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Buddy in the south shore had crazy experience with a possible SP


Jul 16, 2004
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Yesterday Friday the 22nd at about 7pm my friend who`s not into SP`s, strip clubs or escort agencies much at all b/c he`s a musician & always finds free sex had a crazy encounter near the hospital on Taschereau right next to the Dairy Queen.

He was Montreal signing a $2000 music deal to play at a big wedding.
He was driving home on Grande-Alle street crossing Churchill street.

All of a sudden he sees this what he said was an attractive woman in her early 30`s waving in the air.

He thought she was waving at someone in a car further down the street behind him.

But as he drew near her she was waving really quickly at him.

He stopped, she got into the car just like that as if she knew him & my friend was saying to him self WTF?

She just started talking to him about this & that & he started talking back.

Then she asked him if he had any white or knew anybody that did & he said no I don`t. Maybe she thought that b/c he was driving a friends 12yr old Jaguar I don`t know.

But she said if you give me $20 to get some white & I will give you a BJ.
My friends reaction was WTF?

So he went to an Instant teller & took out $20. & he drove her back to her house.

Then she took some white in & then took his pants off started jerking him to get him up & then began to give him a . He asked her to do some rimming & she didn`t want to at first but he asked again & she did it.

& then the turned into a tc but only on the side of her cheek.

Do any of you know what to make of this?

Do any of you think that she is an SP? Or just someone who needed a fix?

But either way I think he should`ve worn a condom but then again he sleeps with ordinary girls/women w/o one very often.

Thanks for your input.


Jul 16, 2004
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gut feeling= occasional sp

use of a condom for oral sex not mandatory but perhaps preferable...


I was thinking the same thing, occasional SP.

But personally I would wear a condom for oral sex especially when it involes ppl using drugs, you never know.


Hmmm... she didn't get a job at the usual incall place on Taschereau and went out shopping? he he he :D

That could be possible as well.

One thing for sure is I never saw or experienced this while living on the south shore which I plan on moving back to this year as I've been in DDO since August 2003 & want to go back.


Jul 16, 2004
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Taschereau blvd kind of reminds me of Greber blvd in Gatineau(PQ)... just a long stretch of motels, restaurants and supermarkets not to mention lotsa f*cking going on 24/7

I hear that. Same as Boulevard Sources & St.Jean here in DDO/Pointe-Claire.

But this happened actually on Grand-Alle street near Churchill which crosses both Tascherau & Grand-Alle.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
But either way I think he should've worn a condom but then again he sleeps with ordinary girls/women w/o one very often.

this is why it is riskier to sleep with "ordinary" people than prostitutes... they don't always use condoms, prostitutes do! :p (At least the good ones...)



Jul 16, 2004
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this is why it is riskier to sleep with "ordinary" people than prostitutes... they don't always use condoms, prostitutes do! (At least the good ones...)

This is very true.

So do you think that this woman was an SP or just an ordianry woman who needed a fix?

Plus she gave him bare anulingus, do you think this is risky business?

Just for the record I have never asked any of my girlfriends or the ppl I've been with to do this to me even though I love doing it to them provided they're clean & showered.

Do many ladies have a fix that I mentioned in this area?

I know there are a descent amount but is it everyone?

I'm not really into that stuff so I never need "fixes" so I don't know.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
question 1)
hard to say... depends on your definition of SP I guess. If she only does this on rare occcasions when she needs a fix and is broke, lets say she has a good job and this only has occured twice in the past year... is she an SP? How often would she have to have done it in the past before you consider her an SP?

question 2)
Anulingus and oral sex in general... everyone has their own level of risk tolerance... I recently read a statistic from Stanford University that An estimated 1 of every 4 college students has a sexually transmitted disease. The prevalence of STDs on college campuses should also serve as a reminder that many of the people that we meet have, had, or will have an STD at some point in their lives. Remember, except for HIV, all STDs can be cured or treated and managed.

What are the risks?

Herpes is probably the biggest STD risk during oral sex. Both strains of herpes can live in the mouth or the genitals, and particularly during outbreaks (cold sores, herpes lesions) can be passed from one place to the other. Many people have oral herpes, more than 50% of a random group of people will have antibodies to the virus (indicating some level of infection). Having oral herpes for most people is no big deal, a cold sore during times of stress or illness is usually little more than an annoyance. Genital herpes can be more complicated and uncomfortable, but there are treatments (see Herpes Fact Sheet for more info). Care should be taken so that oral herpes are not passed to anyone’s genitals. In general it is not a good idea to have unprotected oral sex while any lesions are present.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea can infect your throat, strep like symptoms, and are curable with antibiotics. These can also infect the eye, and though rare, eye infections can have serious consequences, so be careful with fluids.

HIV can be passed through unprotected oral sex, but it is more likely to be passed during unprotected penetrative sex. The infected semen/precum or vaginal fluid must enter the body through a cut or sore in the mouth or esophagus. The virus is unlikely to be passed from a person’s mouth to another person’s genitals.

HPV also known as warts, can be passed during oral sex, but it is rare. HPV has been found on vocal chords.

Syphilis can be passed similar to HIV. Syphilis is curable.

Hepatitis A is a risk particularly in oral-anal sex, and people engaging in this unprotected might want to look into getting a Hep A vaccine. Hep A is not a chronic condition like Hep B and C, but can make a person quite sick several weeks.

Reducing Risks:

To reduce the risk of infection during unprotected oral sex, limit exposure to sexual fluids and ensure that no cuts or lesions are present in mouth or on genitals.
Use barrier methods — though many people feel that barrier methods detract from oral sex, they are very effective at preventing STD transmission:

Oral-penile sex: Male condom, no spermicide (kills taste buds), flavored condoms are available.

Oral-vaginal sex: Dental dams (aka Lollys) — can buy them, or you can use non-microwaveable saran wrap, or cut up a latex glove.

Oral-anal sex: Dental dams, non-microwaveable saran wrap, cut up latex glove

Spit or swallow? Limiting exposure to semen reduces risk of infection, so ejaculation away from partner’s body is the safest. That said, the mouth is the place most likely to contract something like HIV, so the conventional wisdom is, “swallow or spit, just don’t let it sit.”

Not sure I completely understand questions 3 & 4 but suffice it to say, not all street walkers are addicted to drugs... (Just ask Oliver)

Hope this helps...



Jul 16, 2004
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naughty lady

Well I think you've covered everything here. That's very helpful info.

One thing I did know was that on university campsuses STD's were higher than average, but didn't know it was that high.

But in the United States universities it's probably higher especially in Florida, & California as I've been to Florida State University to visit my cousin when he was there.

As far as the woman my friend met, a regular SP? Who knows.

Like you said could've just been a woman looking for a white fix.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Sad but true.


Your friend may have encountered one of the many drug addicted people in our society. This woman may not be a SP, but she may have reached a point where she is willing to do SP activities to support her drug habit. I have had famous TV producers wives(french quebec productions), and grand a daughter of Quebec Superior Court judge engage in SP activites in order for them to get some BLOW.
These people reach a point where they have spent every cent they have and ruined every personal relationship they have in the pursuit of the all mighty BLOW!


Jul 16, 2004
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Your friend may have encountered one of the many drug addicted people in our society. This woman may not be a SP, but she may have reached a point where she is willing to do SP activities to support her drug habit. I have had famous TV producers wives(french quebec productions), and grand a daughter of Quebec Superior Court judge engage in SP activites in order for them to get some BLOW.
These people reach a point where they have spent every cent they have and ruined every personal relationship they have in the pursuit of the all mighty BLOW!

Those were my thoughts exactly.

Thanks for your opinions all.

I think it's sad to see all of the ppl who are addicted to drugs in this world.
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