i think we all like the way eleganza is run and if praise is ass kissing, then welcome to the club MA.
Mar 7, 2008
I would like to nominate "Montreal Sex City" for the best Agency Award. Jessy provides excellent and efficient service to "all clients". It is always nice to speak to a "female" booker when arranging an appointment. Overall, courteous service along with a line-up of top-quality "girls" makes "Montreal Sex City" an excellent candidate for the best Agency Award !


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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i never try that agency..but i guess is the one that is the most popular..ELEGANZA... ...i have to say i never try them...i am not a guy that call very much agency..cause always had trouble with them....but i guess i would have to try this agency this 2012 loll...


Apr 22, 2011
I tried Candyshop, Chloe Playground on several occasions. They are a professional team,with high quality girls . I would nominate them..Keep the good work Mike and Billy !


New Member
Dec 19, 2009
Candyshop and Chloes playgroung are exactly the same. i.e. Mike and Billy are responsible for both agencies. Billy has let down pretty much candyshop's website and only four girls are on this site and two no longer seem to work, so its mainly Chloes playground who is on but the website is also poorly maintained has many girls seem to no longer Be on the (menu... )
I think they keep both agencies alive on merb in order to advertise twice for both site = 4 times daily, as per the other agencies who can advertise only twice daily
When you called either one, its sure to be mike or billy...on the phone and same girls avail for that day...
My humble opinion...


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
- Devilish/GOF: same thing re. web work and drivers, and always the same phone booker. Separate web sites and MERB posts, but shared "agency forum" and parties. As far as I am concerned, my experience with one or the other is no different.

- Candy Shop / Chloe's Playground: everything about these two places is the same except for the MERB handle, but they always have the same lineup, site, booker, drivers, etc. It IS the same place.
I'll go one step further. If this poll doesn't recognize Chloes/Candyshop as a single entitie, the results may become polluted and hence meaningless. Should Chloes receive enough votes for fourth place and Candyshop enough for fifth, yet combined they'd be the winner, the results of the poll would become worthless.

I voted for one of them and right now I can't tell you which one. THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME and to have any meaning, this poll has no choice but to treat them as such. If you look at the posts of Candyshop and Chloe's, both posted between 6:30 and 7:15 this evening, the content of the two are exactly the same.

While this link isn't quite as strong between Devilish and GOF, I'd also link them as one operation as the phone line is combined.


New Member
Dec 19, 2009
considering all the above facts and my own experiences with the ladies, my vote goes too Candyshop/chloes playground. for those wondering how come he has only 15 F... Post, I was not an active member for the past one and a half year, mainly because I was travelling the world for... Nahhh no value here.... Second and third votes no value, because I've dealt mainly with independents.


Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
They do have two sites one for candyshop and one for chloe though the facts remain they advertize the same ladies in their announcement here on merb and both are signed by mike & billy so up to me they are a single one agency and btw the candyshop website is mostly dead and is an unreliable source of up to date source of information in my opinion


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

you are going by the Web Sites, when almost everyone that voted here knows the Candy Shop Website is "live" in name only. The posts both by Candy Shop and Chloe's list the same girls, and you know this.

If its' going to be this way, then I suggest that everyone who has voted believing that they were voting for Chloes/Candy Shoip as one unit (and Devilish/GOF) get a chance to restate their vote.

Let me start:

- Chloes
- Candy Shop
- Eleganza

I have dropped Asservissante because they do not advertise here. Since advertising twice (and paying for it twice) seems an issue, not advertising at all should disqualify aencies under that logic.


I asked for opinions on how the membership would like to proceed. My opinion is just one like anyone else's. I'm not trying to push one position because I feel the majority of the membership should have the decision. If you look at post number 53 I suggested the opportunity for everyone to restate their vote as you now suggest. But that isn't necessary if you all want the agencies combined.

If that's what most members want then it will be that way.




Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Just a quick check between Candy's and Chloe's shows an entirely different selection of ladies. So why are they the same? Can you explain why the results aren't polluted if members vote for an agency they haven't used because of the combination, and never met anyone at one of them?

One owner owned the old Dangerous Curves and Devilish (and more) at the same time. Back then Devilish was great but very few liked DC. Linking them in a voting pair would have been a travesty of misinformation for newbies who didn't know better, which by your linking suggestion would have been deceiving by making them both seem very positive.

Your suggested method is combining two different sets of clients in one disingenuous block when they haven't used both agencies, which gives them an advantage over single agencies.

Thanks for your opinion. We have DO have a choice. I will be happy to follow the opinion of the majority who post on this point. You opinion is noted opinion...per se, not an absolute.



I'll go one step further. If this poll doesn't recognize Chloes/Candyshop as a single entitie, the results may become polluted and hence meaningless. Should Chloes receive enough votes for fourth place and Candyshop enough for fifth, yet combined they'd be the winner, the results of the poll would become worthless.

I voted for one of them and right now I can't tell you which one. THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME and to have any meaning, this poll has no choice but to treat them as such. If you look at the posts of Candyshop and Chloe's, both posted between 6:30 and 7:15 this evening, the content of the two are exactly the same.

While this link isn't quite as strong between Devilish and GOF, I'd also link them as one operation as the phone line is combined.

I don't want to see best buddies (fellow Red Sox and Bruin fans) fight about this. I can see it either way. You both have a point.

Devilish / GOF and Candyshop / Chloe can be the same or different. Gee, how 1 owner of 2 agencies can cause such turmoil.

Maybe, Rumps's famous defacto standings (Rumps, you should really patent it before that the NHL steals it) he uses in the NHL thread can be used here. You can have votes for the agencies combined and then separate agencies and do some type of mathematical equation to get the actual winner. Sounds like a good suggestion? I'll leave the math up to Rumps. He's real good at it.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Just a quick check between Candy's and Chloe's shows an entirely different selection of ladies. So why are they the same? Can you explain why the results aren't polluted if members vote for an agency they haven't used because of the combination, and never met anyone at one of them?
Merlot, you can do whatever you want as long as you're aware that if you treat C/C as two agencies, youre results will be meaningless. As Sapman has pointed out, Candyshop's website hasn't been updated in over a year. And that their advertising posts are exact duplicates. If I had to choose which of the two to vote for, I wouldn't know which one to choose because THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME.

If the membership knew that you were treating them as separate agencies, many, including me, would have voted for each of them. By the way, go back and look at how many people voted for both of them as separate agencies. That's right, none. You are the only one who considers them different.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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this is funny stuff guys... u mean to tell me KPMG isn't auditing the results for accuracy??? i feel so... deceived. lol

KMPG was outbidded by the firm Dewie, Cheetum, and Howe.

Merlot, you can do whatever you want as long as you're aware that if you treat C/C as two agencies, you're results will be meaningless. As Sapman has pointed out, Candyshop's website hasn't been updated in over a year. And that their advertising posts are exact duplicates. If I had to choose which of the two to vote for, I wouldn't know which one to choose because THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME.

If the membership knew that you were treating them as separate agencies, many, including me, would have voted for each of them. By the way, go back and look at how many people voted for both of them as separate agencies. That's right, none. You are the only one who considers them different.

Maybe, for the purposes of this poll, we can ask the equivalent of the Canadian FTC to force Chloe or Candy, whoever she really is, to sell one of these names and become one big happy agency. This is becoming a big controversy here.
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