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Best MP 2017 thread - VOTE HERE !


New Member
Dec 17, 2006
Best MP
1- Jade from Mascarade
2- Diana "Queen of Thai" - retired earlier in 2017 :-(
3- Carmen Independent TMR

Best venue
1- Mascarade
All my other favorite venues are indies


Active Member
Sep 13, 2006
1- Sammy at L'Elegance
2- Julia at L'Elegance

They are the only ones that I have repeated with so will only put in a top 2.

I guess Valerie would have been at #3 though as I wanted to repeat with her but looks like L'Elegance closed so I might have to try and see her at her new place.

As for salons I have only visited two so I can only do a top 2 for that as well:
1- L'Elegance
2- Absolut


Nominem meum Nemo est
Voici mes votes pour 2017

Meilleures masseuses
No 1 Nataly (Amherst)
No 2 Jade (Mascarade)
No 3 Selma (Bullion)

Meilleur salon
No 1 Mascarade - meilleur accueil
No 2 Bamboo ( Rosemont)
No 3 Balance Santé deBullion ( mais seulement les jours de équipe Marie)


Jan 14, 2016
Results are complied and we have a Gold, Silver and Bronze medalist.

For BEST MP 2017:

1st place with 38 points - GOLD to Lea at YPG :first:
2nd place with 9 points - Silver to Jade at Mascarade
3rd place with 6 points - Bronze to Brittany at YPG

Congratulations to Lea, Jade and Brittany ! Thank you for your dedicated work throughout 2017 and all the best for 2018 !

For Best Salon 2017:
1st place with 43 points - Gold to YPG :first:
2nd place with 14 points - Silver to 2214
3rd place with 13 points - Bronze to Mascarade

Congratulations to Mari, Alex and Aby ! Thank you for the great year as the community look forward Y2018 !

There are also many notable names that were voted, please take the time to look at them. I for myself recognised many names voted that did not make the podium but they I know they do work hard to make the client a King.

For the salons, there are some great ones voted but did not make the podium, congrats to you all !

Cheers all and have a good MP year !


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Congrats to the lovely Lea.
Its very early in 2018 but she could possibly take the triple crown.
Best MP of 2018
Best Indy of 2018 and Best ROY of 2018.
This woman is so amazing on so many levels that its just insane.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2006
I'm late to the vote. So really just a comment IMHO.

Massage - I've tried a bunch but still come back to YPG:

1. Elly @ YPG - Super sweet, very pretty, very giving
2. Mariel @ YPG - sensual doesn't do her justice.
3. Brittany @ YPG - very sexy, energetic, nice girl

For the Lea fans, I've seen her too. Great gal.


Your Sinful Companion
Dec 29, 2015
I really mean it when I say it's an honor to win this title. I am so happy to be a part of so many of your lives and it feels absolutely amazing to be recognized for bringing a little light to your days!

Thank you for the awesome times, the great reviews and for the votes! I wouldn't be where I am if not for you guys so, much much love to you all! Sometimes I wonder how I lucked out with this job and such wonderful lovers!

Thank you to A12B for championing this vote! You took the reigns when nobody else wanted to and I owe you a huge bear hug for that ;) There are so many great girls working as MPs just waiting to be discovered! This recognition really helps put them on the map and ultimately helps to change preconceived notions. It always made me happy to be someone's first MP experience and then see them walk out blown away with a new perspective !

Congrats to all girls nominated - very proud to have been and still be part of this community!

And lastly, a shoutout to my dear Cloudsurf. Thank you for being so good to me! I was taken aback by how many inquiries I got from just the lovely review you wrote! It really goes to show how well respected you are on this board.

Sinfully yours,


Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2012
I would like to express my appreciation to all the merb members that voted for YPG Spa. I am so very pleased that you have enjoyed your visits and that you take the time to express it. I would like to thank A12B for organizing the Poll as I feel that it has a positive effect on all of Montreal’s providers who continuously look for ways toward improving the experience. We are all part of a strong and positive local community and there are several great places throughout our city, of which include 2214 and Mascarade whom I would like to congratulate for being amongst the top of this year’s list as well. I would also particularly like to congratulate our own Lea and Brittany who are both very deserving of the individual recognitions that they have received. With that, I look forward to a wonderful 2018 and we look forward to continuing to make all your visits to YPG enjoyable and memorable.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Congrats YPG and Lea! I am a lucky men as I met Lea once and she so openly spoke so well of Marie of YPG that it's not surprise they got both title again. You girls rock!



Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017
Je suis désolée de vous répondre tardivement car je ne lis pas souvent le lounge mais mieux vaut tard que jamais ;)
Je dois vous avouer que j'ai été agréablement surprise qu'on mentionne mon nom à quelques reprises et d'avoir obtenu la médaille de bronze pour ce concours puisque je suis de retour dans le domaine que depuis l'été dernier. Ça me fait réellement chaud au coeur et je vous remercie chaleureusement. J'aimerais féliciter Léa et Jade qui ont obtenu les 2 premières places ainsi que les 3 salons au podium: YPG, 2214 et Masacarade. Félicitation à toutes les masseuses qui ont eu de bons commentaires tout au long de l'année et merci à la clientèle de nous les faire découvrir. Merci à l'organisateur de ce concours ainsi qu'à tous les membres de merb.
Brittany :kiss:
I am sorry to answer you late because I do not often read the lounge but it better late than never ;)
I have to admit you that I was surprised pleasantly that we mention my name on some occasions and to have obtained the bronze place for this competition because I am back in the domain that since the last summer. It is heart-warming me really and thank you warmly. I would like to congratulate Léa and Jade which obtained the first 2 places as well as 3 salons in the podium: YPG, on 2214 and Masacarade. Congratulation to all the masseuses who had good comments all year long and thanks to the clientele of us make them discover. Thanks to the organizer of this tread as well as thanks to all the merb members.
Brittany :kiss:
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