Hello all,
Angel Escorts - Merlot, thegreatwalooo, quest, ManApart, MasterPuppet, TheHeat, WoodyWoody, GuitarPlaya, cloudsurf, suikoden_45, sebseb, man77777, quest (13)
Asservissante - sweetwater, rumpleforeskiin, Doc Holliday, mike279, cloudsurf, lesolide, reverdy, Justforfun, sapman99, sergejean, nylonlover, pat98, Special K, foxwilly, hormone, lovelegs, darkside99, suikoden_45, Rex Kramer, Drake2 (20)
Candy Shop/Chloe's Playground - sweetwater, Doc Holliday, cpp433, mike279, snoodle, lesolide, evillethings, nylonlover, pat98, Crazydan, Conan, Special K, chadnyc, lovelegs, *BIGMC*, Guy7777, rumpleforeskiin, sapman99, foxwilly, hormone, nycbadboy128, suikoden_45, Touch, DM.Goya, sebseb, Hal, avgjoe, cloudsurf, Rex Kramer, pyjama guy, freezin, GiveAndTake, man77777, Parkyboy (34)
Chocolate Love Divas - pat98 (1)
Devilish/MGOF - amazona, snoodle, Hal (3)
Eleganza - thegreatwalooo, quest, sweetwater, quest, rumpleforeskiin, Doc Holliday, Kansas Frank, lesolide, reverdy, ManApart, evillethings, sapman99, sergejean, johnmbot Conan, Special K, foxwilly, hormone, Maddogwill, chadnyc, lovelegs, panthere, TheHeat, WoodyWoody, Hal, Rex Kramer, pyjama guy, GiveAndTake, quest (29)
Girls4U - montreal_monk01, DM.Goya (2)
Goodgirls - avgjoe (1)
Les Jardin de Madison - Ultraman (1)
Montreal Angels - amazona, (1)
Montreal Lust - Merlot, ezekiel, Justforfun, Ultraman (4)
Montreal Sex City - ezekiel, Kansas Frank, Cat Daddy, nylonlover, Conan, Touch, avgjoe, nycbadboy128, pyjama guy, Ultraman, Parkyboy (11)
Nadya's VIPs - ManApart, sergejean, WoodyWoody, DM.Goya (4)
Satin Dreamz - ezekiel, mike279, Justforfun, montreal_monk01, Touch (5)
XXXTASE - Merlot, amazona, quest, cloudsurf, snoodle, reverdy, evillethings, montreal_monk01, GiveAndTake, Drake2, Parkyboy (11)
Quest voted at 12:01 am...let's just say I was a minute late locking the door.

His vote didn't change who would make the poll.
1. A minimum of 20 posts to establish posting history before Jan 1, 2012.
2. A credible review with some useful service information before Jan 1, 2012 as a standard to establish some proof of being an active credible hobbyist of escorts.
***If you have not been added to the nomination list if you posted before the latest update time it's because you did not qualify. But participation by all contributors is appreciated.
Check how your vote was recorded and if you want a change or a mistake was made send a PM or make a note.
Everyone who gave an opinion approved weeding out those with less than 20 posts and none or very superficial reviews. Since I cannot prevent them from voting, does the membership approve of an official vote count at the end of the voting that would weed out those who didn't qualify for making nominations?
If so, only the number of those who did not qualify to vote for each agency would be given, no names would be used. But a list of the disqualified would be provided to the mods for the agencies in case of dispute.
Or should the vote be left as is?
COMMENT??? Mods included.
Since you asked, I'll give my opinion. And I should preface this by acknowleging that I am one of those who was disqualified in the nomination process. I'm not trying to argue whether or not many of us should have been disqualified, as I agree that it appeared that most seemed to be in favor of using the qualifications that were applied, so it is what it is.
But anyway, by my count less than 100 MERB members qualified and participated in these nominations. That's out of a total membership of over 39,000. My point is that that's less than 1% of the total MERB membership, and in my opinion I think we need to try and include as many members as possible in the voting to get a better sample size and have a more meaningful representation of the membership.
Anyway, that's just my opinion, and as was stated earlier in this thread it's your poll and you can do as you please. :smile:
Over the years of the boards existence a low percentage of members have written reviews, but that situation doesn't negate the reviews.
I don't see it as my poll and to make it more inclusive I have asked for the opinion of the membership, even those who still keep their 4th grade reader, for their opinions. That's how much I have tried to make it Merb's poll. Someone is going to be administrator. Keeping the details open to the opinions of the membership is the point, so an admittedly imperfect effort was made to make the nominations more credible.
The problem always has been shills and credibility. It was very easy and quick to check a member's history and see some just don't write real reviews, only post when polls come up to promote the same lady, or created a new handle after the nominations began to tilt the numbers. Unfortunately the method of post counts can exclude very legitimate members. That's why the qualifications were so low at 20 posts. Other problems included disingenuous nominations such as one admitting never even having been to Montreal in 2011 while still nominating agencies for the same year. You see the problems.
Even the mods probably can't be precisely sure about everyone who is legitimate and who isn't. We know there are banned members sneaking onto the board. Since members wanted more legitimacy I tried to do so.