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bitcoin worth investing into?


Apr 17, 2017
This is not a stock, its a currency, ATMs showing up, few locations already.

Its public already you can buy it as we speak 1 BTC= $16,100.00 US (OUCHHH).

Just chit chatting over here and not buying, most probably we'll loose another few Gs by tomorrow.

There is a stock that invests in BTC = $1,820.00 (Going up by few hundred $$s every day).

It's mainstream yeah. But I probably should've specified I was referring to futures (since you can't really short the BTC right now)...


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
So, I went on to shop on Bitcoin site and shoes are $42.99. Do I have to buy 43 bitcoins to cover the cost? Or do I buy 1 bitcoin and after the sale I have .999957 Bitcoin left? How does it work is what I am asking?


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
So, I went on to shop on Bitcoin site and shoes are $42.99. Do I have to buy 43 bitcoins to cover the cost? Or do I buy 1 bitcoin and after the sale I have .999957 Bitcoin left? How does it work is what I am asking?

Go to bitcoin.

Open up a wallet

Then you have few options.

Go to your bank and buy / transfer money to bitcoin or ATM through visa, not sure about debit card yet.

Yo don't have to buy ONE bitcoin.

Like $$, you can buy increments quarter, dime or nickel equivalent for example.

BTC = 16,000.00 buy BTC for 1600 now you own a .10 bitcoin (Like a dime equivalent).

So I think $42 shoes will be few cents equivalent of bitcoin paying from your bitcoin wallet,
I assume.(At Walmart for example ???).

I think it will be similar to this, if the shoes are $42 Canadian but you paid with your American $,
the shoes will be worth whatever the equivalent is in American dollar at that time of purchase.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Is bitcoin worth the investment ? How hard is it to sell bitcoin and receive money (currency) transfer or cash back ?

i am hesitant to say yes, but i can give you a brief glimpse into my experience with bitcoins.
I purchased 10 bitcoins when the market price was 310$ canadian.. i was in a hurry to sell when they reached 1000$, and sold all 10. I thought i made out like a bandit lol. When i saw the bitcoin value reach 10k, i was thrown into a long enduring state of rage and regret and remorse, it was very hard for me to accept the potential payout i let fly by me..that 90,000$+ that i missed out on could have literally changed my life, i could never accept that i was already in the game with a tiny investment and my apprehension and greed to make a quick cash-out turned out to be such a massive mistake!!!!.. i was certain i had to make another move but not understanding what influences bitcoins value or the technical aspect behind it, i was still scared to jump back in at 12,000$/ i fucked up once again by waiting. Then came the price jump to 14,700$ and i pulled the trigger. I decided not to risk losing the amount i put back in at such a high btc price rate and said to myself i will watch it like a hawk and get out when it reaches 22k..with what i put in, at 14.7k per btc i knew i would be satisfied even if btc prices somehow reach upwards of 30k, it wouldn't bother me one bit!!. ..then came my chance, a solid window, the computer gods were smiling down at me, i sold each unit at 24k.
Just like that i was at double a years salary in profit out of something invisible that i had little to no understanding of. So as i prepare to take a year off to finally finish a bunch of personal projects and to be able to just live life and relax for once in my life, i couldnt sit here and tell you not to risk it.. i can however say that as of jan 1 2018, i stop all rrsp contributions and i will be putting the exact same amount in various smaller crypto currencys :) is the future as far as im concerned!

Oh and p.s, cashing out is wayyy easier than one would assume.
P.p.s..please be extremely cautious, like literally EXTREMELY cautious on how you buy crypto currency and especially how you store it. Theft and fraud is a regular occurance and very easy for hackers to pull off, plus you have no legal recourse or even any ways to recoup your crypto coins if something as stupid as losing a cold storage ledger or phone would occur.. its wildly simple to lose for something so insanely complex to understand and purchase lol.
Good luck and please, PLEASE do research and read before ever involving yourself in this high tech world.

P.p.p.s lol.. even though it is not yet an accepted or recognized currency, any profits or 'gains' that are withdrawn that go undeclared on your yearly income tax is considered tax evasion or fiscal fraud, dont believe those that say its legal to not declare it because crypto currencys are totally apart from the international financial system!!
(How to declare this is anyones guess lol, but when tax time comes around i will find out how to go about declaring this in my investment portfolio)

P.p.p.p.s.. dec 15th bitcoin will be traded on the stock market or be able to be purchased, i wouldn't put to much faith in btc after that the canadian gov will be implementing changes regarding bitcoin specifically or crypto currencys as a whole early in the new year, so that also will take this from the free web into the paper gangsters and old men in suits playground and out of the hands of every regular joe, jack and jill..just my humble opinion of course


Apr 17, 2017
P.p.p.p.s.. dec 15th bitcoin will be traded on the stock market or be able to be purchased, i wouldn't put to much faith in btc after that the canadian gov will be implementing changes regarding bitcoin specifically or crypto currencys as a whole early in the new year, so that also will take this from the free web into the paper gangsters and old men in suits playground and out of the hands of every regular joe, jack and jill..just my humble opinion of course

It actually already has its own tracking ticker on the Stockholm exchange How do I know? Because I bought those with my TFSA ;). Pretty sure the Canadian government will find a way to screw us over and tax an an account that was never made to be taxed. They really should've been more clear about the rules regarding trading with a TFSA...

As for the "official" stock launch, it's not bitcoin. It's bitcoin futures on the CME, Dec 11. The two will have a direct relation but only the bitcoin futures will depend on the performance of bitcoin. Not the other way around. There's going to be such a roller coaster of ups and downs on Monday, it's interesting to see what's going to happen.

As for declaring capital gains, I'm not encouraging tax evasion but I also don't like the fact that the government treats it as if it was a security for tax purposes but refuses to acknowledge it as an asset. The very definition of a security is a tradeable asset so when comes tax season, if the government doesn't change their stance, it's literally going to be an abuse of power and I'll be looking at lawyering up. I suggest you do the same.

I wouldn't worry too much about the gov implementing new regulations. The point of bitcoin was so gov or corps couldn't control it. And it works because the bitcoin is not stored in any gov backed org or any private/public org for that matter. It's stored in multiple ledger which are in multiple jurisdictions. Even if there were regulations, they can't do crap because the currency is not tangible so there's nothing to seize as long as you keep your bitcoins in a cold storage and not on hot storages...


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The bitcoin drop has started, just need to see how low it goes. I am guessing that billionaires have propped this up and it is time to cash in, better hurry.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Trop risqué. Il n'est pas réglementé par l'autorité des marchés financiers comme les banques ou la caisse. Et il y a trop de hack. On risque de tout perdre à tous moments.

Moi, je ne veux rien savoir de ça


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
If you feel you can't afford bitcoin at the current prices, here's an idea:

People are taking out mortgages to buy bitcoin

Fuck me people are really doing that?

The great thing about bitcoin and it's technology is that it's completely decentralized.
The worst thing about bitcoin and it's technology is that it's completely decentralized. Which will lead to great fluctuation, hack, collapse and mainly benefit the criminals and bad country like north korea and russia.



Apr 17, 2017
Yeah I read that.

It's sad mortgage brokers are allowing this kind of borrowing so they can make a few extra hundred dollars every month from the interest. The people who took out a mortgage are going to be the biggest losers in this. Bitcoin isn't a business, nor is it a security like $spy. People who put money in bitcoin need to understand the core concepts more than the risks and right now with every news outlet spouting their version of what bitcoin is, I'm afraid the public is going to get confused and weigh in more on the risk than its utility. These people are going to be the biggest losers when they see what's real volatility not to mention the security breaches they're exposing their capital to... When bitcoin's doc says you are responsible for your own money, they really mean it and most of those "pop n mom" investors probably don't get that yet.

Oh well can't blame them, those same people are still investing in mutual funds or gov bonds in 2017 thinking it's a great investment...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
In every kind of market there is early winners and that's fine. I benefited from the housing market in montreal in the early 2000. Not as much as I should have if I only knew then that 17 years later it still has not crashed!

That said, bitcoin investment is for me same as stock market. It's not lead by something tangible. It's a market where the rich gets richer on the back of many small sheep who know nothing and who have to rely on broker... Beurk!

Apr 22, 2011
The winklevoss trins recently announced that they were the first bitcoin billionaires. I think that they have cashed out from their original investment and want to maximize their returns by hyping up bitcoin before they totally sell out.


Apr 17, 2017
The winklevoss trins recently announced that they were the first bitcoin billionaires. I think that they have cashed out from their original investment and want to maximize their returns by hyping up bitcoin before they totally sell out.

I doubt they'd need to hype up the bitcoin any further. They already made profits on the growth curve. Bitcoin will never grow as much as those early years so they'd have to sell it now. Besides I doubt these 2 guys needed 11 Mil in 2013 or 1 Bil in 2017.

Biggest "Pump & Dump" scam in history...when it comes crashing'll make the mortgage collapse in the States look like a day at the park.|main


This guy made a lot of money by making the right call at the right time ONCE. I love how media just plain believes him because he has 2 extra commas in his bank account. This guy isn't even reliable anymore but the public is too lazy to do their own research and come up with their own opinion so they'll follow his advice (hint: it's about pumping Bitcoin Cash)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I have been reading a lot on bitcoin recently. Some question come up to me to which I can't find an answer.

How is it different from a huge ponzi scheme?

Since it was made from the ground up to be decentralized from the regular banking system, all of it's value is just based on it's hype? It's not based on an actual product right?

After much reading, I think I will stick to brick and mortar ;)



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Down to 6400 from 20000 back in december. All it took his a few hack like last week coincheck that was hacked 530 million. China trying to block it completely. And many banks are now blocking bying crytocurrency via credit card as they think its so bad it could collapse the regulated banking system. The poker currency does not have a good start of 2018...


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Wait until how the Tether/Bitfinex fiasco is playing out because if it is a sham as many think it is then you are flushing money down the toilet.

This is the 800 lb gorilla in the room.
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