ok. jvais sembler insensible mais mike, putain, tu vies dans quel coin pour dire que tu n'en reviens pas? les meurtres à l'hôtel, peu importe les âges, ça arrivent toujours partout dans le monde. juste parce que c'est arrivé ici-même à montréal dans un hôtel non miteux, tu vas rayer la place de ta liste?
I was thinking along the same lines...more ammunition for the Feds to push C-36 through...very bad news!
how the fuck do you think a caveman got banged ?? He fukin went hunting to get a bitch some food lol now we give them money hello !! Same thing...
I hope she was not an escort, because it would add public shame to the tragedy of her family.
Lets not lose sight of the fact that a young lady tragically lost her life, regardless of the circumstances...