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chez stella scare campaign effects on the industry


Registered User
May 26, 2013
My ATF decided to go completely non-GFE
then few weeks later, ONLY massages,
the reason chez stella scared the crap out of her,
about how you can get AIDS from BBBJ, and other stuff
told her stories, bring infected SW to scare the girls
They modify the truth to fit their scare campaign, they don't talk about risk factors:
drugs. accepting needle junkie Johns,
They same to target GFE/PSE specifically.
Have any one heard about them? did you hear about them from providers?
Any information what kind of tactics they are using?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Scare campaign???? Ridiculous. Stella is among the best sex workers organization in the world. They know more about sex health then most people do and they are funded by the Montreal health agency. They do NOT modify the truth. Also, if you think Stella does not talk about risks associated with needle exchange, you know nothing about them. They explain the risks as they are, no more no less. Your ATF may be more risk averse then others. It is her life, her business. I would be very surprised that Stella told her about a high risk of getting AIDS form BBBJ. Stella does not encourage BBBJ and never did because of the risks linked to other STDs, more specifically, in the last few years, the increase of some antibiotic resistant gonorrhea. Talking about a scare campaign is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Hey wcajust....maybe your ATF told you a story that would justify her decision not to have any more sex with you.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello wcajust,

When a lady tells you something that goes against all logic such as Stella putting out bad information against all they know and were created the be experts on it's probably about her trying to find a way to put you off. She may have thought saying she was going "non-GFE" would do it. Then she added "only massages" to be sure. When the business relationship with my long time favorite ended she put it softly but she was very direct. Some other ladies will use your ATFs way using an excuse. Sorry.

Good luck,



Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
Visit site
Scare campaign???? Ridiculous. Stella is among the best sex workers organization in the world. They know more about sex health then most people do and they are funded by the Montreal health agency. They do NOT modify the truth. Also, if you think Stella does not talk about risks associated with needle exchange, you know nothing about them. They explain the risks as they are, no more no less. Your ATF may be more risk averse then others. It is her life, her business. I would be very surprised that Stella told her about a high risk of getting AIDS form BBBJ. Stella does not encourage BBBJ and never did because of the risks linked to other STDs, more specifically, in the last few years, the increase of some antibiotic resistant gonorrhea. Talking about a scare campaign is ridiculous.

Hello wcajust,

When a lady tells you something that goes against all logic such as Stella putting out bad information against all they know and were created the be experts on it's probably about her trying to find a way to put you off. She may have thought saying she was going "non-GFE" would do it. Then she added "only massages" to be sure. When the business relationship with my long time favorite ended she put it softly but she was very direct. Some other ladies will use your ATFs way using an excuse. Sorry.

Good luck,


Nothing more to add ...except the thing that i hate the most!!! If and i mean if a girl doesnt want to see someone anymore ...JUST tell him geez!!!!... i hate two faces people!!!


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
If and i mean if a girl doesnt want to see someone anymore ...JUST tell him geez!!!!

Yup.. I'd much prefer to hear it directly from her than from cloudsurf :violin:

Worse case for me is not being clued in at all and having to figure it out on my own over time via questionable attitude that can easily be mistaken for moodiness for which I'm apparently too tolerant of. Sometimes a lady will ask me "why are you always in a good mood?" and my answer is always "I'm usually in a bad mood; I only call you when I'm in a good mood". She, on the other hand, doesn't exactly have that same option.

Last year I stopped seeing a regular I had known for years as I had become convinced just being around me was a bummer for her, for whatever reason. In hindsight it was the only thing that explained certain minor incidents between us but I never suspected it when I saw her and she never said anything. I wish she did, and I wish I wasn't so blinded by her crazy skills either as we never had any real chemistry in the first place. Obviously she was getting $omething out of it, as was I, but talking about stuff might have resolved whatever conflicts existed, as I always liked her despite our differences and lack of chemistry.


Registered User
May 26, 2013
cool, noted, but really there is WAY too many fishes in the sea for me to care,
I am very pissed off now that she decided to play this game, at one point i started thinking that she contracted something which got me worried about myself
so i got tested and so that was a bit of paranoia until i got my test back.
anyway moving on..


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Laila, I find it hard to make sense of that story. From what I understand of your story people at Stella told you that you had to hire the person and you must not tell clients that she had AIDS?

The whole situation is a conundrum because of a confusion between the criminal law, human rights and plain common sense.

Of course human rights are that it is the affected person's responsibility to let their partner know and you should not reveal that private information without their consent. At that point the only ethical thing to do in your situation is to say that you cannot do business with that sex worker. You booking sex workers with clients was against the law, anyway, so no one can really tell you how you're supposed to proceed with that. On the other hand, according to the law the encounters are not supposed to be sexual, so in theory the escort could say you discriminated against her for a medical condition unrelated to her legal job description...


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
To clarify my opinion, I think it would be illegal for you to tell people that a person has AIDS. But I don't think it would violate the charter not to hire that person for sex work. The problem with the charter is that there are many considerations that are often in opposition and a judge has to decide which is the most important. I think in that case health and safety would be more important than discrimination. She could put you in trouble by saying you run a sex business but then you could put her in trouble for not disclosing her condition to every partner.


Jul 10, 2004
Visit site
chez stella scared the crap out of her,
about how you can get AIDS from BBBJ, and other stuff
told her stories, bring infected SW to scare the girls

It has been suspected that AIDS can be transmitted through a BBBJ, although the risks are fairly low. That's because the ADIS virus is very fragile out of its environment, and is reputed to be able to survive only seconds in saliva. However, it is transmitted quite readily through blood exchange, and that's why its so risky in a BB anal environment, because the rectum and anus have frequent fissures and bleeds (especially when things go up the opposite way), such as hemorrhoids, even if these are not visually noticeable.

As concerns inside the mouth, the risk is supposed to increase after brushing one's teeth, because the tooth brush bristles create very small unnoticeable fissures and bleeds on the gums, where the virus can enter. In any case, there are lots of other STD's that can be transmitted much more easily through BBBJ's, like gonorrhea in the throat.

So Stella's advice is not so far-fetched. The risk is not so much for the client, but for the provider. It only takes one client to screw things up for the provider, and many times, the client isn't even aware that they have something, like chlamydia. But I don't understand why the provider can't continue with her trade using condoms..... unless it's a pretext to discourage you from seeing her anymore, for some reason.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Pour attraper le sida par fellation, il suffit qu'il y ait contact sanguin à savoir si la demoiselle à une coupure, gingivite ou je sais pas et que le client ait une irritation, la peau au sang etc... autrement, cela prend 1L de salive et/ou 1L de sperme avant que ce soit transmissible..


Qu'arrive t-il lorsque l'infecte, crache abondamment dans l' Urètre ?:confused:

Bonne chance a tous



Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Laila, je n'ai pas trop envie de continuer cette discussion ici. D'ailleurs, on vient de passer d'un mec qui accusait faussement Stella de faire des campagnes de peurs à toi qui les accuse de faire la promotion du travail du sexe par du monde atteint par le VIH. On est dans des extrêmes qui ne correspondent pas à la réalité et qui ne rendent service à personne.


Sep 24, 2009
hahahahahhah i just peed my pants hahahhaha scare campain from the one who told me it was irrepectuous to refuse to make work a girl with AIDS cause its against humain right... !

Communists. A lot of them are Communists, so you should not be surprised by such a lack of common sense.

A SP male or female infected with AIDS should not be working anymore than a surgeon with AIDS performing surgeries.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
Statistically, if a woman has aids and that the risk of non-transmission for a fellation is 99.5% for each individual relation and shes does 100 bj (0.995^150) = 47.14. That means that there is 47.14% chances of not having transmitted aids to any of the people the girl slept with after 150 fellatios.

If the condom is 90% effective, (0.9^15)*100=20.58, you can say that after 15 consecutive intercouses you have 20.58 % chances of not experiencing a condom failure. Imagine a popular girl, she must experience it around once a week. The condom failure might be subtle, she might not even notice it.
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