I really mean it when I say it's an honor to win this title. I am so happy to be a part of so many of your lives and it feels absolutely amazing to be recognized for bringing a little light to your days!
Thank you for the awesome times, the great reviews and for the votes! I wouldn't be where I am if not for you guys so, much much love to you all! Sometimes I wonder how I lucked out with this job and such wonderful lovers!
Thank you to A12B for championing this vote! You took the reigns when nobody else wanted to and I owe you a huge bear hug for that

There are so many great girls working as MPs just waiting to be discovered! This recognition really helps put them on the map and ultimately helps to change preconceived notions. It always made me happy to be someone's first MP experience and then see them walk out blown away with a new perspective !
Congrats to all girls nominated - very proud to have been and still be part of this community!
And lastly, a shoutout to my dear Cloudsurf. Thank you for being so good to me! I was taken aback by how many inquiries I got from just the lovely review you wrote! It really goes to show how well respected you are on this board.
Sinfully yours,