See this, it seems like your question has been the subject of hot litigation by civil liberties groups in the federal district courts, but it seems that the latest Court of Appeals ruling was in favor of the government being able to do these searches:
The First Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed that government border officers can continue to search electronic devices at the border without a search warrant or probable cause.
Are you interested in retaining an attorney to litigate the issue to the US Supreme Court to resolve the splits in the lower courts? That's your call. My guess is the government is cocky and will not back down because Trump stacked the Supreme Court with Judges who shared his view of tight border security. If you voted for Trump, this is what you signed up for. Given the 1st Circuit's decision in Alasaad, the Border Agents will keep searching phones until the US Supreme Court tells them to stop, and that ain't happening any time soon.